
Неприятные воспоминания / Bad Memories (bmrec) (ENG+RUS) [L]

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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 1037


post 12-Окт-2019 14:39 5[+]


Неприятные воспоминания / Bad Memories [ver. 0.8.5 Rus / 0.9.1 Eng]

Год выпуска: 2023 / 2024
Версия: 0.8.5 Rus / 0.9.1 Eng
3DCG, Animated, Harem, Male/Female protagonist, Corruption, MILF, Teen, Small/Big tits, Lesbian, Sexual harassment (just to be safe), Male/ Female Domination, Spanking, True Love, NO_FOKIN_NTR!
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик: bmrec
Издательство: bmrec
Перевод: IIILuciIII
Тип издания: Лицензия
Движок: Ren'py
Язык интерфейса: Английский / Русский /
Язык текста: Английский / Русский /
Таблэтка: не требуется
Системные требования:
    ОС: Vista or later
    Процессор: Dual Core or better
    Оперативная память: 2 GB
    Видеокарта: GTX 750 or better
    DirectX: Версии 9.0
    Место на диске: ~3 GB
    Дополнительно: OpenGL 2, DirectX 9 or OpenGL ES 2 required


Твоё детство было непростым, когда твоя мама умерла, когда ты был ещё ребенком, в это время твой отец начал пить и смотреть на женщин... по-другому. Когда он нашёл новую девушку, всё постепенно начало выходить из-под контроля.

Но это было не единственное, что изменилось.
Как свидетель такого образа жизни, ты тоже совершал глупости, например, дрался с другими детьми, у тебя не раз были неприятности в школе и проблемы с законом, хотя ты никогда не переходил "черту".

После смерти твоего отца ты надеялся, что все изменится к лучшему, но вместо этого стало только хуже, поэтому ты покинул свой родной город и поклялся никогда не возвращаться.

Со временем тебе удалось наладить нормальную жизнь, и все воспоминания о прошлом, которые, казалось бы, начали тускнеть, стали в лучшем случае туманными.
Но останется ли так и дальше?

  • После скачивания необходимо распаковать игру (архив BM-v0.8.5-pc_Rus.zip) на жесткий диск компьютера
  • Открыть файл BM.exe
  • Играть (Язык игры меняется в настройках (Preferences)!

v0.9.1 - 2024-08-08
  • Fixed several typos
  • Fixed scenes triggering even when not on the corresponding route
  • Fixed wrong scenes triggering at certain points
  • added some additional renders and two animations to one specific scene
  • added missing renders for two scenes (in one scene it was actually just the wrong image link)

v0.9 - 2024-08-02
  • ~1600 Render
  • 24 Animations
  • Several bug fixes and adjustments
  • New settings
  • Fixed and expanded some older scenes
  • Removed the color picker, since it was more trouble than worth it (added other settings in it's place, nothin fancy though)
  • I got most older saves to work again, but there will still be some that won't work and that won't change with the next update either.

v0.9b - 2024-07-07
  • Currently there are a little over 1400 renders and 23 animations for this update, but of course I'm still working on it, so there will be more.
  • There are several fixes included in the update, some adjustments, new settings, and I've also decided to remove the color picker for the text completely. It's just such a mess and causes more trouble than it's worth tbh.
  • There are still renders missing, and not all of the scenes are final, but overall, everything is mostly there, and it will give you a good look of what the full update is going to be.
  • As usual with beta's, expect bugs and maybe some weird stuff happening.
  • I can't guarantee everything working without such beta's.
  • I also can't guarantee save compatibility anymore from this point onwards, at least up until version 1.0 (we're at 0.9, so...), since I have to make several code changes for the final release, and will remove temp fixes I did ages ago for save compatibility between updates, those will be redundant in the final release.
  • Anyway, I hope you'll have fun testing the beta, and please report any bugs you might find.

