
[ColecoVision] Полная Коллекция. Игры (GoodCol (3.14) + NonGoodCol (2014-04-05) + No-Intro (2013-03-31) + TOSEC + NonSet Games) + Видео + Каталоги + Мануалы + Сканы + Скриншоты

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post 01-Дек-2015 18:12 1[+]


[ColecoVision][ColecoVision] Полная Коллекция. Игры (GoodCol (3.14) + NonGoodCol (2014-04-05) + No-Intro (2013-03-31) + TOSEC + NonSet Games) + Видео + Каталоги + Мануалы + Сканы + Скриншоты

Года выпуска игр: 1981-2013 гг.
Год выпуска ромсетов: 2006, 2010, 2011, 2013 гг.
Полное название приставки: Coleco ColecoVision
Разработчик\Издатель: Activision, Atari, Coleco, Fox Video Games, Imagic, Interphase, Mattel, Parker Brothers, Self Published (Homebrew), Telegames, Xonox
Язык игр: Английский

Описание: ColecoVision - игровая система, выпущенная Coleco Industries в 1982м году. Входит во второе поколение консолей и демонстрирует графику, похожую на игровые автоматы (тех времён естественно). Изначально продавалась с игрой Donkey Kong, специально портированной сюда с игровых автоматов, а всего на старте продаж было доступно 12 игр. За всю официальную жизнь приставки, на неё было выпущено примерно полторы сотни игр, причём большая часть была портами с игровых автоматов. Консоль имела совместимость с Atari 2600 после покупки и установки специального модуля Expansion Module #1. Большинство игр имели задержку перед запуском в 12 секунд, что объяснялось наличием специального цикла в БИОС'е. Из доп. аксессуаров, к приставке выходил дополнительный модуль, превращающий её в компьютер. Несмотря на недолгую жизнь приставки, сейчас существует достаточное количество фанатов, чтобы периодически выпускать качественные Homebrew игры. Вот только дампить их как обычно не спешат.

Содержимое раздачи:
- !Emulators - эмуляторы различной степени совместимости с играми. Мне больше всего понравился ColEm 2.6;
- Coleco ColecoVision - Applications (TOSEC-v2010-01-08), Coleco ColecoVision - Educational (TOSEC-v2010-01-08), Coleco ColecoVision - Firmware (TOSEC-v2013-12-16), Coleco ColecoVision - Games (TOSEC-v2010-01-12), Coleco ColecoVision - Public Domain (TOSEC-v2011-03-27) - последние версии TOSEC;
- GoodCol (3.14). ГудСэт. 175 архивов с различными версиями игр, плюс больше сотни Homebrew развлечений;
- No-Intro (2013-03-31). Только полные, качественные и работающие версии игр - 174 архива;
- NonGoodCol (2014-04-05). Всякое разное, не вошедшее в GoodCol (3.14);
- NonSet Games. Немного разного вне сэтов, найденного мною самолично.
- Box Reproduction - репродукции боксов для картриджей, сделанные одним человеком с Coleco Box Art;
- Boxes - сканы боксов игр;
- Cartridges - сканы самих картриджей;
- Catalogs - сканы каталогов;
- Coleco ColecoVision - Australian Manuals (DMC-v2014-05-10), Coleco ColecoVision - Canadian Manuals (DMC-v2014-05-10), Coleco ColecoVision - Dutch Manuals (DMC-v2014-05-10), Coleco ColecoVision - Europe Manuals (DMC-v2014-05-10), Coleco ColecoVision - French Manuals (DMC-v2014-05-10), Coleco ColecoVision - Hardware Manuals (DMC-v2014-05-10), Coleco ColecoVision - USA Manuals (DMC-v2014-05-10) - мануалы к играм и самой приставке. Моя попытка создать что-то вроде своей коллекции с *.dat файлами. Посмотрим, что из этого получится;
- Labels - восстановленые сканы наклеек на картриджи. В замечательном качестве;
- Overlays - сканы накладок на джойстик;
- Patches - сканы нашивок на одежду с символикой из игр);
- Screenshots - скриншоты к большинству игр;
- Video - видеофрагменты из большинства игр.

Доп. информация:
- как обычно, всё пережато в *.7z;
CBS ColecoVision Monitor Test (1982)(CBS)
Final Test Cartridge (1982)(Coleco)
Final Test Cartridge (1982)(Coleco)[a]
Super Controller Test Cartridge (1983)(Coleco)
Alphabet Zoo (1984)(Spinnaker Software)
Amazing Bumpman (1986)(Telegames)
Brain Strainers (1984)(Coleco)
Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show (1984)(Coleco)
Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show (1984)(Coleco)[uni]
Dance Fantasy (1984)(Fisher-Price)
Dance Fantasy (1984)(Fisher-Price)[uni]
Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up the Mix-Up Puzzler (1984)(Coleco)
Facemaker (1983)(Spinnaker Software)[aka Make-A-Face]
Facemaker (1983)(Spinnaker Software)[bad][aka Make-A-Face]
Facemaker (1983)(Spinnaker Software)[uni][aka Make-A-Face]
Fortune Builder (1984)(Coleco)
Fraction Fever (1983)(Spinnaker Software)
Fraction Fever (1983)(Spinnaker Software)[uni]
Learning with Leeper (1983)(Sierra On-Line)
Linking Logic (1984)(Fisher-Price)
Linking Logic (1984)(Fisher-Price)[uni]
Logic Levels (1984)(Fisher-Price)
Memory Manor (1984)(Fisher-Price)
Memory Manor (1984)(Fisher-Price)[bad]
Memory Manor (1984)(Fisher-Price)[uni]
Monkey Academy (1984)(Coleco)
Monkey Academy (1984)(Coleco)[uni]
Monkey Academy (1984)(Konami)(proto)
Smurf Paint 'n' Play Workshop (1983)(Coleco)
Smurf Paint 'n' Play Workshop (1983)(Coleco)[uni]
Smurf Play and Learn (1982)(Coleco)(proto)
Telly Turtle (1984)(Coleco)
Wizard of Id's Wizmath (1984)(Sierra On-Line)
CBS ColecoVision BIOS (1982)(CBS)
CBS ColecoVision BIOS (1982)(CBS)[h][alternative font]
CBS ColecoVision BIOS (1982)(CBS)[h][no delay]
2010 - The Graphic Action Game (1984)(Coleco)
2010 - The Graphic Action Game (1984-09-11)(Coleco)(proto)[v54]
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (1985)(Telegames)
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (1985)(Telegames)[uni]
Antarctic Adventure (1984)(Coleco)
Antarctic Adventure (1984)(Konami)(proto)
Aquattack (1984)(Interphase)
Aquattack (1984)(Interphase)[a]
Artillery Duel (1983)(Xonox)
BC's Quest for Tires (1983)(Sierra On-Line)
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (1984)(Coleco)
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (1984)(Coleco)[a]
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (1984)(Coleco)[o2]
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (1984)(Coleco)[o]
Beamrider (1983)(Activision)
Berenstain Bears, The (1984)(Coleco)(proto)
Blockade Runner (1984)(Interphase)
Boulder Dash (1984)(Telegames)
Boulder Dash (1984)(Telegames)[h 50 lives]
Boulder Dash (1984)(Telegames)[h 9 lives]
Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (1983)(Coleco)
Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (1983)(Coleco)[o]
Bump 'n' Jump (1984)(Coleco)
Bump 'n' Jump (1984)(Mattel)(proto)
Burgertime (1983)(Mattel)(proto)
Burgertime (1984)(Coleco)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (1984)(Coleco)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (1984)(OAA)(proto)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (1984-06-30)(OAA)(proto)
Campaign '84 (1983)(Sunrise Software)
Carnival (1982)(Coleco)
Centipede (1983)(Atari)
Choplifter (1984)(Coleco)
Choplifter (1984)(Coleco)[a]
Chuck Norris Super Kicks (1983)(Xonox)
Congo Bongo (1984)(Coleco)
Cosmic Avenger (1982)(Coleco)
Cosmic Avenger (1982)(Coleco)[a]
Cosmic Crisis (1983)(Telegames)
Cosmic Crisis (1983)(Telegames)[o]
Dam Busters, The (1984)(Coleco)
Decathlon (1983)(Activision)
Defender (1983)(Atari)
Destructor (1984)(Coleco)
Dig Dug (1984)(Atari)(proto)
Dig Dug (1984)(Atari)(proto)[o]
Donkey Kong (1982)(Coleco)
Donkey Kong Junior (1983)(Coleco)
Dragon's Lair (1984-04-16)(Coleco)(proto)
DragonFire (1984)(Imagic)
Dukes of Hazzard, The (1984)(Coleco)
Escape from the Mind Master (1983)(Epyx)(proto)
Evolution (1983)(Coleco)
Fall Guy (1983)(Fox Video Games)(proto)
Fall Guy (1983)(Fox Video Games)(proto)[o]
Fathom (1983)(Coleco)
Flipper Slipper (1983)(Spectravideo)
Frantic Freddy (1983)(Spectravideo)
Frenzy (1983)(Coleco)
Frenzy (1983)(Coleco)[a2]
Frenzy (1983)(Coleco)[a]
Frogger (1983)(Parker Brothers)
Frogger (1983)(Parker Brothers)[bad]
Frogger (1983)(Parker Brothers)[uni]
Frogger II - Threeedeep! (1984)(Parker Brothers)
Frontline (1983)(Coleco)
Frontline (1983)(Coleco)[a]
Frontline (1983)(Coleco)[o]
Galaxian (1983)(Atari)
Galaxian (1983)(Atari)[a]
Galaxian (1983)(Atari)[u2]
Galaxian (1983)(Atari)[uni]
Gateway to Apshai (1984)(Epyx)
Ghost Trap (2009-04-27)(Colecovision)[h][Mousetrap]
Ghost Trap (2009-04-29)(Colecovision)[h][Mousetrap]
Gorf (1983)(Coleco)
Gorf (1983)(Coleco)[bad]
Gust Buster (1983)(Sunrise Software)
Gyruss (1984)(Parker Brothers)
H.E.R.O. (1984)(Activision)
Heist, The (1983)(Micro Fun)
Heist, The (1983)(Micro Fun)[a]
Heist, The (1983)(Micro Fun)[h][50 lives]
Heist, The (1983)(Micro Fun)[h][8 lives]
Heist, The (1983)(Micro Fun)[o]
Illusions (1984)(Coleco)
Illusions (1984)(Coleco)[bad]
It's Only Rock 'n' Roll (1984)(Xonox)
James Bond 007 (1984)(Parker Brothers)
JBulman Junior (1997)(Bienvenu, Daniel)[h][Jumpman Junior]
Joust (1983)(Atari)(proto)
Juke Box (1984)(Spinnaker Software)
Juke Box (1984)(Spinnaker Software)[uni]
Jumpman Junior (1984)(Epyx)
Jumpman Junior (1984)(Epyx)[a]
Jungle Hunt (1983)(Atari)
Ken Uston Blackjack-Poker (1983)(Coleco)
Ken Uston Blackjack-Poker (1983)(Coleco)[bad]
Keystone Kapers (1984)(Activision)
Lady Bug (1982)(Coleco)
Looping (1983)(Coleco)
Looping (1983)(Coleco)[bad]
M.A.S.H. (1983)(Fox Video Games)(proto)
Maoo Patrol (1982)(Atari)(proto)[h][Moon Patrol]
Maoo Patrol (1982)(Atari)(proto)[h][o][Moon Patrol]
Matt Patrol (1984)(Selma)(proto)[h][Moon Patrol]
Meteoric Shower (1983)(Bit Corp.)
