
Red Orchestra 2: Герои Сталинграда / Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad. Game of the Year Edition (1С-СофтКлаб) (MULTi2|RUS) [DL|Steam-Rip] от R.G. Игроманы

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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 130


post 05-Дек-2011 21:06 [-]0[+]



 !  DCCentR:
Правила Tapochek.net / п. 2.7

Всегда и везде,чтобы ни случилось,
до самой смерти только Спартак!
Juntos somos más fuertes
Наша история станет легендой
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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 70

Предупреждений: 1


post 05-Дек-2011 22:57 (спустя 1 час 51 минута) [-]0[+]


на сколько игра теперь играбельна? или все так же сильно забагованно? и как оно по сетке с лицухи играется?
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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 2141

Западная Сахара

post 30-Дек-2011 20:58 (спустя 24 дня) [-]0[+]


• New achievement Fighting The War on Christmas - Participate in a successful territory capture on Commissars House
• Improved CPU performance for all players
• Spectators will now respect the server's roaming restrictions if the viewed player is killed
• Fixed occasional crash when changing teams in the role selection menu
• Weapon upgrades that have been unlocked no longer have a lock icon next to them in the profile menu

• There is now a 5 second timeout after using a reinforcement wave in countdown. This addresses problems where several waves get used up at once.
• If the last player alive is still bleeding out they will now be able to live out their last few seconds before the round ends

• Fixed the round end screen not displaying if the spawn select menu is open

• Servers that become unranked will now attempt to become ranked again after the map changes. We are still working on fully solving the issue with some servers going unranked, but this will help improve the issue.

Обновление для прошлого релиза от 22.11.11 (144.24 MB) (оригинальные файлы)
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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 257


post 30-Дек-2011 21:31 (спустя 33 минуты) [-]0[+]


скажите а тут мультипплеер работает? И где? В стиме ?
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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 13 лет

Сообщений: 122

Предупреждений: 1


post 30-Дек-2011 21:39 (спустя 7 минут) [-]-18[+]


Играть за фашиков, вам не стыдно???

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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 13 лет

Сообщений: 35


post 30-Дек-2011 22:25 (спустя 45 минут) [-]2[+]


VaLDeR писал(а):

Играть за фашиков, вам не стыдно???
не стыдно.Это просто игра,всё остальное додумываете Вы сами
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Стаж: 13 лет

Сообщений: 10


post 19-Янв-2012 13:55 (спустя 19 дней) [-]0[+]


ребят подскажите как нибудь можно решить следующую проблему

после завершения обучающей миссии мне говорят удачи и т.п. а после игра виснет а потом и вовсе вылетает с ошибкой что типа програма не может продолжена или что то типа того..

очень надеюсь на вашу помощь
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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 34


post 29-Янв-2012 11:52 (спустя 9 дней) [-]2[+]


Игра давно обновилась уже несколько раз. Ожидается обновление здесь?
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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 2141

Западная Сахара

post 05-Мар-2012 20:55 (спустя 1 месяц 7 дней) [-]0[+]


February 7th Update Notes:


* Made a number of improvements to ammo resupply
* Bots now have more variation in the spawn points they select
* Achievements for single player campaign progress should unlock properly now
* Reduced range of the rifle bash attack. Bayonets are unaffected.
* Fixed occasionally invisible binoculars when using them as a melee weapon
* Fixed some situations where teammates could not resupply machine gunners. (e.g. if the MG was not the currently equipped weapon)
* Fixed max audio channels setting not always working correctly in the settings menu
* Fixed a bug where some voice chatter would play from somewhere other than the location of the person speaking


* Player still encountering stability problems can use our new automatic crash reporting system! (read more on: http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/showthread.php?t=75253
* Added additional debug information for crashing during startup
* Modders can once again unsuppress logging without causing the game to crash
* Various crash fixes based on player reports

January 10th Update Notes:


* Settings menu bug fixes (e.g. Changing Vsync setting now requires a restart)
* Switching roles/teams while in a tank should now work properly
* Melee hit detection improvements. For example, it is now possible to hit a prone player with a bayonet while standing.
* The commanders order marker will now disappear properly when aimed at the sky instead of getting stuck at some location in the map
* Countdown maps will no longer show the improper amount of manpower when a new player joins during a match in progress

Performance / Stability

* Crash fixes based on .dmp files provided by players
* Fixed occasional freezing when spawning
* Updated Punkbuster to address framerate spike
* Overall performance optimization
- Обновление для прошлого релиза от 30.12.11 (147.05 MB)
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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 68


post 08-Мар-2012 01:08 (спустя 2 дня 4 часа) [-]-4[+]


Каким способом можно в сетевую сыграть?

