
JetBrains GoLand 2019.2.5 [2019, En]

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post 19-Ноя-2019 16:39 1[+]


JetBrains GoLand 2019.2.5
Год выпуска: 2019
Версия: 2019.2.5
Адрес оф. сайта: ссылка
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лечение: Присутствует
Системные требования:
Операционная система: Windows 7 SP1 и выше (x64 только)
Оперативная память: 2 GB RAM (4 GB рекомендуется)
Дисковое пространство: 3.5 GB для установки и кэша (5 GB рекомендуется)

GoLand - это IDE от JetBrains, нацеленная на создание эргономичной среды для разработки Go.
IDE расширяет платформу IntelliJ с помощью кодирования и интеграции инструментов, специфичных для языка Go.
IDE анализирует ваш код, ищет соединения между символами, обеспечивает завершение кода, быструю навигацию, умный анализ ошибок, форматирование и рефакторинг.
Coding assistance

Smart completion
The IDE helps you write new code by auto-completing statements for you. Ctrl+Shift+Space gives you a list of the most relevant symbols applicable in the current context. When you choose a suggestion, it adds corresponding package import statements on the fly.
Inspections & quick-fixes
The IDE provides built-in inspections that check your code on the fly as you type it. When they find problematic code, they provide you with quick-fixes which you can apply simply by pressing Alt+Enter.
The available refactorings include Rename and Extract, allowing you quickly and safely change your code.
Quick navigation
It only takes one click to switch to a super method, implementation, usages, declaration, and more. Jump to any class, file or symbol, or even any IDE action or tool window in one click.
Quick popups
When you need more information about a symbol at the caret, use quick popups: e.g. Quick Documentation, Quick Definition, Show usages, Structure, etc.
Some popups are available even when you use code completion: they provide additional information about selected suggestion.
Code generation
In some cases the IDE can generate trivial code for you. For example, if you click Ctrl+O, the IDE will help you implement any interface by generating its methods.
Detecting recursive calls
If you have a recursive call inside your function, the IDE will detect it and mark it on the gutter, making your code even easier to read and understand.
Expression type
The Expression Type action is available via Alt+ and is always at hand when you need to know the type of any expression at the caret.
Exit points highlighting
Every function may have more than one return and panic statements. To quickly find them all, press Ctrl+Shift+F7 when the caret is at a func, return, or panic keyword. This helps you understand more quickly how a function works.
Finding usages
The Find Usages feature may not only find all places in the code where a symbol is used, but also group these usages by type: e.g. reading, writing, etc.
The built-in formatter provides the functionality equal to go fmt.
Code editor

Semantic highlighting
This option extends the standard syntax highlighting with unique colors for each parameter and local variable.
Parameter hints
The editor shows parameter hints for literals and nils used as method arguments. These hints make code much more readable.
Built-in tools and integrations

The IDE comes with a full-featured debugger that supports common debugger features: Watches, Evaluate Expression, Show Inline Values, and others. The debugger works for applications as well as for tests.
If you run your code with a coverage instruction, the IDE collects the data and displays it in both the aggregated view and per statement in the Editor.
Test runner
The IDE provides a dedicated interface for running and debugging tests, benchmarks and checks.
Go tools
The Code > Go Tools menu allows you to run Go tools on your project without switching to the command line.
The Editor provides syntax highlighting for Go assembly files.
Version control
The built-in Git integration lets you browse the history of changes, manage branches, merge conflicts and much more. For other version control system, similar functionality is available via corresponding plugins: Mercurial, SVN, and others.
The IDE comes with a built-in terminal. Depending on your platform, you can work with command line prompt, Far, powershell, or bash. Invoke the terminal with Alt+F12 and execute any command–without leaving the IDE.
The IDE offers a plugin that lets you connect to locally running Docker machines to manage images, containers and Docker Compose services.
Front-end and back-end development

JavaScript, HTML and CSS
The IDE inherits from WebStorm its first-class support for front-end languages and frameworks. The IDE offers top-notch coding assistance for JavaScript, TypeScript, Dart, React and many others. The support for Angular and Node.js is available via plugins.
Database tools
Take advantage of intelligent coding assistance when editing SQL; connect to live databases; run queries; browse and export data; and even manage your schemes in a visual interface–right from the IDE.
Plugin ecosystem
More than 10 years of IntelliJ platform development gives GoLand 50+ IDE plugins of different nature, including support for additional VCS, integrations with different tools and frameworks, and editor enhancements such as Vim emulation.
Function calls support

Examine in detail what is going on inside your expression at any specific point in your program’s execution.
Note, that this feature relies on the experimental function call support feature from Delve and the Go Runtime.
Improved Default & Darcula color schemes

