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Okay guys, I (finally) decided to commit my loadiine stuff. I didn't make too much progress with the gui over the last weeks, so I decided to commit what I have.
Biggest changes:
- HID support
- Filereplacement / update merger
- Gamesettings
Minor changes:
- Added new Gui Elements (GuiToggle,GuiSwitch,GuiCheckBox,GuiSelectBox)
- Improved the function patching. Now you can patch dynamic functions.
- Serveral minor changes I dont remember anymore. (e.g. Now you dont have to reboot after you set the padcon settings)
The HID support has the same features as the hid to vpad tool. Check it the thread (
http://gbatemp.net/threads/hid-to-vpad.424127/) for more informations and the compatibility.
You can add/remove the device at anytime and serveral devices at once (all will be mapped at the gamepad though).
I explained the filereplacement stuff earlier (
http://gbatemp.net/threads/loadiine-gx2.413823/page-51#post-6095454). It let just replace the files on the fly, without modifying the e
actual game folder. This way you can apply updates or do any kind of game mods. Here is again an example folder structure.
->Mario Kart 8 [AMKP01]
|filelist.txt (will be created)
|filelist.txt (will be created)
|filelist.txt (will be created)
Each folder in ther "updates" represents an update or game mod, and has his own code,content and meta folder. The filelist.txt will be used to see which files need be loaded from
the update folder. If it's missing, it will be created (usally a few seconds, but be longer). Don't forget to delete it after you changed the content folder..
When your grab an update through JNUSTool, it will create the filelist.txt and the right folder structure for you. Simply copy and paste it.
When you try to start a game, a new windows with appear. There you can make some settings before the acutal game with will boot.
Updatefolder: Here you can see list of all updates/gamemods you have in your "updates" folder (Looks like something like this:
http://puu.sh/oy21h/d4fefaf6b1.jpg). Simply choose the cone you want to apply.
Extra save: With this option you can create a new savefolder for this update/game mod. So if dont want to change the save between your updates, or have a fancy game mod that requires a new savegame, simply enable the option. Leaving it disable with simply use your normal save, should be good for most people.
Launch Method: Here you can set the launch method for the game. The default setting, will use the one set in the "global" settings.
Save Method: Here you can set the save method for the game. The default setting, will use the one set in the "global" settings.
When you press O.K. the settings will be saved and the game will boot with (or without) the update.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
I also rewrote the way functions are patched/restored. Now you can also patch dynamic functions.
Checkout the nightly on the github for testing.
добавлено спустя 46 секунд: https://github.com/dimok789/loadiine_gx2/releases/t...-nightly-466ae6b