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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 16


post 18-Мар-2012 21:07 (спустя 10 дней) [-]0[+]



Купить игру.
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Стаж: 13 лет

Сообщений: 98


post 08-Апр-2012 19:27 (спустя 20 дней) [-]-2[+]


Была у меня версия до последнего обновления - вылеты на любом уровне, играть почти невозможно. Надеюсь сейчас что-то изменилось.
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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 53


post 25-Апр-2012 03:07 (спустя 16 дней) [-]-3[+]


в самой первой обучающей миссии нужно "Задержать дыхание, зажав шифт во время прицеливания". Зажимаю, ничего не происходит, мишени не поражаются. Что делать?
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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 2141

Западная Сахара

post 25-Май-2012 09:14 (спустя 1 месяц) [-]2[+]


 !  - Игра в раздаче обновлена до Game of the Year Edition


New maps: TE-MamayevKurgan, CD-MamayevKurgan, FF-MamayevKurgan

New and improved fixed MG locations
Increased spawn time for Allies by 5 seconds for 64 player load-out
Improved spawn protection for last Axis spawn
Added an initial spawn for the Axis that is slightly closer to the first two objectives – after a few seconds the spawn returns the old initial spawn location
Decreased Allies reinforcements
Classic Mode has only 1 Elite Assault class per team

Commissars House:
New initial spawn for Axis that falls back after 20 seconds
Made all field ammo resupplies infantry only and put tank resupplies back in the initial tank spawning area
Satchel obstacles now correctly glowing and are showing up on the minimap
Removed 1 tank per team (1 tank max per team)
Correctly set North direction for the map
Lowered both teams Aerial Recon intervals from 180 to 120 seconds
Classic Mode has only 1 Elite Assault class per team

New and improved fixed MG locations
Classic Mode has only 1 Elite Assault class per team

Fallen Fighters:
Satchel obstacles now correctly glowing and are showing up on the minimap
Lowered both teams Aerial Recon intervals from 180 to 120 seconds
Improved MG locations
Made all field ammo resupplies infantry only and put tank resupplies back in the initial tank spawning area
Classic Mode has only 1 Elite Assault class per team

Grain Elevator:
New and improved fixed MG locations
Moved Allied spawn back when defending the Conveyor Tower
Improved ability for Axis to exit the building on their right flank just outside their first spawn
Moved the left Axis spawn when attacking the Foothold to be in a more useful location
Slight improvement to cover around the Conveyor Tower
Increased the thickness of the walls surrounding the middle stairwell that leads from the Foothold to the service area in the 2nd Floor
Classic Mode has only 1 Elite Assault class per team

Moved initial Axis spawn back
Increased spawn time for Axis by 5 seconds

Pavlov’s House:
Satchel obstacles now correctly glowing and are showing up on the minimap
New and improved fixed MG locations
Increased spawn time for Allies by 5 seconds for 64 player load-out
Made all field ammo resupplies infantry only and put tank resupplies back in the initial tank spawning area
Excluded the trenches leading from Pavlov’s House to 9th January Square from the 9th January Square objective. Also removed the basement of the church from the objective as well.
Classic Mode has only 1 Elite Assault class per team

Red October Factory:
Satchel obstacles and objectives now correctly glowing and are showing up on the minimap
New and improved fixed MG locations
Correctly set North direction for the map
Satchel Objectives can now be blown up by placing a satchel within the objective area, not just by putting it next to some obscure object
Added more light to an area in the first objective that was too dark
Classic Mode has only 1 Elite Assault class per team

Increased spawn time for Allies by 5 seconds
Improved Axis spawn protection for their last spawn attacking the Town Hall
Increased Axis reinforcements
Reduced Allies reinforcements
Reduced Allies’ artillery amounts
Lowered both teams Aerial Recon intervals from 180 to 120 seconds
Classic Mode has only 1 Elite Assault class per team

Fixed one of the initial Allied spawns not working correctly
New and improved fixed MG locations
Decreased Axis reinforcement times by 5 seconds
Increased Axis reinforcements
Lowered both teams Aerial Recon intervals from 180 to 120 seconds
Classic Mode has only 1 Elite Assault class per team

Fixed some points in training where players would get stuck and not be able to progress
Fixed being able to blow yourself up in Support Training

Special thanks to Goten for helping locate balance issues!