v0.8.5 - 2023-06-01
  • 171 Render
  • 10 Animations
  • fixed the Gallery
  • added new scenes from 0.8+ to the gallery
  • reworked the Settings (aka preferences) menu
  • added some QOL settings (see the settings menu)
  • general QOL improvements
  • fixed some code issues
  • added italian and french languages (0.8, not updated to 0.8.5, yet)

v0.8.1 - 2023-05-02
  • fixed save file issue
  • fixed some grammar
  • added mac standalone

  • 972 Render
  • 27 animations
  • this time it's a more story focused update, but there are still some (new) naughty bits
  • aside from the main story, there's also a pretty long (and hot) scene with Steph (the co-worker), and I can really only recommend to go for it, even if you didn't pursue her, yet.
  • Gallery update will come at a later point, I haven't added the new scenes, yet.

v0.8 (leaked) beta
  • new scenes
  • new render
  • major code changes/improvements
  • Improved and corrected some older scenes, including renders and dialogues
  • changed the map layout somewhat to make room for future scenes/places

  • bug fixes

  • 839 new render
  • 56 new animations (some combined to one)
  • re-made some older stuff
  • added new stuff to the gallery (yes, this time I actually remembered it)
  • minor fixes, mostly typos and bad grammar
  • added some new sfx

  • bug fixes

  • some new scenes
  • changed some old scenes
  • a few new render
  • some animations
  • did some code stuff
  • did some UI thingies

  • new scenes...
  • ~400-500 new render
  • 25 new animations (~1300 render)
  • lot's of fixes and code changes
  • changed a lot in the gallery, so old scenes/saves might not work correctly in the new version
  • re-rendered some older render
  • changed some older scenes, added a little extra scene in the beginning
  • new special render
  • again, too much stuff to remember all of it^^

  • fixed a bug that revealed content in the galery before reaching the content in the game

  • fixed gallery
  • added "special content"
  • bug fixes
  • reworked the main menu (it will also stay in place now when you use the font size and line spacing slider)
  • fixed some minor errors in the new scenes
  • re-rendered some older render
  • probably some other stuff I already forgot...

  • new scenes (duh)
  • ca. 400 new render
  • 30 (31) new animations
  • smaller bug fixes
  • changed/added a variable in the last scene of 0.4.1 (Jada scene) that should change the way she she addresses MC from that point on
  • fixed a bug that prevented the textbox to stay hidden after loading (thx the66)
  • changed the design of the start menu
  • added an automatic quick save function right before the end of the current content (so you don't have to do it manually)
  • Gallery is hidden for now until I find a way to fix it

  • the "change camera" function had a bug that made it necessary to click twice to change the view after the first click; fixed
  • bigger "thinking" font size
  • added the option to increase the font size in preferences
  • changed how the mc name variable is saved (again), that hopefully prevents the random loop error some people had
  • made a small code change in the gallery, I didn't add new content, but this change should allow to see both, male and female scenes when seen in game
  • added missing render and animation
  • added a few new render at the end

  • bug fixes
  • re-rendered some older scenes
  • changed the base sound preferences for sfx
  • added a few sfx here and there
  • changed dialogue font
  • changed the UI a bit... again...
  • slighty changed dialogue names, so they are better readable without a textbox
  • new scenes
  • ca 300 new single render, 12 new animations (ca 2300 render combined)
  • probably forgot some other changes I did...
  • probably also forgot to change some things in the game that I wanted to change^^

  • Simple Bugfix

  • Added gallery (still in beta)
  • Added possiblity to hide the textbox (shows text only) at the start of the game and in preferences
  • Added native support for other (custom) languages (ask if you need more info)
  • New scenes (two days)
  • Fixed even more engrish and typos
  • Minor UI changes (again...)
  • Fixed room/map names (they won't stay on screen when you switch from one map/room to another anymore)
  • Rerendered some older render
  • I did some other stuff as well, but I lost my changelog file (the same file that included the planed scenes) and simply don't remember it all Грущу