Miner 2049er (1983)(Micro Fun)
Miner 2049er (1983)(Micro Fun)[a]
Miner 2049er (1983)(Micro Fun)[m 50 lives]
Miner 2049er (1983)(Micro Fun)[m 8 lives]
Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(Parker Brothers)
Moonsweeper (1983)(Imagic)
Moonsweeper (1983)(Imagic)[a]
Motocross Racer (1984)(Xonox)
Motocross Racer (1984)(Xonox)[a]
Mountain King (1984)(Sunrise Software)
Mountain King (1984)(Sunrise Software)[a]
Mousetrap (1982)(Coleco)
Mousetrap (1982)(Coleco)[a]
Mousetrap (1982)(Coleco)[uni]
Mr. Do! (1983)(Coleco)
Mr. Do! (1983)(Coleco)[a]
Mr. Do's Castle (1983)(Parker Brothers)
Mr. Do's Castle (1983)(Parker Brothers)[uni]
Nova Blast (1983)(Coleco)[uni]
Oil's Well (1984)(Sierra On-Line)
Oil's Well (1984)(Sierra On-Line)[a]
Omega Race (1983)(Coleco)
One on One (1984)(Micro Lab)
Orbit (1983)(Parker Bros)(proto)
Pac-Man (1983)(Atari)(proto)
Pac-Man (1983)(Atarisoft)(proto)[o]
Pepper II (1983)(Coleco)
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (1984)(Activision)
Pitfall! (1983)(Activision)
Pitfall! (1983)(Activision)[bad]
Pitstop (1983)(Epyx)
Pitstop (1983)(Epyx)[a]
Pitstop (1983)(Epyx)[bad]
Popeye (1983)(Parker Brothers)
Popeye (1983)(Parker Brothers)[a]
Porky's (1983)(Fox Video Games)(proto)
Power Lords - Quest for Volcan (1983)(Probe 2000)(proto)
Q-Bert (1983)(Parker Brothers)
Q-Bert (1983)(Parker Brothers)[a]
Q-Bert (1983)(Parker Brothers)[h]
Q-Bert Qubes (1984)(Parker Brothers)
Q-Bert Qubes (1984)(Parker Brothers)[uni]
Quest for Quintana Roo (1983)(Sunrise Software)
Quest for Quintana Roo (1983)(Sunrise Software)[a]
River Raid (1984)(Activision)
Robin Hood (1984)(Xonox)
Robin Hood (1984)(Xonox)[a]
Roc 'n Rope (1984)(Coleco)
Rock 'n Bolt (1984)(Telegames)
Rock 'n Bolt (1984)(Telegames)[a]
Rocky Super Action Boxing (1983)(Coleco)
Rolloverture (1983)(Sunrise Software)
Sammy Lightfoot (1983)(Sierra On-Line)
Sammy Lightfoot (1983)(Sierra On-Line)[a]
Sector Alpha (1983)(Spectravideo)
Sector Alpha (1983)(Spectravideo)[a]
Sector Alpha (1983)(Spectravideo)[o2]
Sector Alpha (1983)(Spectravideo)[o]
Sewer Sam (1984)(Interphase)
Sir Lancelot (1983)(Xonox)
Skiing (1986)(Telegames)
Skiing (1986)(Telegames)[uni]
Slither (1983)(Coleco)
Slither (1983)(Coleco)[o]
Slurpy (1984)(Xonox)
Slurpy (1984)(Xonox)[o]
Smurf Rescue in Gargamel's Castle (1982)(Coleco)
Smurf Rescue in Gargamel's Castle (1982)(Coleco)[a]
Space Fury (1983)(Sega)
Space Fury (1983)(Sega)[a]
Space Panic (1983)(Coleco)
Spectron (1983)(Spectravideo)
Spy Hunter (1984)(Coleco)
Spy Hunter (1984)(Coleco)(proto)[v13]
Spy Hunter (1984)(Coleco)[bad]
Spy Hunter (1984-11-12)(Coleco)(proto)[v22]
Squish'em Featuring Sam! (1984)(Interphase)
Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator (1984)(Coleco)
Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator (1984)(Coleco)[o]
Star Wars - The Arcade Game (1984)(Parker Brothers)
Steamroller (1984)(Activision)(proto)
Strike It! (1983)(Telegames)
Strike It! (1983)(Telegames)[uni]
Subroc (1983)(Coleco)
Subroc (1983)(Coleco)[o]
Super Action Baseball (1983)(Coleco)
Super Action Baseball (1983)(Coleco)[u2]
Super Action Baseball (1983)(Coleco)[uni]
Super Action Football (1984)(Coleco)
Super Action Football (1984)(Coleco)[a]
Super Action Soccer (1984)(Coleco)
Super Cobra (1983)(Parker Brothers)
Super Cobra (1983)(Parker Brothers)[a]
Super Cross Force (1983)(Spectravideo)
Super Cross Force (1983)(Spectravideo)[a]
Super DK! (1982)(Nintendo)(proto)
Super DK! Junior (1983)(Nintendo)(proto)
Sword and the Sorcer (1983)(Coleco)(proto)
Tank Wars (1983)(Telegames)
Tank Wars (1983)(Telegames)[uni]
Tapper (1984)(Coleco)
Tapper (1984)(Coleco)[bad]
Tarzan (1984)(Coleco)
Threshold (1983)(Sierra On-Line)
Time Pilot (1983)(Coleco)
Tomarc the Barbarian (1984)(Xonox)
Tomarc the Barbarian (1984)(Xonox)[bad]
Tournament Tennis (1984)(Imagic)
Tournament Tennis (1984)(Imagic)[uni]
Tunnels & Trolls (demo) (1983)(Coleco)
Tunnels & Trolls (demo) (1983)(Coleco)[early tech demo]
Tunnels & Trolls (demo) (1983)(Coleco)[uni]
Turbo (1982)(Coleco)
Tutankham (1983)(Parker Brothers)
Tutankham (1983)(Parker Brothers)[a]
Tutankham (1983)(Parker Brothers)[uni]
Up 'n Down (1984)(Sega)
Vampire (1982)(Coleco)[h][Venture]
Venture (1982)(Coleco)
Venture (1982)(Coleco)[bad]
Victory (1983)(Coleco)
Video Hustler (1984)(Coleco)(proto)
Video Hustler (1984)(Coleco)(proto)[a]
Video Hustler (1984-07-27)(Konami)(proto)
War Games (1984)(Coleco)
War Games (1984-04-17)(Coleco)(proto)[v17]
War Room (1983)(Probe 2000)
War Room (1983)(Probe 2000)[uni]
Wing War (1983)(Imagic)
Word Feud (1984)(Xonox)
Yolks on You, The (1983)(Fox Video Games)(proto)
Zaxxon (1982)(Coleco)
Zaxxon (1982)(Coleco)[bad]
Zenji (1984)(Activision)
Adamcon 17 (demo) (2005-07)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Adventurium 3 Demo (2000)(-)(PD)
Air Battle v0.4 (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Amazing Snake (2000)(Tremblay, Serge-Eric)(PD)
Amazing Snake v0.4 (2000)(Tremblay, Serge-Eric)(PD)
Amazing Snake v0.5 (2000)(Tremblay, Serge-Eric)(PD)
Bankruptcy Builder (2008-05-15)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Bankruptcy Builder (2008-05-17)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Bankruptcy Builder (2008-05-18)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Bankruptcy Builder (2008-07-20)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Bejeweled (demo) (2001)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Bejeweled (demo) (2002-02-23)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Bejeweled (demo) (2002-03-15)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Beyond Terra (demo) (2007)(Huggins, Scott)(PD)[attract mode]
Black Onyx v001 (2007)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Black Onyx v002 (2007)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Black Onyx v003 (2007)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Black Onyx v004 (2007)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Black Onyx v005 (2007)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Black Onyx v006 (2007)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Breakout (1999)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(fr)(PD)
Breakout Paddle (demo) (2001)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Bunny (2007)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Bunny (2007)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)[6k]
BUSTin Out v0 (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
BUSTin Out v0.5 (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
BUSTin Out v1 (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
BUSTin Out v2 (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
BUSTin Out v3 (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Canadian Mini Games 1 (2003)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Chateau du Dragon, Le (2001)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(fr)(PD)
Christmas (demo) (2001-12-25)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Coleco Adam (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
ColecoVision Noise Generator (1996)(de Kogel, Marcel)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo alpha (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo v009 (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo v010 (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo v011 (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo v013 (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo v015 (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo v016 (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo v017 (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo v018 (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo v019 (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo v020 (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo v021 (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo v022 (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo v023 (2006)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Colored Gravity (demo) (2008)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Colored Gravity (demo) (2008)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)[a2]
Colored Gravity (demo) (2008)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)[a3]
Colored Gravity (demo) (2008)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)[a4]
Colored Gravity (demo) (2008)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)[a5]
Colored Gravity (demo) (2008)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)[a6]
Colored Gravity (demo) (2008)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)[a]
Conway's Game of Life (2000-07-28)(Wick, Dale)(PD)
Cosmo Challenge (1997)(de Kogel, Marcel)(PD)
Cosmo Challenge (1997)(de Kogel, Marcel)(PD)[trainer menu]
Cosmo Fighter 2 (1997)(Red Bullet)(PD)
Cosmo Fighter 3 (demo) (2001)(de Kogel, Marcel)(PD)
Cosmo Trainer (1997)(de Kogel, Marcel)(PD)
CVDrum (demo) (2003)(E-Mancanics)(PD)
Cye (demo) (2007)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Cye Beta (2007)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Cye Final Demo (2007)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Cye Final Demo (2007)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)[a]
Dacman (2000-07-12)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Dacman (2000-07-16)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Dacman (2000-07-17)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Dacman (2000-07-18)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Dacman (2000-07-19)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Dacman (2000-07-22)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Dacman (2000-07-27)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Dacman (2000-07-28)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Dacman (2000-08-08)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Dacman (2000-08-16)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Dacman V1.2b (2000-08-01)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Death Race (2004)(Dav)(PD)
Demon 2 (demo) (2001)(Proulx, Yannick)(PD)
Diamond Dash (2004)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)[4k]
Diamond Dash (2004)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)[8k]
Donkey Kong Arcade (2005-10-17)(Mello, Eduardo)(PD)
Donkey Kong Arcade (2005-10-20)(Mello, Eduardo)(PD)
Donkey Kong Arcade (2005-10-21)(Mello, Eduardo)(PD)
Donkey Kong Arcade (2005-10-22)(Mello, Eduardo)(PD)
Donkey Kong Arcade (2005-10-25)(Mello, Eduardo)(PD)
Double Breakout Beta 1 (2001-03-17)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Double Breakout Beta 2 (2001-03-23)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Explosion (200x)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Frantic (2008-04-04)(Huggins, Scott)(PD)
Frantic (2008-08-09)(Huggins, Scott)(PD)
Frog Feast (2006-10-21)(Mark2008)(PD)
Frog Feast (2007-12-05)(Mark2008)(PD)
Frog Feast (2007-12-13)(Mark2008)(PD)
Frog Feast (2007-12-16)(Mark2008)(PD)
Frog Feast (2007-12-22)(Mark2008)(PD)
Frog Feast (2007-12-30)(Mark2008)(PD)
Frog Magi (2007)(Wick, Dale)(PD)
Game Pack Demo 1 (2002-04-28)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Game Pack Demo 2 (2002-05-20)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Game Pack VIC-20 Demo (2003-06-18)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Get Booty (2005)(Wick, Dale)(PD)[4k]
Goldorak Pic (199x)(-)(PD)
Gulkave (2006)(Foster, Guy)(PD)
Happy Halloween (2001)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Happy Halloween (2001)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)[a]
Hustle v01 (2006-11-21)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Hustle v02 (2006-11-21)(Tomlin, Bruce)(PD)
Insane Pickin' Sticks VIII (2009-04-27)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Jack B. Quick (2008-01-12)(Mark2008)(PD)
Jeepers Creepers (2007)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
JetBoat! v30b (2007)(-)(PD)
Jetpack (2006-08-28)(deKleine, Harvey)(PD)
Jetpack (2006-08-31)(deKleine, Harvey)(PD)
Jump or Die (2006)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)[comp version]
Jump or Die (2006)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)[post comp version]
Kevtris (1996)(CVRS)(PD)
Kevtris (1996)(CVRS)(PD)(PD)[a]
Kick Gas! (demo) (2008-06-08)(Dvik - Joyrex)(PD)
Kick Gas! (demo) (2008-06-11)(Dvik - Joyrex)(PD)
Kill Barney in Tokyo (1997)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Killer Instinct (1997)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Kobashi (2008)(Dvik - Joyrex)(PD)
Matrix Demo (2004)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Maze Maniac (2005-11)(Boyer, Mathieu)(PD)
MazezaM v1.0 (199x)(Tzvetkov, Ventzislav)(PD)
MazezaM v1.1 (199x)(Tzvetkov, Ventzislav)(PD)
Mist Maid v1.0 (2007)(Wick, Dale)(PD)
Mist Maid v1.1 (2007)(Wick, Dale)(PD)
Mr Chin (demo) (2008)(CollectorVision)(PD)
Ms. Space Fury (2001)(Digital Press)(PD)
Ms. Space Fury (2001)(Digital Press)(PD)[a]
Music Vol 1 (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
New (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Nim (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Nim (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)[bad]
Old Skool Demo 01 (2005-05-30)(Foster, Guy)(PD)
Ostrich Farmer v0.1 (2007-11-01)(hardhat)(PD)
Ostrich Farmer v0.2 (2007-11-01)(hardhat)(PD)
Pac-Man Collection (demo) (2006)(Opcode)(PD)
Pac-Man Collection (demo) (2006)(Opcode)(PD)[a]
Pac-Man Collection Music Demo (2006)(Opcode)(PD)
Pere Noel (2001)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Puckman Sounds v001 (2003)(-)(PD)
Puckman Sounds v002 (2003)(-)(PD)
Puckman Sounds v003 (2003)(-)(PD)
Purple Dinosaur Massacre (1996)(Dondzila, John)(PD)
Puzzle Panic (2001)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Reversi (2001)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Reversi (demo) (2001)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Schlange CV (2006)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Schlange CV (demo) (2006-05-08)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Schlange CV (demo) (2006-06-02)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Schlange CV v0.10 Demo (2005)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Scroll Demo (2004)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Scroll Demo 2 (2004)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels (2006-05-08)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels (2006-06-01)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels (demo) (2005-09-19)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels (demo) (2005-09-26)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels 2 (demo) (2007)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels 3 (demo) (2008)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Search for the stolen Crown Jewels II (demo) (2007)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Search for the stolen Crown Jewels II Beta (demo) (2007)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels II GameConsole (demo) (2007)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels v1.0 (demo) (2006)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)
Shunting Puzzle (2009-06-08)(Krause, Philipp Klaus)(PD)[pdrc v4.01 entry]
Simple Screen Show (2001)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Sky Jaguar (2004)(Konami - Opcode)(PD)
Smash (2004)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)[4k]
Smash (2004)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)[8k]
Smooth Criminal Demo (2009-03-09)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Smooth Criminal Demo (2009-03-09)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)[a]
Sound FX Vol 1 (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Sound FX Vol 2 (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Space Caverns (2004)(Huggins, Scott)(PD)
Space Hunter (2005)(Foster, Guy)(PD)
Space Hunter (2005)(Foster, Guy)(PD)[a]
Space Invaders Collection Demo (2002)(Opcode)(PD)
Space Invaders Collection Pack Demo (2002)(Opcode)(PD)
Space Invasion (1998)(Dondzila, John)(PD)
Space Invasion (demo) (1998)(Dondzila, John)(PD)
Space Trainer (2005)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Space Trainer (2005)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)[a]
Spaz Attak (2009-02-22)(Uman, Howard)(PD)
Spaz Attak - No Suttering (2009-02-09)(Uman, Howard)(PD)
Spaz Attak - Teaser (2009-02-03)(Uman, Howard)(PD)
Spaz Attak - Teaser (2009-02-05)(Uman, Howard)(PD)
Spaz Attak - with Death Eggs (2009-02-10)(Uman, Howard)(PD)
Spaz Attak - With Levels (2009-02-08)(Uman, Howard)(PD)
Spaz Attak Teaser (2006)(Uman, Howard)(PD)
Spectank Demo (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Squares (2001-04-15)(deKleine, Harvey)(PD)
Squares! (demo) (2006)(deKleine, Harvey)(PD)
Squares! 4K (2006)(deKleine, Harvey)(PD)
Squares! 4K v01 (2006)(deKleine, Harvey)(PD)
Squares! 4K v02 (2006)(deKleine, Harvey)(PD)
St. Valentine's Day (2002)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
St. Valentine's Day No Alien Head (2002)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Star Demo (200x)(-)(PD)
Star Fortress (1997)(Dondzila, John)(PD)
Starry Nights (demo) (2005-05-05)(Foster, Guy)(PD)
Starry Nights 3 (demo) (2004)(Foster, Guy)(PD)
Stubby (demo) (2001)(Proulx, Yannick)(PD)
Stubby (demo) (2001)(Proulx, Yannick)(PD)[a]
Sudoku v01 (2008)(Miron, Luc)(PD)
Sudoku v02 (2008)(Miron, Luc)(PD)
Super Sketch (1984)(Roubik, Steve)(PD)
Super Space Acer (2009-12-27)(Ward, Mike)(PD)
Superpong Demo (2000)(-)(PD)
Tenchi Muyo Demo (2000)(Bienvenu, Daniel)(PD)
Tennis (2008-01-20)(-)(PD)
Tennis (2008-01-22)(-)(PD)
Terra Attack (2007)(Huggins, Scott)(PD)[final]
Terra Attack (2007-03-10)(Huggins, Scott)(PD)
Terra Attack (2007-03-17)(Huggins, Scott)(PD)
Tic Tac Toe (1996)(Nithman, Norman)(PD)
Tic Tac Toe (1996)(Nithman, Norman)(PD)[a]
Vision 8 v1.0 (1997)(deKogel, Marcel)(PD)
Waterville Rescue (2009)(Ward, Mike)(PD)
Wild Western (2005)(Mello, Eduardo)(PD)
Winky Trap (1997)(Dondzila, John)(PD)
Wrong Way! v0.25 (2007-09-25)(5-11under)(PD)
Zap v0.1 (200x)(-)(PD)
2010 - The Graphic Action Game (1984) (Coleco) [!]
6 Noises Demo (2006) (PD)
Adam's Musicbox Demo (1987) (Coleco)
Adamcon 17 Demo by Guy Foster and Daniel Bienvenu (2005) (PD)
Adventurium3 Demo (2000) (PD)
Air Battle V0.4 by Daniel Bienvenu (July 10) (2000) (PD)
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (1985) (Activision) [o1]
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (1985) (Activision)
Alphabet Zoo (1984) (Spinnaker)
Amazing Bumpman (1986) (Telegames)
Amazing Snake Beta 4 by Serge-Eric Tremblay (2001) (PD)
Amazing Snake Beta 5 by Serge-Eric Tremblay (2001) (PD)
Amazing Snake Beta X by Serge-Eric Tremblay (2001) (PD)
Antarctic Adventure (1984) (Konami) (Prototype)
Antarctic Adventure (1984) (Konami) [!]
Aquattack (1984) (Interphase) [a1]
Aquattack (1984) (Interphase)
Artillery Duel (1983) (Xonox) [!]
Artillery Duel (1983) (Xonox) [a1][!]
BC's Quest for Tires (1983) (Sierravision) [!]
BC's Quest for Tires (1983) (Sierravision) [a1][!]
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (1984) (Coleco Canada) [!]
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (1984) (Coleco Canada) [a1]
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (1984) (Coleco Canada) [o1][b1]
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (1984) (Coleco Canada) [o1]
Beamrider (1983) (Activision) [!]
Beamrider (1983) (Activision) [a1][!]
Bejeweled Demo by Daniel Bienvenu (2001) (PD)
Bejeweled Demo by Daniel Bienvenu (Feb 23) (2002) (PD)
Bejeweled Demo by Daniel Bienvenu (Mar 15) (2002) (PD)
Blockade Runner (1984) (Interphase)
Boulder Dash (1984) (Micro Fun) [t1] (50 Men)
Boulder Dash (1984) (Micro Fun) [t2] (9 Men)
Boulder Dash (1984) (Micro Fun)
Brain Strainers (1984) (Carousel) [!]
