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Name.............: God.of.War.MULTi.PS4-GCMR
PS4 ID...........: CUSA-07412
Date.............: 29.05.2018
Region...........: [X] EU / [] US
FW Needed........: 5.05
Version..........: 01.00
Audio............: English, German, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish,
Greek, Portuguese, Turkish, Czech, Croatian, Hungarian
Subtitles........: English, German, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish,
Greek, Portuguese, Turkish, Czech, Croatian, Hungarian
1. Unpack our release
2. Move .pkg root of exFat formated USB-stick
3. Use ps4-hen-vtx to enable Package Installer
4. Go to Debug Settings-->Game-->Package installer
5. Install .pkg
6. Go and get a coffee or something while you wait game to install
7. Play the game
7.1 If it asks for update(s), select Update Later
To all other PS4 groups out there.
MULTI NOTES: This is different CUSA and it's also with slav languages. cyka blyat o_o