Classic Mode – NEW

All new game mode that blends a lot of the great gameplay innovations in Red Orchestra 2 with the tactical and edgy gameplay from Red Orchestra: Ostfront.
Mode is ranked – players still gain experience and level up, but when playing in classic mode these levels do not grant any bonuses for class or weapon. Player ranks are still represented via in game icons and player models.
Role and weapon loadouts are modified to be more historically accurate for the period. This means fewer MkBs, AVTs, and SMGs are available and more bolt action rifles are available.
Interface changes – added an RO1 style compass to the HUD. No peripheral action indicators.
Uses standard realism mode as a base, and adds additional functionality on top of that
Classic mode settings have been added to webadmin and can be toggled on/off for Custom Mode
Removed spawn on squad leader
No Lockdown
No Killcam

Weapon loadouts are fixed to a historically accurate set. Classic weapon load out is as follows:
PPSH w/drum mag and select fire
Kar98 w/bayonet
Kar98 Sniper w/4X scope
Mosin Nagant Sniper w/3.5X scope
G41 Sniper w/4X Scope
SVT-40 Sniper w/3.5X scope
MP40 with single 32 round mag
MkB42 with bayonet (no scope)
P38 Pistol
C96 w/10 round mag
MG34 w/50 round drum
MG34 Tripod
Pzb 784 (r)
MN 9130 w/bayonet
G41 (W) w/bayonet
SVT-40 w/bayo
AVT-40 w/bayo
M1895 without silencer
Maxim 1910
All other weapons and equipment as normally given (binocs, satchels, smoke nades, etc)

Infantry Changes:
Stamina usage and regeneration are modified to closely match RO1 functionality
Player movement speed has been modified to match Red Orchestra 1 player movement speed. The sprinting speed is considerably slower to closely match the speed based on RO1 maps scale.
Sprinting now has a server option to closely match RO1 functionality. The player sprints at a constant speed until running out of stamina, then stops sprinting until regaining some stamina
The FOV zoom while using focus/controlled breathing is disabled
Movement speed penalty when shot in the legs or feet (same as new realism mode)
The player damage model is much more hardcore to match RO1 functionality. Players take damage instantly instead of bleeding some of the damage out over time. There is no bandaging or bleeding (although slow deaths from wounds are still possible).
Stamina has a much greater effect on weapon sway and recoil (same as new realism mode)

Weapon Changes:
Iron sight breathing and sway are greatly increased
Weapons take longer to go into iron sights and match exactly the iron sight zoom in speed of RO1
You cannot interrupt sprint by going into iron sights
Weapons transitioning out of sprinting takes twice as long to more closely match RO1′s sprinting transitions
The weapon is unable to fire until the transition from sprinting is mostly complete. This more closely matches RO1 functionality and should encourage less “run and gun” play.

Action Mode – NEW

All new game mode – featuring a crosshair, easier aiming and toned down recoil, reduced damage and open access to a wide range of weaponry Action mode is the perfect first step for players into the world of Red Orchestra.
Features much wider availability of submachine guns, assault rifles, and sniper rifles so action players won’t be limited to bolt action rifles like other modes.
Added crosshairs. The crosshair size scales with the base accuracy of the weapon. More accurate weapons have tighter crosshairs, less accurate weapons have looser crosshairs. The crosshair expands with the recoil of the gun to represent the shooting being less accurate for longer bursts.
The free-aim system (where the weapon moves semi-independent of the player’s view when rotating the camera) is removed from Action mode to provide easier weapon handling for this mode.
Weapon damage is greatly reduced and balanced between weapons. This means players have more survivability and longer firefights.
Added a system to tweak weapon recoil for Action mode. Adjusted the recoil of the PPSH and AVT-40 to be more controllable for action mode.
Removed “instant death” zones in Action mode. Damage to those zones is now just scaled up rather than instantly killing the player. Those zones are head, neck, heart, and acorns.
Features a less restrictive version of tank functionality
Replaces relaxed realism mode