Breakout by Daniel Bienvenu (Feb 02) (1999) (PD)
Breakout Paddle Demo by Daniel Bienvenu (Feb 12) (2001) (PD)
Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (1983) (Sega) [o1]
Buck Rogers - Planet of Zoom (1983) (Sega)
Bump 'N' Jump (1982) (Data East)
Bump 'N' Jump (1982) (Mattel) (Prototype)
Burgertime (1982) (Data East) [!]
Burgertime (1982) (Mattel) (Prototype)
BUsTin-Out Demo 0.5 by Daniel Bienvenu (2000) (PD)
BUsTin-Out Volume 0 by Daniel Bienvenu (2000) (PD)
BUsTin-Out Volume 1 by Daniel Bienvenu (2000) (PD)
BUsTin-Out Volume 2 by Daniel Bienvenu (2000) (PD)
BUsTin-Out Volume 3 by Daniel Bienvenu (2000) (PD)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (1983) (Coleco) (Prototype)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (1983) (Coleco) [!]
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (1983) (Coleco) [a1][!]
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (1983) (Coleco) [a2]
Cabbage Patch Kids - Picture Show (1984) (Coleco) [!]
Cabbage Patch Kids - Picture Show (1984) (Coleco) [a1][o1]
Cabbage Patch Kids - Picture Show (1984) (Coleco) [a1]
Campaign '84 (1983) (Sunrise) [b1]
Campaign '84 (1983) (Sunrise) [!]
Carnival (1982) (Sega) [!]
Carnival (1982) (Sega) [a1][!]
Carnival (1982) (Sega) [a2]
Carnival (1982) (Sega) [b1]
Centipede (1983) (Atarisoft) [!]
Chateau du Dragon, Le by Daniel Bienvenu (2001) (PD)
Choplifter (1982) (Broderbund) [b1]
Choplifter (1982) (Broderbund) [!]
Christmas Demo by Daniel Bienvenu (Dec 25) (2001) (PD)
Chuck Norris - Super Kicks (1983) (Xonox) [!]
Chuck Norris - Super Kicks (1983) (Xonox) [a1][!]
ColecoVision BIOS (1982) (Different Font Hack)
ColecoVision BIOS (1982) (No Title Delay Hack)
ColecoVision BIOS (1982)
ColecoVision Monitor Test (1982)
ColecoVision Noise Generator by Marcel de Kogel (1996) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (alpha) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V009) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V010) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V011) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V013) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V015) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V016) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V017) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V018) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V019) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V020) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V021) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V022) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V023) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Congo Bongo (1984) (Sega) [!]
Congo Bongo (1984) (Sega) [a1][!]
Cosmic Avenger (1982) (Universal) [!]
Cosmic Avenger (1982) (Universal) [a1][!]
Cosmic Crisis (1983) (Bit Corp) [!]
Cosmic Crisis (1983) (Bit Corp) [a1][!]
Cosmic Crisis (1983) (Bit Corp) [o1]
Cosmo Challenge by Marcel de Kogel (1997) (PD)
Cosmo Challenge-Trainer Menu by Marcel de Kogel (1997) (PD)
Cosmo Fighter 2 by Marcel de Kogel (1996-97) (PD)
Cosmo Fighter 3 Demo by Marcel de Kogel (2001) (PD)
Cosmo Trainer by Marcel de Kogel (1997) (PD)
CVDrum Demo (2003) (E-Mancanics)
Dacman by Daniel Bienvenu (Aug 08) (2000) (PD)
Dacman by Daniel Bienvenu (Aug 16) (2000) (PD)
Dacman by Daniel Bienvenu (Jul 12) (2000) (PD)
Dacman by Daniel Bienvenu (Jul 16) (2000) (PD)
Dacman by Daniel Bienvenu (Jul 17) (2000) (PD)
Dacman by Daniel Bienvenu (Jul 18) (2000) (PD)
Dacman by Daniel Bienvenu (Jul 19) (2000) (PD)
Dacman by Daniel Bienvenu (Jul 22) (2000) (PD)
Dacman by Daniel Bienvenu (Jul 28) (2000) (PD)
Dacman by Daniel Bienvenu (Jul 29) (2000) (PD)
Dacman V1.2b by Daniel Bienvenu (Aug 01) (2000) (PD)
Dam Busters, The (1984) (Sydney Development) [!]
Dance Fantasy (1984) (Fisher-Price) [o1]
Dance Fantasy (1984) (Fisher-Price)
Death Race (PD)
Decathlon (1983) (Activision)
Defender (1983) (Atarisoft) [!]
Defender (1983) (Atarisoft) [a1][!]
Demon2 Demo by Yannick Proulx (2001) (PD)
Destructor (1984) (Coleco)
Diamond Dash 4kb by Daniel Bienvenu (2004) (PD)
Diamond Dash 8kb by Daniel Bienvenu (2004) (PD)
Dig Dug (1983) (Atarisoft) (Prototype) [o1]
Dig Dug (1983) (Atarisoft) (Prototype)
Donkey Kong (1982) (Nintendo)
Donkey Kong Arcade (Oct 19) (2005) (Eduardo Mello)
Donkey Kong Arcade (Oct 20) (2005) (Eduardo Mello)
Donkey Kong Arcade (Oct 21) (2005) (Eduardo Mello)
Donkey Kong Arcade (Oct 22) (2005) (Eduardo Mello)
Donkey Kong Arcade (Oct 25) (2005) (Eduardo Mello)
Donkey Kong for Adam (1982) (Nintendo) [!]
Donkey Kong Jr (1982) (Nintendo) [!]
Double Breakout Beta 1 by Daniel Bienvenu (Mar 17) (2001) (PD)
Double Breakout Beta 2 by Daniel Bienvenu (Mar 23) (2001) (PD)
Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up The Mix-Up Puzzler (1984) (Coleco) [!]
DragonFire (1984) (Imagic) [!]
Dukes of Hazzard, The (1984) (Warner Bros) [!]
ELDCDBPAPP (Q-bert Hack)
Escape From The Mind Master (1983) (Starpath) (Prototype)
Evolution (1983) (Sydney) [!]
Evolution (1983) (Sydney) [a1][!]
Explosion by Daniel Bienvenu (PD)
Facemaker (1983) (Spinnaker) [!]
Facemaker (1983) (Spinnaker) [b1]
Facemaker (1983) (Spinnaker) [o1]
Fall Guy (1983) (20th Century Fox) (Prototype) [o1]
Fall Guy (1983) (20th Century Fox) (Prototype)
Fathom (1983) (Imagic)
Final Test Cartridge (19xx) [a1]
Final Test Cartridge (19xx)
Flipper Slipper (1983) (Spectravideo) [!]
Flipper Slipper (1983) (Spectravideo) [a1][!]
Fortune Builder (1984) (Circuits and Systems) [!]
Fraction Fever (1983) (Spinnaker) [!]
Fraction Fever (1983) (Spinnaker) [o1]
Frantic Freddy (1983) (Spectravideo) [!]
Frenzy! (1982) (Stern) [o1]
Frenzy! (1982) (Stern) [o2]
Frenzy! (1982) (Stern) [!]
Gyruss (1984) (Parker Bros) [a1][!]
Frenzy! (1982) (Stern) [o3]
Frogger (1982) (Parker Bros) [o1]
Frogger (1982) (Parker Bros) [o2]
Frogger (1982) (Parker Bros) [!]
Frogger II - ThreeDeep! (1984) (Parker Bros) [!]
Frogger II - ThreeDeep! (1984) (Parker Bros) [a1][!]
Frontline (1983) (Taito) [!]
Frontline (1983) (Taito) [a1][!]
Frontline (1983) (Taito) [b1][o1]
Frontline (1983) (Taito) [b1]
Galaxian (1983) (Atarisoft) [!]
Galaxian (1983) (Atarisoft) [a1][!]
Galaxian (1983) (Atarisoft) [b1]
Galaxian (1983) (Atarisoft) [b2]
Galaxian (1983) (Atarisoft) [b3]
Galaxian (1983) (Atarisoft) [b4]
GamePack Demo 1 by Daniel Bienvenu (Apr 28) (2002) (PD)
GamePack Demo 2 by Daniel Bienvenu (May 20) (2002) (PD)
GamePack VIC-20 Demo by Daniel Bienvenu (Jun 18) (2003) (PD)
Gateway to Apshai (1984) (Epyx)
Get Booty 4k (2005) (Dale Wick)
Goldorak Pic (PD)
Gorf (1981) (Midway) [!]
Gorf (1981) (Midway) [b1]
Gulkave (2006) (Guy Foster)
Gust Buster (1983) (Sunrise) [!]
Gust Buster (1983) (Sunrise) [b1]
Gyruss (1984) (Parker Bros) [!]
H.E.R.O. (1984) (Activision) [!]
Happy Halloween by Daniel Bienvenu (2001) (PD)
Heist, The (1983) (Micro Fun) [!]
Heist, The (1983) (Micro Fun) [b1][t1] (50 Men)
Heist, The (1983) (Micro Fun) [b1][t2] (8 Men)
Heist, The (1983) (Micro Fun) [b1]
Heist, The (1983) (Micro Fun) [b2]
Heist, The (1983) (Micro Fun) [o1]
Illusions (1984) (Nice Ideas) [b1]
Illusions (1984) (Nice Ideas) [!]
Its Only Rock 'N' Roll (1984) (Xonox) [!]
Its Only Rock 'N' Roll (1984) (Xonox) [b1]
James Bond 007 (1984) (Parker Bros) [!]
James Bond 007 (1984) (Parker Bros) [o1]
JBulman Junior by Daniel Bienvenu (Jumpman Jr. Hack) (1997)
Jetpack 4K by Harvey deKleine (Aug 28) (2006) (PD)
Jetpack 4K by Harvey deKleine (Aug 31) (2006) (PD)
Joust (1983) (Atarisoft) (Prototype)
Juke Box (1984) (Spinnaker) [!]
Juke Box (1984) (Spinnaker) [o1]
Jump or Die (Compo Version) by Daniel Bienvenu (2006) (PD)
Jump or Die (Post Compo Version) by Daniel Bienvenu (2006) (PD)
Jumpman Junior (1984) (Epyx) [!]
Jumpman Junior (1984) (Epyx) [a1][!]
Jungle Hunt (1983) (Atarisoft) [b1]
Jungle Hunt (1983) (Atarisoft)
Ken Uston's Blackjack-Poker (1983) (Coleco) [!]
Ken Uston's Blackjack-Poker (1983) (Coleco) [b1]
Kevtris by Kevin Horton (1996) (PD)
Kevtris by Kevin Horton (Jun 12) (1996) (PD)
Keystone Kapers (1983) (Activision) [!]
Keystone Kapers (1983) (Activision) [a1][!]
Kill Barney in Tokyo by Daniel Bienvenu (1997) (PD)
Killer Instinct by Daniel Bienvenu (1997) (PD)
Lady Bug (1982) (Universal) [!]
Learning With Leeper (1983) (Sierravision) [!]
Linking Logic (1984) (Fisher-Price) [o1]
Linking Logic (1984) (Fisher-Price)
Logic Levels (1984) (Fisher-Price) [!]
Logic Levels (1984) (Fisher-Price) [o1]
Looping (1983) (Venture Line) [!]
Looping (1983) (Venture Line) [b1]
M.A.S.H. (1983) (20th Century Fox) (Prototype)
Matrix Demo by Daniel Bienvenu (2004) (PD)
Matt Patrol (1984) (Atarisoft) (Prototype)
Maze Maniac (2006) (Charles-Mathieu Boyer)
Memory Manor (1984) (Fisher-Price) [o1]
Memory Manor (1984) (Fisher-Price) [o2]
Memory Manor (1984) (Fisher-Price)
Meteoric Shower (1983) (Bit Corp)
Miner 2049er (1983) (Micro Fun) [!]
Miner 2049er (1983) (Micro Fun) [a1][t1] (50 Men)
Miner 2049er (1983) (Micro Fun) [a1][t2] (8 Men)
Miner 2049er (1983) (Micro Fun) [a1]
Monkey Academy (1984) (Konami) (Prototype)
Monkey Academy (1984) (Konami) [!]
Monkey Academy (1984) (Konami) [o1]
Montezuma's Revenge (1984) (Parker Bros) [!]
Montezuma's Revenge (1984) (Parker Bros) [o1]
Moonsweeper (1983) (Imagic) [!]
Moonsweeper (1983) (Imagic) [b1]
Motocross Racer (1984) (Xonox) [a1]
Motocross Racer (1984) (Xonox)
Mountain King (1983) (Sunrise) [!]
Mountain King (1983) (Sunrise) [b1]
Mousetrap (1982) (Exidy) [!]
Mousetrap (1982) (Exidy) [o1]
Mousetrap (1982) (Exidy) [o2]
Mr. Do! (1983) (Universal) [!]
Mr. Do! (1983) (Universal) [a1]
Mr. Do's Castle (1983) (Parker Bros) [!]
Mr. Do's Castle (1983) (Parker Bros) [o1]
Ms. Space Fury (Digital Press) (2001) [b1]
Ms. Space Fury (Digital Press) (2001)
Music Vol 1 by Daniel Bienvenu (2000) (PD)
New by Daniel Bienvenu (PD)
Nim by Daniel Bienvenu (Nov 03) (2000) (PD) [b1]
Nim by Daniel Bienvenu (Nov 03) (2000) (PD)
Nova Blast (1983) (Imagic) [!]
Nova Blast (1983) (Imagic) [a1][!]
Nova Blast (1983) (Imagic) [a1][o1]
Nova Blast (1983) (Imagic) [o1]
Number Bumper (1984) (Sunrise)
Oil's Well (1984) (Sierravision) [!]
Oil's Well (1984) (Sierravision) [b1]
Old Skool Demo 01 by Guy Foster (May 30) (2005) (PD)
Omega Race (1981) (Midway) [!]
Omega Race (1981) (Midway) [a1][!]
One on One Basketball (1984) (Micro Fun)
Orbit (1983) (Parker Bros) (Prototype)
Pac-Man (1983) (Atarisoft) (Prototype) [o1]
Pac-Man (1983) (Atarisoft) (Prototype)
Pac-Man Collection Demo 2 by Opcode (2006) (PD)
Pac-Man Collection Demo by Opcode (2006) (PD)
Pac-Man Collection Music Demo by Opcode (2006) (PD)
Pepper II (1983) (Exidy) [!]
Pere Noel by Daniel Bienvenu (2000) (PD)
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (1983) (Activision)
Pitfall! (1983) (Activision) [!]
Pitfall! (1983) (Activision) [a1][!]
Pitfall! (1983) (Activision) [b1]
Pitstop (1983) (Epyx) [!]
Pitstop (1983) (Epyx) [b1]
Pitstop (1983) (Epyx) [b2]
Popeye (1983) (Parker Bros) [!]
Popeye (1983) (Parker Bros) [a1][!]
Porky's (1983) (20th Century Fox) (Prototype)
Power Lords - Quest for Volcan (1983) (Strongin-Mayem) (Prototype)
Puckman Sounds V001 (2003) (PD)
Puckman Sounds V002 (2003) (PD)
Puckman Sounds V003 (2003) (PD)
Purple Dinosaur Massacre by John Dondzila (1996) (PD)
Q-bert (1983) (Parker Bros) [!]
Q-bert (1983) (Parker Bros) [a1][!]
Q-bert II (1984) (Parker Bros) [!]
Q-bert II (1984) (Parker Bros) [o1][b1]
Q-bert II (1984) (Parker Bros) [o1]
Quest for Quintana Roo (1983) (Sunrise) [!]