  • Fixed a lot of grammar in almost every file of the game (thx SoiCowboy and I'm Not Thea Lundgren!)
  • Added missing variables
  • Added future variables
  • Fixed some minor coding errors
  • Added splash screen
  • Added main menu theme
  • Changed some dialogue in the scene with Jada in the car (it's still there, just flipped some sentences)
  • Smaller code changes (quality of life)

  • Added the last missing femC image
  • New male and female saves are named accordingly from now on
  • Fixed some typos, grammar and engrish
  • Room/Map names are shown now when hovering over them
  • Swapped some imagemaps to imagebuttons
  • Added new scenes
  • Changed the layout a bit
Note on V0.2:
  • This is actually more like a 0.2.5 because the last update should have been 0.2, so there are scene from 0.2 in it that didn't make it into the last update and about 1/2 to 3/4 of 0.3.
  • The new save system (male and female) sadly only works on new saves (new game) and not on quick saves. I haven't find a way to fix this yet.
  • I'm still not happy with the layout/UI but I didn't want to hold the update back just because of it.
  • I've switched from Daz 4.10 to 4.11 in between this and the last update, so some of the render might look a bit different than before.
  • I had to drop 1 animation (actually 2, male and female) and use images instead, because there was a glitch in it I wasn't able to fix until now :/

  • fixed wrong image compression for Android for some of the newer scenes (damn you photoshop for doing it again!)
  • reworked the UI a little bit (it's a nightmare and it doesn't even look much better cry )
  • fixed femC using male dialogue in some places
  • added missing femC images
  • fixed some minor typos and wording here and there
  • added ...someting else too :p

  • Image compression (6 Images had wrong compression which caused an error in the android version)
  • notify screen timing
  • fixed one animation not playing well on android
  • fixed typos
  • fixed name font scaling (was too big for some names)
  • female mc added
  • new scenes added
  • several code changes (should not affect the "gameplay", but maybe some saves in future updates)

  • Beta release

  • 12.10.2019 - первый релиз русской версии игры 0.3.1
  • 30.04.2020 - игра обновлена до версии 0.4.1
  • 12.06.2020 - игра обновлена до версии 0.5.1
  • 10.04.2021 - игра обновлена до версии 0.6
  • 05.01.2022 - игра обновлена до версии 0.7.1
  • 24.07.2022 - игра обновлена до версии 0.7.6
  • 02.05.2023 - игра обновлена до версии 0.8.1
  • 07.06.2023 - игра обновлена до версии 0.8.5
  • 03.08.2024 - в раздачу добавлена английская версия игры 0.9
  • 01.09.2024 - английская версия игры обновлена до версии 0.9.1


Эро и хентайные игры отключаются в настройках профиля:

01.09.2024 - английская версия игры обновлена до версии 0.9.1!

info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 153

Европейский Союз

post 01-Янв-2021 13:56 (спустя 1 год 2 месяца) [-]0[+]


Когда продолжение?
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 3 года 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 62


post 12-Мар-2023 10:09 (спустя 2 года 2 месяца) [-]0[+]


Милая игруля. Воспоминание, объясняющее почему Кэтрин так ведет себя при взаимодействие с ГГ, и вовсе растрогало.
Да вот только что-то обновляется она не шибко.
Перепрошел еще разок, не дожидаясь обновлений - дабы эмоции погонять. Но хотелось бы...
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 69


post 02-Май-2023 20:11 (спустя 1 месяц 21 день) [-]0[+]


Если у кого-то есть ошибки при диалоге с Джадой, на острове есть фикс исправляющий это!
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 12 лет

Сообщений: 106


post 02-Сен-2024 20:56 (спустя 1 год 4 месяца) [-]0[+]



Уже за это ОГРОМНОЕ спасибо, Слоник!

Все мои посты проплачены ФСБ и находятся под личным контролем В.В. Путина
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 
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