GoLand 2019.2 adds variety to the semantic code highlighting in the Default and Darcula color schemes.
This will help you better understand your code and follow its logic faster. Easily distinguish package names from variables, built-in code constructions from your own ones, and type conversions from function calls. Methods’ receivers and functions/function calls now have their own colors, too.
As usual, change everything to your taste in Settings/Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme.
Debugger updates

More info about variables with String() method
The debugger now shows the results of simple String(), Error(), and DebugString() method implementations in the Variables pane. It supports methods with a single return statement without calls.
Better presentation of special types
GoLand 2019.2 displays the value of struct derived from time.Time, time.Duration and net.IP types in a human-readable format in the debugger’s Variables pane.
Default format for integers
Choose how to display integer variables in the debugger by default: in binary, decimal, or hex format. Set the format in Settings/Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Data Views | Go.
Support for Go 1.13 features

GoLand 2019.2 supports number literals and signed integers as shift counts. These changes are related to the steps we’re making towards Go 2.
GoLand’s code highlighting will alert you to any mistakes, and it will correctly show you the output in the Console.
Custom Postfix Completion templates

GoLand 2019.2 lets you create your own custom Postfix Completion templates.
Navigate to Settings/Preferences | Editor | General | Postfix Completion, click +, select Go, define your template, and choose the scopes where the template will be applicable.
In addition, you can find new predefined Postfix Completion template — .aappend. It prepends an expression with a built-in append function call and assigns its result to this expression.
Quick-fixes based on Change Signature

We have added many quick-fixes based on the Change Signature refactoring. For example, with the simple press of Alt+Enter, you can automatically infer and add a parameter to the function call, or add missing return parameters in a signature.
Extract Method refactoring with returns

The Extract Method refactoring now handles code with return statements. If the code always exits via returns, it will be extracted as is. However, if it contains execution paths without returns, the extracted method will have an additional boolean flag as a return value. The flag will be used to perform an early return on the call side.
Code Completion improvements

Code completion now provides suggestions for receiver members even if there’s no receiver. Receiver names like this or self are discouraged. As a result methods have different receiver names. This code completion feature allows you to ignore the difference.
Cleverer Go Modules and dep integration

GoLand 2019.2 enables Go Modules/dep integration automatically when it detects that a project uses Go Modules or dep. Previously, it disabled GOPATH indexing and showed only a notification about enabling Go Modules/dep integration. We noticed that was not enough though, because it was easy to miss or ignore the notification and thus get a project in a semi-configured state.
If this doesn’t work for you, you can disable the integration manually in Settings/Preferences | Go | Go Modules (vgo) at any time.
Code inspections

Redundant type conversions
A code inspection called Redundant type conversions helps you keep your project more readable and neat. It warns you about redundant type conversions that can be omitted.
Validation of slice indices in literals
We’ve added validation of slice indices in composite literals! This means that the editor will warn you that your index must be a non-negative integer constant before you compile your project.
Code Editing

Support for escape sequences
Support for escape sequences in string literals is fully equipped with:
- Code highlighting.
- An inspection that will warn you about potential problems.
- Smart editing that understands the location of escape sequences.
- More precise spell-checking.
Also, formatting placeholders are now highlighted in a different color so you can more easily spot them in long strings. You can customize the color via Settings/Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme | Language Defaults | String | Escape Sequence | Valid. Or, for Go only, go to Settings/Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme | Go | String | Valid escape.
Fill Fields action
It is now easier to fill the fields of structs. First, you can choose which fields you want to fill in a dedicated window. Second, generated values can now be edited. Finally, this action is now available via Code Completion.
Improved Extend Selection
Extend Selection now extends the code in a semantically correct way, from a line to a block of code separated by empty lines (instead of selecting the whole method body).
UI enhancements

Fresh look for New | File dialog
The New | File dialog has been turned into a popup with a list of all the possible options for a particular file type to create. Previously, you had to expand the list to choose an alternative, but now all the available options are immediately visible.
Improved Plugins page
Now GoLand shows the plugin details right away, without any need to open the plugin’s detail pages one by one. We’ve added more options under the gear icon, so you can disable or enable all the downloaded plugins all at once. The Update button is now placed near the plugin name in the Installed tab. The Updates tab is gone as it isn’t necessary anymore.
Tidy Find tool window
In the Find tool window, we have grouped together some rarely used icons and removed others altogether.
Handy general changes

More Scope chooser options
New scopes such as Recently Changed and Recently Viewed Files, Files in Previous Search Result, and Selection are all now added to the Scope chooser. You will also be able to select the Data Sources scopes. In addition to this, we’ve added an ability to select a scope for Rename refactoring. Double press Shift+F6 to invoke the Rename refactoring window, and choose the scopes where the renaming will be performed.
New option to control caret movement
The default behavior of the Move Caret to Next Word action in GoLand 2019.2 has changed: the IDE now moves the caret to the end of the current word. However, you can adjust it as you see fit. Go to Settings/Preferences/Settings | Editor | General and select where the IDE should place the caret: at the end of the word, at the beginning of the next word, or even between both boundaries.
More info in the Project View
Toggle In-place Descriptions under the View menu to get a preview of the file size, and date and time modifications in the Project View.
Version control improvements