Quest for Quintana Roo (1983) (Sunrise) [b1]
Reversi by Daniel Bienvenu (Nov 22) (2003) (PD)
Reversi Demo by Daniel Bienvenu (2001) (PD)
River Raid (1982) (Activision) [!]
Robin Hood (1984) (Xonox) [!]
Robin Hood (1984) (Xonox) [a1][!]
Roc 'N Rope (1983) (Konami) [!]
Roc 'N Rope (1983) (Konami) [a1][!]
Rock 'N' Bolt (1984) (Telegames) [a1]
Rock 'N' Bolt (1984) (Telegames)
Rocky Super-Action Boxing (1983) (Coleco) [!]
Rocky Super-Action Boxing (1983) (Coleco) [a1][!]
Rolloverture (1983) (Sunrise)
Sammy Lightfoot (1983) (Sierravision) [a1]
Sammy Lightfoot (1983) (Sierravision)
Schlange CV Demo (Jun 02) (2006) (Philipp Klaus Krause)
Schlange CV Demo (May 08) (2006) (Philipp Klaus Krause)
Schlange CV V0.10 Demo (2005) (Philipp Klaus Krause)
Scroll Demo (200x) (PD)
Scroll Demo by Daniel Bienvenu (2004) (PD)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels (Jun 01) (2006) (Philipp Klaus Krause)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels Demo V1.0 (2006) (Philipp Klaus Krause)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels (May 08) (2006) (Philipp Klaus Krause)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels 2 Demo (2007) (Philipp Klaus Krause)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels Demo (Sep 19) (2005) (Philipp Klaus Krause)
Search for the Stolen Crown Jewels Demo (Sep 24) (2005) (Philipp Klaus Krause)
Sector Alpha (1983) (Spectravideo) [a1]
Sector Alpha (1983) (Spectravideo) [o1]
Sector Alpha (1983) (Spectravideo) [o2]
Sector Alpha (1983) (Spectravideo)
Sewer Sam (1984) (Interphase) [!]
Sewer Sam (1984) (Interphase) [a1][!]
Simple Screen Show by Daniel Bienvenu (2001) (PD)
Sir Lancelot (1983) (Xonox) [!]
Skiing (1986) (Telegames) [o1]
Skiing (1986) (Telegames)
Sky Jaguar (1984) (Konami-Opcode)
Slither (1983) (Century II) [o1]
Slither (1983) (Century II)
Slurpy (1984) (Xonox) [b1]
Slurpy (1984) (Xonox)
Smash 4kb by Daniel Bienvenu (2004) (PD)
Smash 8kb by Daniel Bienvenu (2004) (PD)
Smurf - Paint 'n Play Workshop (1983) (Peyo) [!]
Smurf - Paint 'n Play Workshop (1983) (Peyo) [o1]
Smurf - Rescue in Gargamel's Castle (1982) (Peyo) [!]
Smurf - Rescue in Gargamel's Castle (1982) (Peyo) [b1]
Sound FX Vol 1 by Daniel Bienvenu (2000) (PD)
Sound FX Vol 2 by Daniel Bienvenu (2000) (PD)
Space Caverns (2004) (Scott Huggins) (Prototype)
Space Fury (1983) (Sega) [!]
Space Fury (1983) (Sega) [b1]
Space Hunter (2005) (Guy Foster)
Space Hunter (Final) (2005) (Guy Foster)
Space Invaders Collection Demo (2002) (Taito-Opcode)
Space Invaders Collection Pack Demo (2002) (Taito-Opcode)
Space Invasion by John Dondzila (1998) (PD)
Space Invasion Demo by John Dondzila (Feb 06) (1998) (PD)
Space Panic (1983) (Universal) [!]
Space Trainer (2005) (Daniel Bienvenu) [a1]
Space Trainer (2005) (Daniel Bienvenu)
Spaz Attak Teaser (2006) (Howard Uman)
Spectank Demo by Daniel Bienvenu (2000) (PD)
Spectron (1983) (Spectravideo) [!]
Spectron (1983) (Spectravideo) [a1][!]
Spy Hunter (1983) (Midway) [!]
Spy Hunter (1983) (Midway) [b1]
Squares! 4K (Final) by Harvey deKleine (2006) (PD)
Squares! 4K (v01) by Harvey deKleine (2006) (PD)
Squares! 4K (v02) by Harvey deKleine (2006) (PD)
Squish 'Em Sam! (1983) (Interphase) [!]
Squish 'Em Sam! (1983) (Interphase) [a1][!]
St. Valentine's Day (2002) (PD)
St. Valentine's Day (No Alien Head) (2002) (PD)
Star Demo (200x) (PD)
Star Fortress by John Dondzila (1997) (PD)
Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator (1984) (Sega) [!]
Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator (1984) (Sega) [b1]
Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator (1984) (Sega) [o1]
Star Wars - The Arcade Game (1984) (Parker Bros) [!]
Starry Nights 3 Demo by Guy Foster (Nov xx) (2004) (PD)
Starry Nights Demo by Guy Foster (May 05) (2005) (PD)
Steamroller (1984) (Activision) (Prototype)
Strike It! (1983) (Telegames) [!]
Strike It! (1983) (Telegames) [b1]
Stubby Demo by Yannick Proulx (2001) (PD) [a1]
Stubby Demo by Yannick Proulx (2001) (PD)
Subroc (1983) (Sega) [!]
Subroc (1983) (Sega) [a1]
Subroc (1983) (Sega) [o1]
Super Action Baseball (1983) (Coleco) [!]
Super Action Baseball (1983) (Coleco) [o1]
Super Action Baseball (1983) (Coleco) [o2]
Super Action Baseball (1983) (Coleco) [o3]
Super Action Controller Test Cartridge (1983) (Nuvatec)
Super Action Football (1984) (Coleco) [!]
Super Action Football (1984) (Coleco) [a1]
Super Action Soccer (1984) (Coleco)
Super Cobra (1983) (Parker Bros) [a1]
Super Cobra (1983) (Parker Bros)
Super Cross Force (1983) (Spectravideo) [!]
Super Cross Force (1983) (Spectravideo) [o1]
Super Cross Force (1983) (Spectravideo) [o2]
Super DK! (1983) (Nintendo) (Prototype)
Super DK! Junior (1983) (Nintendo) (Prototype)
Super Sketch by Steve Roubik (1984) (PD)
Superpong Demo (2000) (PD)
Tank Wars (1983) (Bit Corp) [!]
Tank Wars (1983) (Bit Corp) [o1]
Tapper (1984) (Midway) [!]
Tapper (1984) (Midway) [b1]
Tarzan (1984) (Coleco) [!]
Tarzan (1984) (Coleco) [a1][!]
Telly Turtle (1984) (Carousel) [!]
Tenchi Muyo Demo by Daniel Bienvenu (2000) (PD)
Threshold (1983) (Sierravision)
Tic Tac Toe by Norman Nithman (1996) (PD) [a1]
Tic Tac Toe by Norman Nithman (1996) (PD)
Time Pilot (1983) (Konami) [!]
Tomarc the Barbarian (1984) (Xonox) [!]
Tomarc the Barbarian (1984) (Xonox) [b1]
Tournament Tennis (1984) (Imagic) [!]
Tournament Tennis (1984) (Imagic) [o1]
Tunnels & Trolls Demo (1983) (Adam) [b1]
Tunnels & Trolls Demo (1983) (Adam)
Turbo (1982) (Sega)
Tutankham (1983) (Parker Bros) [!]
Tutankham (1983) (Parker Bros) [o1]
Tutankham (1983) (Parker Bros) [o2]
Up 'N Down (1984) (Sega) [!]
Vampire (Venture Hack)
Venture (1982) (Exidy) [!]
Venture (1982) (Exidy) [b1]
Victory (1983) (Exidy) [!]
Victory (1983) (Exidy) [o1]
Video Hustler (1984) (Konami) (Prototype) [o1]
Video Hustler (1984) (Konami) (Prototype)
Vision 8 V1.0 by Marcel de Kogel (1997) (PD)
War Games (1983) (United Artists)
War Room (1983) (Probe 2000) [!]
War Room (1983) (Probe 2000) [o1]
War Room (1983) (Probe 2000) [o2]
Wing War (1983) (Imagic) [!]
Wing War (1983) (Imagic) [a1][!]
Winky Trap by John Dondzila (1997) (PD)
Witch (PD)
Wizard of Id's Wizmath (1984) (Sierravision)
Word Feud (1984) (Xonox) [!]
Word Feud (1984) (Xonox) [o1]
Yolk's on You, The (1983) (20th Century Fox) (Prototype)
Zaxxon (1982) (Sega) [!]
Zaxxon (1982) (Sega) [b1]
Zenji (1984) (Activision) [!]
[BIOS] ColecoVision (USA, Europe)
2010 - The Graphic Action Game (USA, Europe)
Adam's Musicbox Demo (USA) (Demo)
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (USA)
Alphabet Zoo (USA)
Amazing Bumpman (USA)
Antarctic Adventure (USA, Europe)
Aquattack (USA)
Artillery Duel (USA)
BC's Quest for Tires (USA, Europe)
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (USA, Europe)
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (USA, Europe) (Alt 1)
Beamrider (USA)
Blockade Runner (USA)
Boulder Dash (USA)
Brain Strainers (USA, Europe)
Buck Rogers - Planet Of Zoom (USA, Europe)
Bump 'N' Jump (USA, Europe)
Bump 'N' Jump (USA, Europe) (Beta)
BurgerTime (USA, Europe)
BurgerTime (USA, Europe) (Beta)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (USA, Europe)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (USA, Europe) (Beta)
Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show (USA, Europe)
Campaign '84 (USA)
Carnival (USA, Europe)
Centipede (USA)
Choplifter (USA, Europe)
Chuck Norris - Super Kicks (USA)
ColecoVision Monitor Test (USA, Europe)
Congo Bongo (USA, Europe)
Cosmic Avenger (USA, Europe)
Cosmic Crisis (USA)
Dam Busters, The (USA, Europe)
Dance Fantasy (USA)
Decathlon (USA)
Defender (USA)
Destructor (USA, Europe)
Dig Dug (USA) (Proto)
Donkey Kong (USA, Europe)
Donkey Kong (USA, Europe) (Adam)
Donkey Kong Jr (USA, Europe)
Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up The Mix-Up Puzzler (USA, Europe)
DragonFire (USA)
Dukes of Hazzard, The (USA, Europe)
Escape From The Mind Master (USA) (Proto)
Evolution (USA)
Facemaker (USA)
Fall Guy (Europe) (Proto)
Fathom (USA)
Final Test Cartridge (USA)
Flipper Slipper (USA)
Fortune Builder (USA, Europe)
Fraction Fever (USA)
Frantic Freddy (USA)
Frenzy! (USA, Europe)
Frogger (USA)
Frogger II - ThreeDeep! (USA)
From Out Of The Jungle - Tarzan (USA)
Frontline (USA, Europe)
Frontline (USA, Europe) (Alt 1)
Galaxian (USA)
Galaxian (USA) (Alt 1)
Gateway to Apshai (USA)
Gorf (USA, Europe)
Gust Buster (USA)
Gyruss (USA)
Heist, The (USA)
Illusions (USA, Europe)
Its Only Rock 'N' Roll (USA)
James Bond (USA)
Joust (USA) (Proto)
Juke Box (USA)
Jumpman Junior (USA)
Jungle Hunt (USA)
Ken Uston's Blackjack-Poker (USA, Europe)
Keystone Kapers (USA)
Lady Bug (USA, Europe)
Learning With Leeper (USA)
Linking Logic (USA)
Logic Levels (USA)
Looping (USA, Europe)
M.A.S.H (Europe)
Memory Manor (USA)
Meteoric Shower (USA)
Miner 2049er Starring Bounty Bob (USA)
Monkey Academy (USA, Europe)
Monkey Academy (USA, Europe) (Beta)
Montezuma's Revenge (USA)
Moon Patrol (USA) (Proto)
Moonsweeper (USA)
Motocross Racer (USA)
Motocross Racer (USA) (Alt 1)
Mountain King (USA)
Mountain King (USA) (Alt 1)
Mousetrap (USA, Europe)
Mr Do's Castle (USA)
Mr. Do! (USA, Europe)
Ms. Space Fury (USA) (Unl)
Nova Blast (USA)
Oil's Well (USA)
Omega Race (USA, Europe)
One on One (USA)
Pac-Man (USA) (Proto)
Pepper II (USA, Europe)
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (USA)
Pitfall! (USA)
Pitstop (USA)
Popeye (USA)
Porky's (USA) (Proto)
Power Lords - Quest for Volcan (USA) (Proto)
Q-bert (USA)
Q-bert (USA) (Alt 1)
Q-bert II (USA)
Quest for Quintana Roo (USA)
Quest for Quintana Roo (USA) (Alt 1)
River Raid (USA)
Robin Hood (USA)
Roc 'N Rope (USA, Europe)
Rock 'N' Bolt (USA)
Rock 'N' Bolt (USA) (Alt 1)
Rocky Super-Action Boxing (USA, Europe)
Rolloverture (USA)
Sammy Lightfoot (USA)
Sector Alpha (USA)
Sewer Sam (USA)
Sir Lancelot (USA)
Skiing (USA)
Slither (USA)
Slurpy (USA)
Smurf Paint 'n Play Workshop (USA, Europe)
Smurf Rescue (USA, Europe)
Space Fury (USA, Europe)
Space Panic (USA, Europe)
Spectron (USA)
Spy Hunter (USA, Europe)
Squish 'Em Sam! (USA)
Star Trek (USA, Europe)
Star Wars (USA)
Steamroller (USA) (Proto)
Strike It! (USA)
Subroc (USA, Europe)
Super Action Baseball (USA, Europe)
Super Action Football (USA, Europe)
Super Action Soccer (USA, Europe)
Super Cobra (USA)
Super Cobra (USA) (Alt 1)
Super Controller Tester (USA)
Super Cross Force (USA)
Super DK! (USA) (Proto) (Unl)
Super DK! Junior (USA) (Proto) (Unl)
Tank Wars (USA)
Tapper (USA, Europe)
Telly Turtle (USA, Europe)
Threshold (USA)
Time Pilot (USA, Europe)
Tomarc the Barbarian (USA)
Tournament Tennis (USA)
Tunnels & Trolls (USA, Europe) (Demo)
Turbo (USA, Europe)
Tutankham (USA)
Up 'N Down (USA)
Venture (USA, Europe)
Victory (USA, Europe)
Video Hustler (Europe) (Proto)
War Games (USA, Europe)
War Room (USA)
Wing War (USA)
Wizard of Id's Wizmath (USA)
Word Feud (USA)
Yolk's on You, The (Europe) (Proto)
Zaxxon (USA, Europe)
Zenji (USA)
10 Years v1 (199x)(Daniel Bienvenu)
10 Years v2 (199x)(Daniel Bienvenu)
2010 - The Graphic Action Game (1984)(Coleco)[Adem Dev]
421 (2002)(Mathieu Proulx)
AdamCon Fifteen demo
Alice in Chain's California_7.5kHz (dvik)