Realism Mode

Modified damage model in which hitzones can always take damage no matter how much damage they have already taken (for instance limbs will no longer become invulnerable after taking damage)
Bandaging now takes twice as long
Shooting players in the legs/feet will slow them down for a short time
Can no longer use controlled breathing, or use focus zoom if under heavy suppression.
When suppressed the player will now experience increased weapon breathing/sway and screen/weapon buffeting effects that scale up with the current suppression level of the player.
Stamina now has an increased effect on weapon breathing/sway when stamina is below 80% and above 25%
Stamina has a much greater effect on weapon sway and recoil
Can no longer fire your weapon after going to iron sights while sprinting until the weapon gets back into the firing position
Minimap is now displayed in tactical view
Tank functionality has been refined for this mode to allow for longer engagements without tanks becoming unable to engage each other.

Gameplay System Refinements

Redesigned Lockdown:
Lockdown now starts if the attacking team has not initiated a capture in 5 minutes or has not captured any objective in 7 minutes. There are new sound and visual indications when Lockdown has been initiated. In this way Lockdown is much less intrusive, and only kicks in when there are very long times when the attacking team hasn’t made any progress.

Improved Overtime system:
Overtime has been revised with greatly improved functionality
Overtime has been added to territory and countdown

Improved spawn protection:
When entering spawn protection there is a more obvious warning as well as a countdown timer similar to leaving the map boundary.
More time given to players who were in an spawn protection area before the volume was activated.When entering spawn protection there is a more obvious warning as well as a countdown timer similar to leaving the map boundary.
Players are now invincible for 3 seconds after spawning in a spawn protected area. Other conditions such as leaving the area or firing a weapon immediately make them vulnerable again.
Greatly improved spawn on squad leader
Spawn on squad leader now uses an entirely new system which is much better at finding a place to spawn players between the spawn leaders location, and their base spawn point.
Players will now use the last location of the squad leader they chose to spawn on if the squad leader dies after they have begun spawning on them. This will greatly reduce the times when the player doesn’t spawn on the squad leader they selected.
The UI has been improved to make it more obvious where you’ll be spawning. Additionally if you fail to spawn on your squad leader you will receive an error message, as will your squad leader.

Redesigned Enemy Spotted:
Players will now get a notification when a teammate spots an enemy or a location where they think an enemy is if there is line of sight between the player and the spot where the location was spotted, or if they are within 100 meters of the player that called out “enemy spotted” (4000 meters for tanks).
When a teammate spots an enemy the icon will appear that the top of the screen indicating the general direction of the enemy. Additionally, if the location is above or below the players view, an arrow will indicate this to the player.
Enemy spotted locations no longer snap near to the location of the enemy that was spotted. Rather the locations indicated to teammates are the location that the player that spotted the enemy was looking when they released the “Spot Enemy” key. This will prevent players from using enemy spotted to exploit and find the locations of unseen enemies.
Players calling out the locations of enemies using the enemy spotted key will now see an icon on the screen to indicate the location they are attempting to designate the enemy at. Additionally, this button can be held down and the player can put the icon over an enemy, then release the key to designate that location. The default key for this is “Z”.
Spotting enemy tanks actually works now in the enemy spotted system (it was only ever working before with aerial recon)
Refined the angles that enemy spotted detects what type of soldier the player is spotted to prevent exploiting this at long range. Players must now get their view much closer to the location of an enemy they are spotting to identify the type of enemy they are looking at.
Added setting to configure enemy spotted for three settings: (0 = full, 1 = tactical view and map only, 2 = map only). All game modes default to full currently.
Tweaked the radius for recon plane spotted tanks to improve functionality on larger maps like Gumrak.

Refined player damage model. Now in realism mode hitzones can always take damage no matter how much damage they have already taken (before non-lethal hit zones could become invulnerable and no longer take damage). In action mode bandaging hit zones restores the health of the hitzone, but not the player’s overall health. In this way after bandaging players will take damage on the bandaged hitzone again (before they would never take damage on that hitzone again).