Commit from the Local Changes
GoLand 2019.2 provides a way to commit directly from the Local Changes.
Now while working on a commit, you can browse through the source code, view the history for a specific file, view the diff for the file in the same area as the commit, or use the other features of the IDE.
To enable this functionality and commit from the Local Changes without a dialog, go to Settings/Preferences | Version Control | Commit Dialog and select the checkbox Commit from the Local Changes without showing a dialog.
Improvements for .gitignore files
GoLand correctly highlights all the ignored files and offers code completion suggestions for file and folder name. You can now quickly add a file to .gitignore using the context menu from the Local Changes tab of the VCS tool window: right-click it in the Unversioned files group and select Add to .gitignore.
Abort Merge option
We've added an Abort Merge option that will be available in the Branches popup when there is an ongoing merge. This is the future many of us have dreamed of, where you don’t need to switch to the terminal anymore to abort things.
Customizable VCS Log columns
Click on the eye icon to choose the columns to display in the Log tab, select the Show Columns item from the context menu and choose the columns you want to see: Author, Date, or Hash.

Shell Script support
GoLand 2019.2 provides support for shell scripts, including word and path completion, Quick documentation preview, and even text-based rename.
On top of that, we’ve added integrations with Shellcheck, and shfmt.
Kustomize support for Kubernetes
With the Kubernetes plugin, GoLand 2019.2 provides editing support, code completion for keys and paths, many inspections, and the Rename refactoring. It will also let you navigate from a declared path to the associated packages or files in the project view for Kustomize resource files.
Browser for Docker container file system
Now you can view the file system of the running Docker container. The file system is displayed in the File tab of the Docker node in the Services tool window.
Web development

Smart intentions for JavaScript and TypeScript
With the new Propagate to destructuring declaration intention, you can replace an extra variable if it’s possible with another destructuring. To remove a destructuring completely, use the intention action called Replace destructuring with property or index access.
The IDE will now warn you if a boolean expression in a condition has some unnecessary parts and will suggest simplifying it.
Improved Rename refactoring for JavaScript
When you rename a symbol in a JavaScript or TypeScript file, the IDE now groups together dynamic usages and, by default, excludes them from the refactoring. This makes the refactoring more accurate and gives you more control over what exactly should be renamed in the Refactoring Preview tool window.
Improved support for Vue.js
Using Vuetify or BootstrapVue in your Vue.js application? Code completion for components and their props from these and some other Vue component libraries is now more precise. This was made possible by a new approach we’ve adopted to work with these libraries in the IDE.
1. Установите программу;
2. Разместите файл jetbrains-agent.jar в любой удобной для вас папке;
3. Активируйте триальный период:
- Запустите приложение
- В окне активации выберите пункт "Evaluate for free"
- Нажмите кнопку "Evaluate" для получения лицензии на 30 дней;
4. Подключите файл jetbrains-agent.jar в параметрах JVM:
* В окне приветствия -> "Configure" -> "Edit Custom VM Options..."
* В открытом проекте -> "Help" -> "Edit Custom VM Options...", согласитесь на создание файла
В конец открывшегося конфигурационного файла добавьте строчку -javaagent:Абсолютный\Путь\До\Файла\jetbrains-agent.jar;
5. Перезапустите IDE, чтобы пересчитались параметры JVM;
6. Активируйте постоянную лицензию:
* В окне приветствия -> "Configure" -> "Manage License..."
* В открытом проекте -> "Help" -> "Register..."
а) Способ с сервером лицензирования (при работающем интернете):
- Выберите способ "License server"
- Нажмите "Discover server" для автоподстановки адреса, либо введите в поле адреса http://jetbrains-license-server
б) Офлайн способ с кодом активации (если доступа в интернет нет):
- Выберите способ "Activation Code"
- Скопируйте код из файла ACTIVATION_CODE.txt и вставьте в соответствующее поле
Нажмите кнопку "Activate" для применения выбранного типа лицензирования.

PS в файле hosts не должно быть записей для доменов JetBrains, иначе может не сработать лечение
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 1


post 30-Июн-2020 02:21 (спустя 7 месяцев 10 дней) [-]0[+]


Спасибо. Лечение отсюда можно так же применять для версии на MacOs)
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 

post 15-Мар-2022 23:03 (спустя 1 год 8 месяцев) [-]0[+]

Топик был перенесен из форума Среды программирования, компиляторы и вспомогательные программы в форум Архив (Веб-разработка и программирование)

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