Ambigram 1 (2011)[6 frames animation demo]
Ambigram 2 (2011)[6 frames animation demo]
Ambigram 3 (2011)[6 frames animation demo]
AntiISDA_Warrior v1.0 (10.10.2004)
AntiISDA_Warrior v1.1 (02.03.2009)
Bank Panic
Bankruptcy Builder 0.1p 2008.09.02
Bankruptcy Builder 2008-05-15
Bankruptcy Builder 2008-05-17
Bankruptcy Builder 2008-05-18
Beamrider (1983) (Activision) (32k)
Bejeweled! (2002)(Daniel Bienvenu - Mathieu Proulx)
Berenstain Bears, The (1984)(Coleco)[Proto]
Beyond Terra demo attract mode
Big changes at Opcode Games (BB.rom) (2008.05.18 09.58)
Black Onyx, The WIP001 (1987)(SEGA)
Black Onyx, The WIP002 (1987)(SEGA)
Black Onyx, The WIP003 (1987)(SEGA)
Black Onyx, The WIP004 (1987)(SEGA)
Black Onyx, The WIP005 (1987)(SEGA)
Black Onyx, The WIP006 (1987)(SEGA)
BombJack Wip
Box Sprite Test (2011.03.23)
Boxgame 0.1 (2013)
Boxxle Jukebox (2010)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Bresshot (2011.12.31 15.44)
Bruce's Controller Test v1.0 (2009.10.06)
Bunny (2007)[Gamespack 2007)
Burgertime (1984)(Coleco)[Proto maybe]
Canadian Mini Games 1 (Dale Wick, Guy Foster, Daniel Bienvenu)
Carnival (1983) (CBS Electronics) (Cart # 4L2006 - Box # 7430-2A)
Castelo (1985) (Splice & IBM)
Chateau du Dragon, Le (200x)(Daniel Bienvenu)(French)
Circus Charlie
Coleco Matrix Movie Test 2 (2009)
Coleco Matrix Movie Test 3 (2009)
Coleco Matrix Movie Test 4 (2009)
Coleco Telstar Gemini demo
Colecovision Battleship demo (2003)(Mathieu Proulx)
ColecoVision BIOS (1982) h3 (fire button skip intro)
Colecovision Bios (2010) (Unknown) (Fire Button Skip Intro) (Pal)
ColecoVision Final Test (1982) (Coleco)
ColecoVision Final Test (198x) (Coleco)[BAD]
Colecovision Frog Feast (Frog) (2007.12.22 18.52)
Colecovision Frog Feast (Frog) (2007.12.30 01.08)
Colecovision Frog Feast (Result) (2007.12.13 22.47)
Colecovision Frog Feast (Result) (2007.12.15 23.13)
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq01 (2009)(Ccjvq)
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq02 (2009)(Ccjvq)
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq03 (2009)(Ccjvq)
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq03b (2009)(Ccjvq)
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq04 (2009)(Ccjvq)
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq04b (2009)(Ccjvq)
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq05 (2009)(Ccjvq)
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq05b (2009)(Ccjvq)
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq06 (2009)(Ccjvq)
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq07 (2009)(Ccjvq)
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq07_level5 (2009)(Ccjvq)
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq12 (2009)(Ccjvq)[final version]
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq14 (2010-03-11)(Ccjvq)[final version PAL]
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq15 (2010-03-12)(Ccjvq)[final version PAL alternate graphics]
ColecoVision GhostBlaster ccjvq16 (2010-03-26)(Ccjvq)[final version PAL alternate graphics DAN0 compression]
Colecovision Mock up pictures slideshow(2013.02.19 01.24)
ColecoVision Music Demonstration (198x) (Coleco)
ColecoVision Qix v x0 (2012.08.28 04.03)
ColecoVision Qix v x1 (2012.09.02 01.57)
ColecoVision Qix v x2 (2012.09.02 04.23)
ColecoVision Qix v x3 (2012.09.02 09.26)
ColecoVision Qix v x4 (2012.09.03 04.46)
ColecoVision Qix v x5 (2012.09.03 19.35)
ColecoVision Qix v x6 (2012.09.07 03.17)
ColecoVision Qix v x7 (2012.09.08 04.34)
ColecoVision Qix v x8 (2012.09.09 05.27)
ColecoVision Qix v x9 (2012.09.16 22.36)
ColecoVision Qix v xa (2012.09.22 02.50)
ColecoVision Qix v xb (2012.10.01 04.55)
ColecoVision Qix v xc (2012.10.21 02.41)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V001) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V002) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V003) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V004) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V005) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V006) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V007) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V008) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V012) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colecovision RPG Demo (V014) by Bruce Tomlin (2006) (PD)
Colored Gravity v1 (2008)(Philipp Klaus Krause)
Colored Gravity v1 (2008)(Phillip Klaus Krause)
Colored Gravity v2 (2008)(Philipp Klaus Krause)
Colored Gravity v2 (2008)(Phillip Klaus Krause)
Colored Gravity v3 (2008)(Philipp Klaus Krause)
Colored Gravity v4 (2008)(Philipp Klaus Krause)
Colored Gravity v5 (2008)(Philipp Klaus Krause)
Commando Music - Bass And Drum Loop (Cv Commando Pal) (2010.04.28 08.51)
Commando Theme Song Remix (2010)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Commando Theme Song Remix v2 (2010)(Daniel Bienvenu)(PAL)
Commando WIP
Controller demo for ColecoVision (19-02-2012)(Darrel Spice Jr)
Controller demo for ColecoVision (21-02-2012)(Darrel Spice Jr)
Cosmo Challenge (1997)(Kogali)
CV-Screen-Test (2009.12.13 18.57)
cv_vdp_status_test (2013)(nanochess)
Cye v0.1 (2007)(Philipp Klaus Kase)
Cye v0.4 (2007)(Philipp Klaus Kase)
Cye v0.8 (2007)(Philipp Klaus Kase)
Cye v1.0 (2007)(Philipp Klaus Kase)[CGE 2007 edition demo]
DacMan (2000)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Daniel Bienvenu 's SideTrak MusicBox Feb-Mar 2011
Daniel Bienvenu's Jeepers Creepers (2007)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Danielturbo (2010-07)(NewColeco)[Turbo hack]
Danslither (2010-07)(NewColeco)[Slither joystick #1 play hack]
Dantructor (2010)(Coleco) [a]
Dantructor (2010-07)(NewColeco)[Destructor hack]
Danvictory (2010-07)(NewColeco)[Victory regular controller hack]
Death Dearby (2003)(David Widel)
Defender (1983)(AtariSoft)(ADAM fix)(PAL fix)
Defender (1983)(AtariSoft)(PAL and ADAM Patched)
Deflektor Kollection (2005)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Delta Remix 1 (2012)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Delta Remix 2 (2012)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Destructor SCE
Diamond Dash!! Original alpha version (2003)
Diamond Dash!! Original alpha version (2011)
Diamond Dash!! WIP1
Diamond Dash!! WIP2
Dig Dug (1983) [T+Rus] by Multisoft
Digital Sounds By Tone Channel Volume Variations (Result 19) (2009.12.12 14.39)
DIY modifications for ColecoVision (ColecoVision BIOS - Five Versions) (2010.05.24 17.47)
Double Breakout (2003)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Dracula (Unreleased) (2011.01.07 00.43)
Dracula xpmck-18 music test
Earth from space (2009)[coleco multicolor bitmaps]
Earth from space v2 (2009)[coleco multicolor bitmaps]
Earthbound battle scene Mock-up 1 (2013.07.18 19.37)
Earthbound battle scene Mock-up 2 (2013.07.19 13.17)
Easter Bunny (2007)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Easter Bunny (2007)(Daniel Bienvenu)[old version]
Europe - The Final Countdown (finalcountdown day1) (2011.03.11 13.32)
Europe - The Final Countdown (finalcountdown day1.5) (2011.03.12 10.21)
Europe - The Final Countdown (finalcountdown day2) (2011.03.14 12.42)
FCycles TestPackage 01 (48Sprites)
FCycles TestPackage 01 (VideoMode MultiColor)
FCycles TestPackage 01 (VideoMode Text)
Fireman (1984)(Coleco)
Flora and the Ghost Mirror (flora 20121130demo)
Frantic (2008)(Scott Huggins)(2008.04.04)
Frantic (2008)(Scott Huggins)(2008.08.09)
Frog Magi WIP (Dale Wick)
Game Pack (2002)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Game Pack 2 (2004)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Game Pack 2 (2004)(Daniel Bienvenu)[prototype]
Ghost Blaster (Ccjvqb 2) (2009.08.09 12.08)
Ghost Trap (2009.04.27)
Ghost Trap (2009.04.28)
Girls Garden
Golgo 13
Gridtest day3 (2013)(NewColeco)
Gyruss Prototype (2011.05.17 18.54)
Haddaway Jukebox (05-2010)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Halloween Card Rom (2011)
haunted caves (2013)(Nicam Shilova)
Horse Racing Isometric Rev01 (2011.06.10 15.51)
Horse Racing Rev01 (2011.05.25 15.11)
Horse Racing Rev02 (2011.05.27 09.31)
Horse Racing Rev03 (2011.05.29 21.59)
Horse Racing Rev04 (2011.06.02 13.52)
Horse Racing Rev05 (2011.06.03 21.50)
Horse Racing Rev06 (2011.06.08 07.24)
Hustle Demo v1 (2006.11.22 06.30)
Hustle Demo v2 (2006.11.22 06.30)
Insane Pickin' Sticks Viii (4k Game) (2009.04.27)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Insane Pickin' Sticks Viii (4k Game) WIP (2009.04.27)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Jack B. Quick (side scrolling demo)
Jet Boat! v0.30b (early demo)
Jump by Van Halen (cvvhjump) (2013.11.10 20.45)
Jump Gunnar Jump v0 (2009)(Dale Wick)
Jump Gunnar Jump v1 (2009)(Dale Wick)
Kitten (2009)[coleco multicolor bitmaps]
knight quest (codename) (2013)(Nicam Shilova)
Kobashi (2008)(Dvik Joyrek)
Konami's Ping Pong
Lady Gaga - Poker Face
Looping (1983) (CBS Electronics) (Cart # 4L2328 - Box # 74-269A)
Lord of the Dungeon (1983) (Probe 2000)
Lord of the Dungeon (1983) (Probe 2000) (24kb) (4000)
Lord of the Dungeon (1983) (Probe 2000) (24kb) (6000)
Lord of the Dungeon (1983) (Probe 2000) (32kb)
lucifer song
lucifer song xpmck-18
Maid of the Myst v1.0 (2007)(Dale Wick)[Gamespack 2007)
Maid of the Myst v1.1 (2007)(Dale Wick)[Gamespack 2007)
Maoo Patrol (2007)(Atari)[Moon Patrol Jess Ragan hack]
Maoo Patrol (2007)(Atari)[Moon Patrol Jess Ragan hack][o]
map demo (200x)(PD)
Mario Bros early demo (2009-08)
Mario Bros Music Sfx (2009-07)
Masters II (2011.05.20 15.50)
Matt Patrol (2007)(Selma)[Moon Patrol jwierer hack]
Maze Maniac (2005)(Mathieu Boyer)
MazezaM v1.0 (Dr Hirudo)
MazezaM v1.1 (Dr Hirudo)
Milon's Secret Castle mockup
Milon's Secret Castle Mockup (2011.03.11 16.58)
Mod2PSG replayer example
Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(Parker Bros)
Moon Patrol (3-Pack)) (2013.10.30 00.14) (ATARISOFT Blue WiP)
Moon Patrol (3-Pack)) (2013.10.30 00.14) (ATARISOFT Tilt)
Moon Patrol (3-Pack)) (2013.10.30 00.14) (ATARISOFT)
Moon Patrol (ATAR KevinMos3 hack)
Moon Patrol (ATARISOFT KevinMos3 hack)
Moon Patrol (ATARISOFT Tilt Cyan KevinMos3 hack)
Moon Patrol (ATARISOFT Tilt KevinMos3 hack)
moon patrol 1984 reversed graphics hack by newcoleco 2009
Moon Patrol Ikrananka Final WIP (2013.11.23 19.43)
Mouse Trap (1983) (CBS Electronics) (Cart # 4L1989 - Box # 7429-4A)
Mowleco (2012)(Sebastian Miahi)
Mr Chin (2008)(Collector Vision)[tet version 4]
Mr Do's Wild Ride (3 levels only) (2004)(Steve Begin)
Music Box - Sonic the Hedgedog
New Coleco YouTube Channel Thanks (2009)(NewColeco)
New Rally-X (2005.09.06 08.00)
Ninja Princess
Ostrich v0.1 (200x)(Dale Wick)
Ostrich v0.2 (200x)(Dale Wick)
Pac-Man Collection beta test demo (2009.05.27 13.23)
Pac-Man Collection demo (2005.09.12 10.38)
Pac-Man Collection v1.01 (2009)(Opcode)(Colecovision MegaCart)[to play Pac-Man Plus entering 7,5,8,7 on the keypad while at the title screen]
PACAR (1983)(SEGA)
Pacific Fleet (2007.11.16 23.30)
Pacific Fleet (2007.11.26 00.40)
Pacific Fleet (2007.11.28 19.51)
Pacific Fleet tech demo (2007-12-05)
Philly Classic 4 slideshow (2003)(C.C.J.V.A.)
Pitfall 2 Arcade
Pong (2007)(Dioniso)
Puzzli RC1.4b
PV2000 (2012)(Nicolas Campion)
Qbert's Qubes (1984) (Parker Brothers)
quatre (2013)(Nicam Shilova)
Reversi & Diamond Dash (2004)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Robobug demo (2011)(Nicolas 'Nicam Shilova' Campion)
Sabrina's Boys_16kHz (dvik)
Santa Must Save Xmas (2012.03.31)(Crapahute & BFG)
Santa's Giftrun (2004)(Dale Wick)
Schlange CV demo v1.0 (2006)(Philipp Klaus Krause)(Final)
Screentest rom (2008.10.19 21.35)
Scrolling Effect day2 (2013)(NewColeco)
SCUMM (2013.09.05)
Search for the stolen Crown Jewels 2.0 (2007)(Philipp Klaus Krause)
Search for the stolen Crown Jewels 2.0 (2007)(Philipp Klaus Krause)[GameConsole.com demo edition]
Search for the stolen Crown Jewels 2.p (2006)(Philipp Klaus Krause)[beta version]
Search for the stolen Crown Jewels 3 (2010)(Philipp Klaus Krause)[two levels demo]
Search for the stolen Crown Jewels III demo (2008)(Philipp Klaus Krause)
Search for the stolen Crown Jewels III demo (2011)(Philipp Klaus Krause)
SEGA Flipper (1983)(SEGA)
SGM Test ROM (sgm test) (2013.05.05 07.44)
Shunting Puzzle_(pdrc_v4.01)
Sk WIP (2010-07-04)
Sk WIP a (2010-07-04)
Sk WIP b (2010-07-15)
Sk WIP c (2010-07-18)
Sk WIP d (2010-07-24)
Sk WIP e (2011-04-17)
Sk WIP f (2011-04-17)
Skiing (2011.01.09 23.11)
Sky Jaguar (2004) (Opcode Games)
Slideshow by Mermaid
Smooth Criminal music (2009)(NewColeco)
Smurfs (1983)(xxxxxxx Games)[Prototype]
Sokoban (1985)(SEGA)(Jp)
Space Invaders Collection (2003) (Opcode Games)
Space Invaders Collection slideshow (2003)(Opcode)
Spaz Attak (2009)(UnHuman Software)(2009-02-03)(teaser)
Spaz Attak (2009)(UnHuman Software)(2009-02-05)(teaser)
Spaz Attak (2009)(UnHuman Software)(2009-02-08)(with levels)
Spaz Attak (2009)(UnHuman Software)(2009-02-09)(no suttering)
Spaz Attak (2009)(UnHuman Software)(2009-02-10)(with Death Eggs)
Spaz Attak (2009)(UnHuman Software)(2009-02-22)
Splash Wave (2010)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Sprite Tests sprite_color (2013)(F-Cycles)
Sprite Tests sprite_mag (2013)(F-Cycles)
Sprite Tests sprite_xpos_test1 (2013)(F-Cycles)
Sprite Tests sprite_xpos_test2 (2013)(F-Cycles)
Square beta4t (2006-10-21)
Squares!! (2007)(Harvey Dekleine)(demo version)
Squares!! (2007)(Harvey Dekleine)(full version)
Squares!! (2007)(Harvey Dekleine)[5-11 production]
Squares!! demo (2007)(Harvey Dekleine)
Sstar force cv
Star Jump (2013)(Nicolas 'Nicam Shilova' Campion)
Sudoku v1 (2008)(Luc Miron)[no sound]
Sudoku v2 (2008)(Luc Miron)[no sound]
Super Action Controller Tester (1982) (Nuvatec)
Super Action Soccer TP
Super Car! (2011)(Collectorvision)
Super Cobra (1983) (Parker Brothers) (ADAM)
Super Cobra (Super Cobra) (2011.12.07 10.29)
Super Game Module tester (2013-05)(Oscar Toledo)
Super Ghouls N' Ghosts music 1 (2010)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Super Ghouls N' Ghosts music 2 (2010)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Super Space Acer (1992)(Julius Software)
Super Space Acer (Mike Brent) (2009-10-31)
Super Space Acer (Mike Brent) (2009-12-06)
Super Space Acer (Mike Brent) (2009-12-27)
Super Space Acer (Mike Brent) (2011-01-24)
SWEEPSTAKE! (Quiz Wiz 30th Anniversary) (2012)(CollectorVision)
Tempest for ColecoVision (Tempest CV) (2010.12.11 15.48)
Tennis (2008-01-20)
Tennis (2008-01-22)
Terra Attack (2007-03-10)
Terra Attack (2007-03-17)
Terra Attack (2007.08.09)
Test Rom
Text Adventure part1 (2011)(Daniel Bienvenu)
The best is yet to come (cv win01) (2005.04.04 14.15)
The Official Sky Jaguar Thread (JA 13) (2009.10.14 10.13)
The Official Space Invaders Collection Thread (SI) (2009.10.14 08.03)
The official Yie Ar Kung-Fu thread (KU 13) (2013.04.09 08.58)
Toddler Peek-A-Boo pre-release (2010)(Team Pixelboy)
Track and Field
TuneLayer (2002)(Daniel Bienvenu)
Tunnels & Trolls tech demo (2007-12-23)(PkK)
Victory (1983) (CBS Electronics) (Cart # 4L4065 - Box # 74-359C)
Warm Fuzzy - Quest for Salad (2005)(Dale Wick)
Waterville Rescue (2009)(Mike Brent)
Wild Western! (200x) (Eduardo Mello-Opcode Games) (Demo)
Wip Teaser (Dvik & Joyrex)(2008.06.10 04.38)
Wip Teaser (Dvik & Joyrex)(2008.06.11 13.27)
Wrong Way! (very early WIP 025)
Yank Bash (2004)(Rich Drushel)[Daniel Bienvenu's Smash hack]
Zap v01 (2008)(Unknown)(Demo)
Zelda 2 Bossmusic Mockup (2013)
Zelda Ii (Zelda 2) (2009.07.30 17.27)
Bank Panic (OpCode Games)
Circus Charlie (OpCode Games)
Demo Song Pack 1 - Castlevania Bloody Tears
Demo Song Pack 1 - Mario Overworld
Demo Song Pack 1 - Metroid Brinstar
Demo Song Pack 1 - Metroid Kraid
Demo Song Pack 1 - Zelda 2 Palace
Destructor, Standard Controller Edition (Daniel Bienvenu)
Frog Feast Demo - No Sound (PD)
Girls Garden (OpCode Games)
Golgo 13 (OpCode Games)
Haunted Caves (2013)(PD)
Knight Quest (2013)(PD)
Konami's PIng Pong - Billiards (OpCode Games)
Ninja Princess (OpCode Games)
Pitfall II Arcade (Stephen Seehorn)
PV2000 (2012)(PD)
Quatre (2013)(PD)
Robobug (PD)
Star Force (OpCode Games)
Star Jump (2013)(PD)
Antarctic Adventure (1984)(Sleeve Case)
Antarctic Adventure (1984)(Universal Game Case)
Bump 'N' Jump (1984)(Sleeve Case)
Bump 'N' Jump (1984)(Universal Game Case)
Burger Time (1984)(Sleeve Case)
Burger Time (1984)(Universal Game Case)
Carnival (1982)(Sleeve Case)
Carnival (1982)(Universal Game Case)
Congo Bongo (1984)(Sleeve Case)
Congo Bongo (1984)(Universal Game Case)
Cosmic Avenger (1982)(Box)
Cosmic Avenger (1982)(Sleeve Case)
Donkey Kong (1982)(Box)
Donkey Kong (1982)(Sleeve Case)
Donkey Kong (1982)(Universal Game Case)
Donkey Kong Junior (1983)(Box)
Donkey Kong Junior (1983)(Sleeve Case)
Donkey Kong Junior (1983)(Sleeve Case)[a].jpg
Donkey Kong Junior (1983)(Universal Game Case)
Ghost N Zombies (2009)(Universal Game Case)
Ghostblaster (2009)(Box)
Ghostblaster (2009)(Sleeve Case)
Ghostblaster (2009)(Universal Game Case)
Gorf (1983)(Box)
Gorf (1983)(Sleeve Case)
Gorf (1983)(Universal Game Case)
Gust Buster (1983)(Sleeve Case)
Gust Buster (1983)(Universal Game Case)
Heist, The (1983)(Universal Game Case)
James Bond 007 (1984)(Universal Game Case)
Jumpman Junior (1984)(Sleeve Case)
Jumpman Junior (1984)(Universal Game Case)
Ken Uston Blackjack-Poker (1983)(Sleeve Case)
Ken Uston Blackjack-Poker (1983)(Universal Game Case)
Looping (1983)(Box)
Miner 2049er (1983)(Universal Game Case)
Moonsweeper (1983)(Universal Game Case)
Mouse Trap (1982)(Sleeve Case)
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (1984)(Universal Game Case)
Pitfall! (1983)(Universal Game Case)
Pitstop (1983)(Box)
Pitstop (1983)(Sleeve Case)
Pitstop (1983)(Universal Game Case)
Popeye (1983)(Universal Game Case)
Quest For Quintana Roo (1983)(Sleeve Case)
Quest For Quintana Roo (1983)(Universal Game Case)
Roc 'N Rope (1983)(Box)
Schtroumpfs (1983)(Box)
Squish'Em Ft. Sam! (1984)(Universal Game Case)
Super Cobra (1983)(Universal Game Case)
Tarzan (1982)(Sleeve Case)
Tarzan (1982)(Universal Game Case)
Tutankham (1984)(Universal Game Case)
Zaxxon (1982)(Box)
2010 - The Graphic Action Game (USA, Europe)
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (USA)
Alphabet Zoo (USA)
Amazing Bumpman (USA)
Amazing Snake v0.5 (2000)(Tremblay, Serge-Eric)(PD)
Antarctic Adventure (USA, Europe)
Aquattack (USA)
Artillery Duel (USA)
BC's Quest for Tires (USA, Europe)
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (USA, Europe)
Beamrider (USA)
Blockade Runner (USA)
Boulder Dash (USA)
Brain Strainers (USA, Europe)
Buck Rogers - Planet Of Zoom (USA, Europe)
Bump 'N' Jump (USA, Europe)
Burgertime (USA, Europe)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (USA, Europe)
Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show (USA, Europe)
Campaign '84 (USA)
Carnival (USA, Europe)
Centipede (USA)
Choplifter (USA, Europe)
Chuck Norris - Super Kicks (USA)
Congo Bongo (USA, Europe)
Cosmic Avenger (USA, Europe)
Cosmic Crisis (USA)
Cosmo Challenge (1997)(de Kogel, Marcel)(PD)
Cosmo Fighter 2 (1997)(Red Bullet)(PD)
Dacman V1.2b by Daniel Bienvenu (Aug 01)(2000)(PD)
Dam Busters, The (USA, Europe)
Dance Fantasy (USA)
Death Race (PD)
Decathlon (USA)
Defender (USA)
Destructor (USA, Europe)
Dig Dug (USA)(Proto)
Donkey Kong (USA, Europe)
Donkey Kong Jr (USA, Europe)
Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up The Mix-Up Puzzler (USA, Europe)
DragonFire (USA)
Dukes of Hazzard, The (USA, Europe)
Escape From The Mind Master (USA)(Proto)
Evolution (USA)
Facemaker (USA)
Fall Guy (Europe)(Proto)
Fathom (USA)
Flipper Slipper (USA)
Fortune Builder (USA, Europe)
Fraction Fever (USA)
Frantic Freddy (USA)
Frenzy! (USA, Europe)
Frogger (USA)
Frogger II - ThreeDeep! (USA)
From Out Of The Jungle - Tarzan (USA)
Frontline (USA, Europe)
Galaxian (USA)
Gateway to Apshai (USA)
Gorf (USA, Europe)
Gust Buster (USA)
Gyruss (USA)
Heist, The (USA)
Illusions (USA, Europe)
Its Only Rock 'N' Roll (USA)
James Bond (USA)
Joust (USA)(Proto)
Juke Box (USA)
Jumpman Junior (USA)
Jungle Hunt (USA)
Ken Uston's Blackjack-Poker (USA, Europe)
Kevtris by Kevin Horton (Jun 12)(1996)(PD)
Keystone Kapers (USA)
Lady Bug (USA, Europe)
Learning With Leeper (USA)
Linking Logic (USA)
Logic Levels (USA)
Looping (USA, Europe)
M.A.S.H (Europe)
Memory Manor (USA)
Meteoric Shower (USA)
Miner 2049er (USA)
Monkey Academy (USA, Europe)
Montezuma's Revenge (USA)
Moon Patrol (USA)(Proto)
Moonsweeper (USA)
Motocross Racer (USA)
Mountain King (USA)
Mousetrap (USA, Europe)
Mr Do!'s Castle (USA)
Mr. Do! (USA, Europe)
Ms. Space Fury (USA)(Unl)
Nova Blast (USA)
Number Bumper (1984)(Sunrise)
Oil's Well (USA)
Omega Race (USA, Europe)
One on One (USA)
Orbit (1983)(Parker Bros)(Prototype)
Pac-Man (USA)(Proto)
Pac-Man Collection Demo by Opcode (2006)(PD)
Pepper II (USA, Europe)
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (USA)
Pitfall! (USA)
Pitstop (USA)
Popeye (USA)
Porky's (USA)(Proto)
Power Lords - Quest for Volcan (USA)(Proto)
Purple Dinosaur Massacre by John Dondzila (1996)(PD)
Q-bert (USA)
Q-bert II (USA)
Quest for Quintana Roo (USA)
Reversi by Daniel Bienvenu (Nov 22)(2003)(PD)
River Raid (USA)
Robin Hood (USA)
Roc 'N Rope (USA, Europe)
Rock 'N' Bolt (USA)
Rocky Super-Action Boxing (USA, Europe)
Rolloverture (USA)
Sammy Lightfoot (USA)
Sector Alpha (USA)
Sewer Sam (USA)
Sir Lancelot (USA)
Skiing (USA)
Sky Jaguar (1984)(Konami-Opcode)
Slither (USA)
Slurpy (USA)
Smurf Paint 'n Play Workshop (USA, Europe)
Smurf Rescue (USA, Europe)
Space Fury (USA, Europe)
Space Invaders Collection Pack Demo (2002)(Taito-Opcode)
Space Invasion by John Dondzila (1998)(PD)
Space Panic (USA, Europe)
Spectron (USA)
Spy Hunter (USA, Europe)
Squish 'Em Sam! (USA)
Star Fortress (1997)(Dondzila, John)(PD)
Star Trek (USA, Europe)
Star Wars (USA)
Steamroller (USA)(Proto)
Strike It! (USA)
Subroc (USA, Europe)
Super Action Baseball (USA, Europe)
Super Action Football (USA, Europe)
Super Action Soccer (USA, Europe)
Super Cobra (USA)
Super Controller Tester (USA)
Super Cross Force (USA)
Super DK! (USA)(Proto)(Unl)
Super DK! Junior (USA)(Proto)(Unl)
Tank Wars (USA)
Tapper (USA, Europe)
Telly Turtle (USA, Europe)
Threshold (USA)
Time Pilot (USA, Europe)
Tomarc the Barbarian (USA)
Tournament Tennis (USA)
Tunnels & Trolls (USA, Europe)(Demo)
Turbo (USA, Europe)
Tutankham (USA)
Up 'N Down (USA)
Venture (USA, Europe)
Victory (USA, Europe)
Video Hustler (Europe)(Proto)
War Games (USA, Europe)
War Room (USA)
Wing War (USA)
Wizard of Id's Wizmath (USA)
Word Feud (USA)
Yolk's on You, The (Europe)(Proto)
Zaxxon (USA, Europe)
Zenji (USA)
2010 - The Graphic Action Game (USA, Europe)
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (USA)
Alphabet Zoo (USA)
Antarctic Adventure (USA, Europe)
Aquattack (USA)
Artillery Duel (USA)
BC's Quest for Tires (USA, Europe)
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (USA, Europe)
Beamrider (USA)
Brain Strainers (USA, Europe)
Buck Rogers - Planet Of Zoom (USA, Europe)
Bump 'N' Jump (USA, Europe)(Beta)
Bump 'N' Jump (USA, Europe)
BurgerTime (USA, Europe)(Beta)
Burgertime (USA, Europe)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (USA, Europe)
Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show (USA, Europe)
Campaign '84 (USA)
Carnival (USA, Europe)
Centipede (USA)
Choplifter (USA, Europe)
Chuck Norris - Super Kicks (USA)
Congo Bongo (USA, Europe)
Cosmic Avenger (USA, Europe)
Dam Busters, The (USA, Europe)
Dance Fantasy (USA)
Decathlon (USA)
Defender (USA)
Destructor (USA, Europe)
Dig Dug (USA)(Proto)
Donkey Kong (USA, Europe)(Adam)
Donkey Kong (USA, Europe)
Donkey Kong Jr (USA, Europe)
Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up The Mix-Up Puzzler (USA, Europe)
DragonFire (USA)
Dukes of Hazzard, The (USA, Europe)
Escape From The Mind Master (USA)(Proto)
Evolution (USA)
Facemaker (USA)
Fall Guy (Europe)(Proto)
Fathom (USA)
Flipper Slipper (USA)
Fortune Builder (USA, Europe)
Fraction Fever (USA)
Frantic Freddy (USA)
Frenzy! (USA, Europe)
Frogger (USA)
Frogger II - ThreeDeep! (USA)
From Out Of The Jungle - Tarzan (USA)
Frontline (USA, Europe)(Alt)
Frontline (USA, Europe)
Galaxian (USA)(Alt)
Galaxian (USA)
Gateway to Apshai (USA)
Gorf (USA, Europe)
Gust Buster (USA)
Gyruss (USA)
Heist, The (USA)
Illusions (USA, Europe)
Its Only Rock 'N' Roll (USA)
James Bond (USA)
Joust (USA)(Proto)
Juke Box (USA)
Jumpman Junior (USA)
Jungle Hunt (USA)
Ken Uston's Blackjack-Poker (USA, Europe)
Keystone Kapers (USA)
Lady Bug (USA, Europe)
Learning With Leeper (USA)
Linking Logic (USA)
Logic Levels (USA)
Looping (USA, Europe)
M.A.S.H (Europe)
Memory Manor (USA)
Miner 2049er (USA)
Monkey Academy (USA, Europe)(Beta)
Monkey Academy (USA, Europe)
Montezuma's Revenge (USA)
Moonsweeper (USA)
Motocross Racer (USA)(Alt)
Motocross Racer (USA)
Mountain King (USA)(Alt)
Mountain King (USA)
Mousetrap (USA, Europe)
Mr Do!'s Castle (USA)
Mr. Do! (USA, Europe)
Ms. Space Fury (USA)(Unl)
Nova Blast (USA)
Oil's Well (USA)
Omega Race (USA, Europe)
One on One (USA)
Pac-Man (USA)(Proto)
Pepper II (USA, Europe)
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (USA)
Pitfall! (USA)
Pitstop (USA)
Popeye (USA)
Porky's (USA)(Proto)
Q-bert (USA)(Alt)
Q-bert (USA)
Q-bert II (USA)
Quest for Quintana Roo (USA)(Alt)
Quest for Quintana Roo (USA)
River Raid (USA)
Robin Hood (USA)
Roc 'N Rope (USA, Europe)
Rocky Super-Action Boxing (USA, Europe)
Rolloverture (USA)
Sammy Lightfoot (USA)
Sector Alpha (USA)
Sewer Sam (USA)
Sir Lancelot (USA)
Slither (USA)
Slurpy (USA)
Smurf Paint 'n Play Workshop (USA, Europe)
Smurf Rescue (USA, Europe)
Space Fury (USA, Europe)
Space Panic (USA, Europe)
Spectron (USA)
Spy Hunter (USA, Europe)
Squish 'Em Sam! (USA)
Star Trek (USA, Europe)
Star Wars (USA)
Steamroller (USA)(Proto)
Subroc (USA, Europe)
Super Action Baseball (USA, Europe)
Super Action Football (USA, Europe)
Super Action Soccer (USA, Europe)
Super Cobra (USA)(Alt)
Super Cobra (USA)
Super Cross Force (USA)
Super DK! (USA)(Proto)(Unl)
Super DK! Junior (USA)(Proto)(Unl)
Tank Wars (USA)
Tapper (USA, Europe)
Telly Turtle (USA, Europe)
Threshold (USA)
Time Pilot (USA, Europe)
Tomarc the Barbarian (USA)
Tournament Tennis (USA)
Turbo (USA, Europe)
Tutankham (USA)
Up 'N Down (USA)
Venture (USA, Europe)
Victory (USA, Europe)
War Games (USA, Europe)
War Room (USA)
Wing War (USA)
Wizard of Id's Wizmath (USA)
Word Feud (USA)
Zaxxon (USA, Europe)
Zenji (USA)
CBS ColecoVision Catalog (1983)(CBS Electronics)(De)
CBS ColecoVision State Of The Art Video Game System (1983-09)(CBS Electronics)(Au)
CBS Electronics - Au Coeur Du Jeu (1984)(CBS Electronics)(Fr)
CBS Electronics - L'Ordinateur Au Coeur Du Jeu (1984)(CBS Electronics)(Fr)
CBS Electronics Catalog (1983)(CBS Electronics)(Fr)
CBS Electronics Catalog (1984)(CBS Electronics)(E)
CBS Electronics Catalog (1984)(CBS Electronics)(Fr)
CBS Electronics Catalog (1984)(CBS Electronics)(Multi)
CBS Electronics Jeux Video - Au Coeur Du Jeu (1984)(CBS Electronics)(Fr)
CBS Electronics Modules Et Cassettes (1984)(CBS Electronics)(Fr)
CBS Electronics Nouveautes Fin D'Annee 84 (1984)(CBS Electronics)(Fr)
CBS Electronics Presents CBS ColecoVision (1984)(CBS Electronics)(E)
ColecoVision Game Cartridges Catalog (1982)(Coleco)(U)
ColecoVision Game Cartridges Catalog (1982)(Coleco)(U)[a]
Antarctic Adventure
BC's Quest For Tires II
Buck Rogers - Planet Of Zoom
Bump 'N' Jump
Burger Time
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures In The Park
Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show
Chess Challenger
Congo Bongo
Cosmic Avenger
Destruction Derby
Dig Dug
Donkey Kong II [a]
Donkey Kong II
Donkey Kong Junior
Donkey Kong
Dragon's Lair
Dukes Of Hazzard, The
Fall Guy
Fortune Builder
Front Line
Horse Racing [a]
Horse Racing
Jumpman Junior
Jungle Hunt
Ken Uston Blackjack-Poker
Lady Bug
Monster Bash
Montezuma's Revenge
Moon Patrol
Mouse Trap
Mr. Do!
Ms. Pac-Man
Omega Race
Papa Smurf's Treasure Hunt
Pepper II [a]
Pepper II
Power Lords
Punch Out!!
Rip Cord
Robotron - 2084
Rock 'N Rope
Rocky Super-Action Boxing
Side Trak
Smurf Rescue In Gargamel's Castle
Space Fury
Space Panic
Star Trek
Super Action Baseball
Super Action Football
Super Action Soccer
Sword & The Sorcerer
Telly Turtle
Time Pilot
Tunnels 7 trolls
Up 'N Down
Video Test Cartridge
War Games
Wild Western
Wizard Of Oz
Wizard Of Wor
2010 - The Graphic Action Game (USA, Europe)
Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show (USA, Europe)
Dam Busters, The (USA, Europe)
Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up The Mix-Up Puzzler (USA, Europe)
Face Maker (USA, Europe)
Fortune Builder (USA, Europe)
Frontline (USA, Europe)
Ken Uston's Blackjack-Poker (USA, Europe)
Mousetrap (USA, Europe)
Rocky Super-Action Boxing (USA, Europe)
Smurf Paint 'n Play Workshop (USA, Europe)
Spy Hunter (USA, Europe)
Spy Hunter (USA, Europe)[a]
Star Trek (USA, Europe)
Super Action Baseball (USA, Europe)
Super Action Football (USA, Europe)
Super Action Soccer (USA, Europe)
War Games (USA, Europe)
War Room (USA)
[BIOS] ColecoVision (USA, Europe)
2010 - The Graphic Action Game (USA, Europe)(Title)
2010 - The Graphic Action Game (USA, Europe)
Adam's Musicbox Demo (USA)(Demo)(Title)
Adam's Musicbox Demo (USA)(Demo)
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (USA)(Title)
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (USA)
Alphabet Zoo (USA)(Title)
Alphabet Zoo (USA)
Amazing Bumpman (USA)(Title)
Amazing Bumpman (USA)
Antarctic Adventure (USA, Europe)(Title)
Antarctic Adventure (USA, Europe)
Aquattack (USA)(Title)
Aquattack (USA)
Artillery Duel (USA)(Title)
Artillery Duel (USA)
BC's Quest for Tires (USA, Europe)(Title)
BC's Quest for Tires (USA, Europe)
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (USA, Europe)(Alt)(Title)
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (USA, Europe)(Alt)
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (USA, Europe)(Title)
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (USA, Europe)
Beamrider (USA)(Title)
Beamrider (USA)
Blockade Runner (USA)(Title)
Blockade Runner (USA)
Boulder Dash (USA)(Title)
Boulder Dash (USA)
Brain Strainers (USA, Europe)(Title)
Brain Strainers (USA, Europe)
Buck Rogers - Planet Of Zoom (USA, Europe)(Title)
Buck Rogers - Planet Of Zoom (USA, Europe)
Bump 'N' Jump (USA, Europe)(Beta)(Title)
Bump 'N' Jump (USA, Europe)(Beta)
Bump 'N' Jump (USA, Europe)(Title)
Bump 'N' Jump (USA, Europe)
BurgerTime (USA, Europe)(Beta)(Title)
BurgerTime (USA, Europe)(Beta)
BurgerTime (USA, Europe)(Title)
BurgerTime (USA, Europe)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (USA, Europe)(Beta)(Title)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (USA, Europe)(Beta)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (USA, Europe)(Title)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (USA, Europe)
Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show (USA, Europe)(Title)
Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show (USA, Europe)
Campaign '84 (USA)(Title)
Campaign '84 (USA)
Carnival (USA, Europe)(Title)
Carnival (USA, Europe)
Centipede (USA)(Title)
Centipede (USA)
Choplifter (USA, Europe)(Title)
Choplifter (USA, Europe)
Chuck Norris - Super Kicks (USA)(Title)
Chuck Norris - Super Kicks (USA)
ColecoVision Monitor Test (USA, Europe)(Title)
ColecoVision Monitor Test (USA, Europe)
Congo Bongo (USA, Europe)(Title)
Congo Bongo (USA, Europe)
Cosmic Avenger (USA, Europe)(Title)
Cosmic Avenger (USA, Europe)
Cosmic Crisis (USA)(Title)
Cosmic Crisis (USA)
Dam Busters, The (USA, Europe)(Title)
Dam Busters, The (USA, Europe)
Dance Fantasy (USA)(Title)
Dance Fantasy (USA)
Decathlon (USA)(Title)
Decathlon (USA)
Defender (USA)(Title)
Defender (USA)
Destructor (USA, Europe)(Title)
Destructor (USA, Europe)
Dig Dug (USA)(Proto)(Title)
Dig Dug (USA)(Proto)
Donkey Kong (USA, Europe)(Adam)(Title)
Donkey Kong (USA, Europe)(Adam)
Donkey Kong (USA, Europe)(Title)
Donkey Kong (USA, Europe)
Donkey Kong Jr (USA, Europe)(Title)
Donkey Kong Jr (USA, Europe)
Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up The Mix-Up Puzzler (USA, Europe)(Title)
Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up The Mix-Up Puzzler (USA, Europe)
DragonFire (USA)(Title)
DragonFire (USA)
Dukes of Hazzard, The (USA, Europe)(Title)
Dukes of Hazzard, The (USA, Europe)
Escape From The Mind Master (USA)(Proto)(Title)
Escape From The Mind Master (USA)(Proto)
Evolution (USA)(Title)
Evolution (USA)
Facemaker (USA)(Title)
Facemaker (USA)
Fall Guy (Europe)(Proto)(Title)
Fall Guy (Europe)(Proto)
Fathom (USA)(Title)
Fathom (USA)
Final Test Cartridge (USA)(Title)
Final Test Cartridge (USA)
Flipper Slipper (USA)(Title)
Flipper Slipper (USA)
Fortune Builder (USA, Europe)(Title)
Fortune Builder (USA, Europe)
Fraction Fever (USA)(Title)
Fraction Fever (USA)
Frantic Freddy (USA)(Title)
Frantic Freddy (USA)
Frenzy! (USA, Europe)(Title)
Frenzy! (USA, Europe)
Frogger (USA)(Title)
Frogger (USA)
Frogger II - ThreeDeep! (USA)(Title)
Frogger II - ThreeDeep! (USA)
From Out Of The Jungle - Tarzan (USA)(Title)
From Out Of The Jungle - Tarzan (USA)
Frontline (USA, Europe)(Alt)(Title)
Frontline (USA, Europe)(Alt)
Frontline (USA, Europe)(Title)
Frontline (USA, Europe)
Galaxian (USA)(Alt)(Title)
Galaxian (USA)(Alt)
Galaxian (USA)(Title)
Galaxian (USA)
Gateway to Apshai (USA)(Title)
Gateway to Apshai (USA)
Gorf (USA, Europe)(Title)
Gorf (USA, Europe)
Gust Buster (USA)(Title)
Gust Buster (USA)
Gyruss (USA)(Title)
Gyruss (USA)
H.E.R.O (USA)(Title)
Heist, The (USA)(Title)
Heist, The (USA)
Illusions (USA, Europe)(Title)
Illusions (USA, Europe)
Its Only Rock 'N' Roll (USA)(Title)
Its Only Rock 'N' Roll (USA)
James Bond (USA)(Title)
James Bond (USA)
Joust (USA)(Proto)(Title)
Joust (USA)(Proto)
Juke Box (USA)(Title)
Juke Box (USA)
Jumpman Junior (USA)(Title)
Jumpman Junior (USA)
Jungle Hunt (USA)(Title)
Jungle Hunt (USA)
Ken Uston's Blackjack-Poker (USA, Europe)(Title)
Ken Uston's Blackjack-Poker (USA, Europe)
Keystone Kapers (USA)(Title)
Keystone Kapers (USA)
Lady Bug (USA, Europe)(Title)
Lady Bug (USA, Europe)
Learning With Leeper (USA)(Title)
Learning With Leeper (USA)
Linking Logic (USA)(Title)
Linking Logic (USA)
Logic Levels (USA)(Title)
Logic Levels (USA)
Looping (USA, Europe)(Title)
Looping (USA, Europe)
M.A.S.H (Europe)(Title)
M.A.S.H (Europe)
Memory Manor (USA)(Title)
Memory Manor (USA)
Meteoric Shower (USA)(Title)
Meteoric Shower (USA)
Miner 2049er (USA)(Title)
Miner 2049er (USA)
Monkey Academy (USA, Europe)(Beta)(Title)
Monkey Academy (USA, Europe)(Beta)
Monkey Academy (USA, Europe)(Title)
Monkey Academy (USA, Europe)
Montezuma's Revenge (USA)(Title)
Montezuma's Revenge (USA)
Moon Patrol (USA)(Proto)(Title)
Moon Patrol (USA)(Proto)
Moonsweeper (USA)(Title)
Moonsweeper (USA)
Motocross Racer (USA)(Alt)(Title)
Motocross Racer (USA)(Alt)
Motocross Racer (USA)(Title)
Motocross Racer (USA)
Mountain King (USA)(Alt)(Title)
Mountain King (USA)(Alt)
Mountain King (USA)(Title)
Mountain King (USA)
Mousetrap (USA, Europe)(Title)
Mousetrap (USA, Europe)
Mr Do!'s Castle (USA)(Title)
Mr Do's Castle (USA)
Mr. Do! (USA, Europe)(Title)
Mr. Do! (USA, Europe)
Ms. Space Fury (USA)(Unl)(Title)
Ms. Space Fury (USA)(Unl)
Nova Blast (USA)(Title)
Nova Blast (USA)
Oil's Well (USA)(Title)
Oil's Well (USA)
Omega Race (USA, Europe)(Title)
Omega Race (USA, Europe)
One on One (USA)(Title)
One on One (USA)
Pac-Man (USA)(Proto)(Title)
Pac-Man (USA)(Proto)
Pepper II (USA, Europe)(Title)
Pepper II (USA, Europe)
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (USA)(Title)
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (USA)
Pitfall! (USA)(Title)
Pitfall! (USA)
Pitstop (USA)(Title)
Pitstop (USA)
Popeye (USA)(Title)
Popeye (USA)
Porky's (USA)(Proto)(Title)
Porky's (USA)(Proto)
Power Lords - Quest for Volcan (USA)(Proto)(Title)
Power Lords - Quest for Volcan (USA)(Proto)
Q-bert (USA)(Alt)(Title)
Q-bert (USA)(Alt)
Q-bert (USA)(Title)
Q-bert (USA)
Q-bert II (USA)(Title)
Q-bert II (USA)
Quest for Quintana Roo (USA)(Alt)(Title)
Quest for Quintana Roo (USA)(Alt)
Quest for Quintana Roo (USA)(Title)
Quest for Quintana Roo (USA)
River Raid (USA)(Title)
River Raid (USA)
Robin Hood (USA)(Title)
Robin Hood (USA)
Roc 'N Rope (USA, Europe)(Title)
Roc 'N Rope (USA, Europe)
Rock 'N' Bolt (USA)(Alt)(Title)
Rock 'N' Bolt (USA)(Alt)
Rock 'N' Bolt (USA)(Title)
Rock 'N' Bolt (USA)
Rocky Super-Action Boxing (USA, Europe)(Title)
Rocky Super-Action Boxing (USA, Europe)
Rolloverture (USA)(Title)
Rolloverture (USA)
Sammy Lightfoot (USA)(Title)
Sammy Lightfoot (USA)
Sector Alpha (USA)(Title)
Sector Alpha (USA)
Sewer Sam (USA)(Title)
Sewer Sam (USA)
Sir Lancelot (USA)(Title)
Sir Lancelot (USA)
Skiing (USA)(Title)
Skiing (USA)
Slither (USA)(Title)
Slither (USA)
Slurpy (USA)(Title)
Slurpy (USA)
Smurf Paint 'n Play Workshop (USA, Europe)(Title)
Smurf Paint 'n Play Workshop (USA, Europe)
Smurf Rescue (USA, Europe)(Title)
Smurf Rescue (USA, Europe)
Space Fury (USA, Europe)(Title)
Space Fury (USA, Europe)
Space Panic (USA, Europe)(Title)
Space Panic (USA, Europe)
Spectron (USA)(Title)
Spectron (USA)
Spy Hunter (USA, Europe)(Title)
Spy Hunter (USA, Europe)
Squish 'Em Sam! (USA)(Title)
Squish 'Em Sam! (USA)
Star Trek (USA, Europe)(Title)
Star Trek (USA, Europe)
Star Wars (USA)(Title)
Star Wars (USA)
Steamroller (USA)(Proto)(Title)
Steamroller (USA)(Proto)
Strike It! (USA)(Title)
Strike It! (USA)
Subroc (USA, Europe)(Title)
Subroc (USA, Europe)
Super Action Baseball (USA, Europe)(Title)
Super Action Baseball (USA, Europe)
Super Action Football (USA, Europe)(Title)
Super Action Football (USA, Europe)
Super Action Soccer (USA, Europe)(Title)
Super Action Soccer (USA, Europe)
Super Cobra (USA)(Alt)(Title)
Super Cobra (USA)(Alt)
Super Cobra (USA)(Title)
Super Cobra (USA)
Super Controller Tester (USA)(Title)
Super Controller Tester (USA)
Super Cross Force (USA)(Title)
Super Cross Force (USA)
Super DK! (USA)(Proto)(Unl)(Title)
Super DK! (USA)(Proto)(Unl)
Super DK! Junior (USA)(Proto)(Unl)(Title)
Super DK! Junior (USA)(Proto)(Unl)
Tank Wars (USA)(Title)
Tank Wars (USA)
Tapper (USA, Europe)(Title)
Tapper (USA, Europe)
Telly Turtle (USA, Europe)(Title)
Telly Turtle (USA, Europe)
Threshold (USA)(Title)
Threshold (USA)
Time Pilot (USA, Europe)(Title)
Time Pilot (USA, Europe)
Tomarc the Barbarian (USA)(Title)
Tomarc the Barbarian (USA)
Tournament Tennis (USA)(Title)
Tournament Tennis (USA)
Tunnels & Trolls (USA, Europe)(Demo)(Title)
Tunnels & Trolls (USA, Europe)(Demo)
Turbo (USA, Europe)(Title)
Turbo (USA, Europe)
Tutankham (USA)(Title)
Tutankham (USA)
Up 'N Down (USA)(Title)
Up 'N Down (USA)
Venture (USA, Europe)(Title)
Venture (USA, Europe)
Victory (USA, Europe)(Title)
Victory (USA, Europe)
Video Hustler (Europe)(Proto)(Title)
Video Hustler (Europe)(Proto)
War Games (USA, Europe)(Title)
War Games (USA, Europe)
War Room (USA)(Title)
War Room (USA)
Wing War (USA)(Title)
Wing War (USA)
Wizard of Id's Wizmath (USA)(Title)
Wizard of Id's Wizmath (USA)
Word Feud (USA)(Title)
Word Feud (USA)
Yolk's on You, The (Europe)(Proto)(Title)
Yolk's on You, The (Europe)(Proto)
Zaxxon (USA, Europe)(Title)
Zaxxon (USA, Europe)
Zenji (USA)(Title)
Zenji (USA)
!Coleco Vision.mp4
2010 - The Graphic Action Game (USA, Europe)
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (USA)
Alphabet Zoo (USA)
Amazing Bumpman (USA)
Antarctic Adventure (USA, Europe)
Aquattack (USA)
Artillery Duel (USA)
BC's Quest for Tires (USA, Europe)
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (USA, Europe)
Beamrider (USA)
Blockade Runner (USA)
Boulder Dash (USA)
Brain Strainers (USA, Europe)
Buck Rogers - Planet Of Zoom (USA, Europe)
BurgerTime (USA, Europe)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures in the Park (USA, Europe)
Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show (USA, Europe)
Campaign '84 (USA)
Carnival (USA, Europe)
Centipede (USA)
Choplifter (USA, Europe)
Chuck Norris - Super Kicks (USA)
Congo Bongo (USA, Europe)
Cosmic Avenger (USA, Europe)
Cosmic Crisis (USA)
Dam Busters, The (USA, Europe)
Dance Fantasy (USA)
Decathlon (USA)
Defender (USA)
Donkey Kong (USA, Europe)
Donkey Kong Jr (USA, Europe)
Dr. Seuss's Fix-Up The Mix-Up Puzzler (USA, Europe)
DragonFire (USA)
Evolution (USA)
Facemaker (USA)
Fathom (USA)
Flipper Slipper (USA)
Fortune Builder (USA, Europe)
Fraction Fever (USA)
Frantic Freddy (USA)
Frenzy! (USA, Europe)
Frogger (USA)
Frogger II - ThreeDeep! (USA)
From Out Of The Jungle - Tarzan (USA)
Frontline (USA, Europe)
Galaxian (USA)
Gateway to Apshai (USA)
Gorf (USA, Europe)
Gust Buster (USA)
Gyruss (USA)
Heist, The (USA)
Illusions (USA, Europe)
Its Only Rock 'N' Roll (USA)
James Bond (USA)
Juke Box (USA)
Jumpman Junior (USA)
Jungle Hunt (USA)
Ken Uston's Blackjack-Poker (USA, Europe)
Keystone Kapers (USA)
Lady Bug (USA, Europe)
Learning With Leeper (USA)
Linking Logic (USA)
Logic Levels (USA)
Looping (USA, Europe)
M.A.S.H (Europe)
Memory Manor (USA)
Meteoric Shower (USA)
Miner 2049er (USA)
Monkey Academy (USA, Europe)
Montezuma's Revenge (USA)
Moonsweeper (USA)
Motocross Racer (USA)
Mountain King (USA)
Mousetrap (USA, Europe)
Mr Do!'s Castle (USA)
Mr. Do! (USA, Europe)
Nova Blast (USA)
Oil's Well (USA)
Omega Race (USA, Europe)
One On One (USA)
Pepper II (USA, Europe)
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (USA)
Pitfall! (USA)
Pitstop (USA)
Popeye (USA)
Q-bert (USA)
Q-bert II (USA)
Quest For Quintana Roo (USA)
River Raid (USA)
Robin Hood (USA)
Roc 'N Rope (USA, Europe)
Rock 'N' Bolt (USA)
Rocky Super-Action Boxing (USA, Europe)
Rolloverture (USA)
Sammy Lightfoot (USA)
Sector Alpha (USA)
Sewer Sam (USA)
Sir Lancelot (USA)
Skiing (USA)
Slither (USA)
Slurpy (USA)
Smurf Paint 'N Play Workshop (USA, Europe)
Smurf Rescue (USA, Europe)
Space Fury (USA, Europe)
Space Panic (USA, Europe)
Spectron (USA)
Spy Hunter (USA, Europe)
Squish 'Em Sam! (USA)
Star Trek (USA, Europe)
Star Wars (USA)
Strike It! (USA)
Subroc (USA, Europe)
Super Action Baseball (USA, Europe)
Super Action Football (USA, Europe)
Super Action Soccer (USA, Europe)
Super Cobra (USA)
Super Cross Force (USA)
Tank Wars (USA)
Tapper (USA, Europe)
Telly Turtle (USA, Europe)
Threshold (USA)
Time Pilot (USA, Europe)
Tomarc the Barbarian (USA)
Tournament Tennis (USA)
Turbo (USA, Europe)
Tutankham (USA)
Up 'N Down (USA)
Venture (USA, Europe)
Victory (USA, Europe)
War Games (USA, Europe)
War Room (USA)
Wing War (USA)
Wizard Of Id's Wizmath (USA)
Word Feud (USA)
Zaxxon (USA, Europe)
Zenji (USA)
Pepper II (1983)(Au)
Aquattack (1984)(Ca)
Blockade Runner (1984)(Ca)
Evolution (1983)(Ca)
Lady Bug (1982)(Ca)
Popeye (1983)(Ca)
Squish'Em Ft. Sam! (1984)(Ca)
Donkey Kong (1983)(De)
Buck Rogers - Planet Of Zoom (1983)(E)(5L)
Bump 'N' Jump (1984)(E)(5L)
Burgertime (1984)(E)(5L)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures In The Park (1984)(E)(5L)
Carnival (1982)(E)(6L)
Destructor (1984)(E)(5L)
Donkey Kong Junior (1983)(E)
Frenzy (1983)(E)(5L)
Front Line (1983)(E)(5L)
Jumpman Junior (1983)(E)(5L)
Looping (1983)(E)(6L)(w pages 2,3)
Miner 2049er (1983)(E)(6L)
Mr. Do! (1983)(E)(6L)
Omega Race (1983)(E)(5L)
Pitstop (1983)(E)(5L)
Roc 'N Rope (1983)(E)(5L)
Rocky - Super Action Boxing (1983)(E)(5L)
Super Action Football (1984)(E)
Tarzan (1982)(E)(2L)
Time Pilot (1983)(E)(w pages 4,5)
Tutankham (1984)(E)(6L)
Victory (1983)(E)
War Games (1984)(E)(5L)
Zaxxon (1983)(E)(6L)
Carnival (1982)(Fr)
Cosmic Avenger (1982)(Fr)
Donkey Kong Junior (1983)(Fr)
Gorf (1983)(Fr)
Gust Buster (1983)(Fr)
Lady Bug (1982)(Fr)
Looping (1983)(Fr)
Mouse Trap (1982)(Fr)
Mr. Do! (1983)(Fr)
Quest For Quintana Roo (1983)(Fr)
Schtroumpfs (1983)(Fr)
Space Fury (1983)(Fr)
Space Panic (1983)(Fr)
Subroc (1983)(Fr)
Time Pilot (1983)(Fr)
Venture (1982)(Fr)
Zaxxon (1982)(Fr)
CBS ColecoVision Videogame Computer Instructions (1983)(E)
Colecovision Expansion Module #1 (1982)(U)
Colecovision Expansion Module #2 (1982)(U)
Colecovision Owners Manual (1982)(U)
HS20 Owners Manual (198x)(U)
Power-Stick Instruction Manual, The (1983)(U)
Prostick (1984)(U)
Quickshot III Users Manual (1983)(U)
Roller Controller Owners Manual (1982)(U)
Roller Controller Supplement (1982)(U)
Super Action Controller Set Owners Manual (1982)(U)
Super Sketch Owners Manual (1984)(U)
Wico Command Control (1983)(U)
2010 - The Graphic Action Game (1984)(U)
Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (1985)(U)
Alphabet Zoo (1983)(U)
Amazing Bumpman (1984)(U)
Antarctic Adventure (1984)(U)
Antarctic Adventure Poster (1984)(U)
Artillery Duel (1983)(U)
BC's Quest For Tires (1983)(U)
BC's Quest For Tires II - Grog's Revenge (1984)(U)
Beamrider (1983)(U)
Boulder Dash (1984)(U)
Brain Strainers (1984)(U)
Buck Rogers - Planet Of Zoom (1983)(U)
Bump 'N' Jump (1984)(U)
Burgertime (1984)(U)
Cabbage Patch Kids - Adventures In The Park (1984)(U)
Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show (1984)(U)
Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show - Parents Manual (1984)(U)
Campaign '84 (1983)(U)
Carnival (1982)(U)
Centipede (1983)(U)
Choplifter! (1984)(U)
Chuck Norris Super Kicks (1983)(U)
Congo Bongo (1984)(U)
Cosmic Avenger (1982)(U)
Cosmic Crisis (1983)(U)
Dam Busters, The - Mission Guide (1984)(U)
Dam Busters, The - Supplement (1984)(U)
Dam Busters, The - Training Manual (1984)(U)
Dance Fantasy (1984)(U)
Decathlon (1983)(U)
Defender (1983)(U)
Destructor (1984)(U)
Donkey Kong (1982)(U)
Donkey Kong Junior (1983)(U)
Dr. Seuss Fix-Up The Mix-Up Puzzler (1984)(U)
Dragonfire (1984)(U)
Dukes Of Hazzard, The (1984)(U)
Facemaker (1983)(U)
Fathom (1983)(U)
Flipper Slipper (1983)(U)
Fortune Builder (1984)(U)
Fortune Builder Guide (1984)(U)
Fraction Fever (1983)(U)
Frantic Freddy (1983)(U)
Frenzy (1983)(U)
Frogger (1983)(U)
Frogger II - Threeedeep! (1984)(U)
Front Line (1983)(U)
Galaxian (1983)(U)
Gateway To Apshai (1984)(U)
Gorf (1983)(U)
Gust Buster (1983)(U)
Gyruss (1984)(U)
H.E.R.O. (1984)(U)
Heist, The (1983)(U)
Illusions (1984)(U)
Illusions - The Key (1984)(U)
It's Only Rock 'N' Roll (1984)(U)
James Bond 007 (1984)(U)
Jukebox (1984)(U)
Jumpman Junior (1983)(U)
Jungle Hunt (1983)(U)
Ken Uston Blackjack-Poker (1983)(U)
Keystone Kapers (1984)(U)
Lady Bug (1982)(U)
Learning With Leeper (1984)(U)
Linking Logic (1984)(U)
Logic Levels (1984)(U)
Looping (1983)(U)
Maze Maniac (2005)(U)
Memory Manor (1984)(U)
Miner 2049er (1983)(U)
Monkey Academy (1984)(U)
Montezuma's Revenge (1984)(U)
Moonsweeper (1983)(U)
Motorcross Racer (1983)(U)
Motorcross Racer (1983)(U)[a]
Mountain King (1984)(U)
Mouse Trap (1982)(U)
Mr. Do! (1983)(U)
Mr. Do!'s Castle (1983)(U)
Nova Blast (1983)(U)
Oil's Well (1984)(U)
Omega Race (1983)(U)
One On One (1984)(U)
Pepper II (1983)(U)
Pitfall II - Lost Caverns (1984)(U)
Pitfall! (1983)(U)
Pitstop (1983)(U)
Popeye (1983)(U)
Q-Bert (1983)(U)
Q-Bert's Qubes (1984)(U)(w page 2)
Quest For Quintana Roo (1983)(U)
River Raid (1984)(U)
Robin Hood (1984)(U)
Roc 'N Rope (1984)(U)
Rock N' Bolt (1984)(U)
Rocky - Super Action Boxing (1983)(U)
Rolloverture (1983)(U)
Sammy Lightfoot (1983)(U)
Sector Alpha (1983)(U)
Sir Lancelot (1983)(U)
Skiing (1986)(U)
Slither (1983)(U)
Slurpy (1984)(U)
Smurf Paint 'N' Play Workshop (1984)(U)
Smurf Rescue In Gargamel's Castle (1982)(U)
Space Fury (1983)(U)
Space Panic (1983)(U)
Spectron (1983)(U)
Spy Hunter (1984)(U)
Star Trek - Strategic Operations Simulator (1984)(U)
Star Wars - The Arcade Game (1984)(U)
Strike It! (1983)(U)
Subroc (1983)(U)
Super Action Baseball (1983)(U)
Super Action Baseball Scorepad (1983)(U)
Super Action Baseball Supplement (1983)(U)
Super Action Football (1984)(U)
Super Action Football Playbook (1984)(U)
Super Cobra (1983)(U)
Super Cross Force (1983)(U)
Super Sketch (1984)(U)
Tank Wars (1983)(U)
Tapper (1984)(U)
Tarzan (1984)(U)
Telly Turtle (1984)(U)
Telly Turtle Reference (1984)(U)
Threshold (1983)(U)
Time Pilot (1983)(U)
Tomarc The Barbarian (1984)(U)
Tournament Tennis (1984)(U)
Turbo (1982)(U)
Tutankham (1984)(U)
Up 'N Down (1984)(U)
Venture (1982)(U)
Victory (1983)(U)
War Games (1984)(U)
War Room (1983)(U)
War Room Insert (1983)(U)
Wing War (1983)(U)
Wizard Of Id's Wizmath, The (1984)(U)
Word Feud (1984)(U)
Zaxxon (1982)(U)
Zenji (1984)(U)
info [Профиль]  [ЛС] 
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