Improved Suppression:
The effects of bullet whizzes have been significantly magnified
The radius that players will get bullet whizzes sounds and suppression has been significantly magnified. Additionally, the volume of bullet hit impacts and bullet whizzes has been greatly increased.
Reduced the angle at which players receive suppression from someone firing at them. This should greatly reduce or eliminate the “false positives” that were giving player suppression from an enemy that was not even remotely shooting in their direction. Likewise players should now pay more attention to suppression, since now it really means someone is shooting in your direction.
Suppression now affects the screen/weapon “buffeting” effect when bullets whiz by the player. When more suppressed the screen will buffet more when a bullet whizzes by. Additionally, suppression bonuses from player progression, proximity to a hero, or being in cover will now reduce this buffeting effect as well.
Blur from suppression now fades out more smoothly
Stamina has an increased effect on sway in all modes
Modified the encumbrance system so that players that spawn with MGs and Anti-tank rifles will get a bonus on carrying their primary weapon which prevents them from spawning with heavy encumbrance effects (faster stamina use, slower sprinting, etc). If someone from a different class picks up their dropped primary weapon, they will still have the heavy encumbrance from the weapon.
Engineer classes get a slight encumbrance bonus so they don’t spawn with heavy encumbrance effects (faster stamina use, slower sprinting, etc)
The distance the player can fall before being damaged/killed has been increased 25 percent. So now a player can walk off the second floor of a building and will be significantly injured, but not killed.
Falling damage now hurts the players legs and displays on the player damage indicator on the hud.
When taking significant falling damage in Realism and Classic mode the player will now walk slowly for a short time

The map boundary effect has been brightened
Moved Steam Overlay to the upper left
Improvements to prone physics in tight spaces (e.g. trenches)
Split assault role in ‘Assault’ and ‘Elite Assault’ Only the elite assault role gets the MkB/AVT. The first time you play any existing assault xp will be copied/duplicated to elite assault.


Added client-side hit detection. Client side hit detection works for all standard small arms bullet firing weapons and for melee. Client side hit detection can be turned off/off by server admins through the webadmin tool.
Improved MG weapon collision detection when deployed on cover. This is most noticeable when deployed in windows.
The MG34 now has wider limits when deployed similar to the DP28
Satchels are now easier to throw into small spaces

Bipod MGs have greatly increased accuracy and much less recoil when deployed. Tripod MGs have greatly increased accuracy
Damage of bullets now scales as they lose velocity, and as they penetrate objects (based on the density of the type of object they penetrate). In particular SMGs and pistols will be less effective at longer ranges while rifles and MGs will still be effective at long range. Additionally, players will take reduced damage from bullets that penetrate objects before hitting the player.

Added suppression for melee
The F1 grenade damage has been increased to match its Axis counterpart
Smoke from smoke grenades now disappears between rounds


AI Improvements and Refinements:
Vehicle functionality and vehicle crew AI, particularly hull mg and main cannon AI, have gone through a major overhaul with a goal of greatly improving playability and creating a system that players will find useful and enjoyable.
Completely new AI configurability system with robust configurability including webadmin options. The system includes all new tank AI functionality with “player ordered AI gunnery only” as the default setup. With this new system, Tank AI will do nothing if the human player is in a tank, unless the human player orders the AI to do something. For example, if the human player orders the AI to attack an enemy, the AI will use the hull MG and the main cannon to attack the enemy for a short time. Then after a short time the AI will stop firing. In addition to this new default functionality the server admin can also run in several different configurations including turning off all vehicle AI gunnery, selecting full autonomous AI gunner, selecting player ordered gunnery only (the default), or individually turn off/on AI gunner for the hull mg and tank cannon. We highly recommend all admins try out the new player ordered AI gunnery system as it is a vast improvement over the original system.
Completely revised AI gunnery model. This system has been tuned to be very forgiving and to not quite play as well as a human player would. With that said it will also be useful enough for players to want to use the system, but without completely destroying human players unrealistically like it was before. This system includes functionality that makes the AI less accurate based on many factors such as distance from the tank, movement state of the enemy (walking, sprinting, etc), as well as making the tank AI much less accurate if the tank is moving. Some elements of this system were already in the codebase, but not functioning due to a bug.
Added some tank AI configuration elements based off of Ducky’s Tank AI mutator
You can now rotate the turret of the Panzer IV from the commander cuppola position by looking in a direction and pressing the fire button (you could already do it from the interior gunner position of the Panzer IV and the gunner/commander position of the T34)
Implemented new vehicle accessibility functionality. This functionality allows servers to specify if different parts/crew in the tank can receive full damage, reduced functionality, or no part damage (vehicle itself still takes damage)
Mobility – Treads, breaks, engine
Destroyed – The parts can be damaged and fully destroyed and disabled
Damaged – The parts can be damaged and have reduced functionality, but not destroyed
No Damage – The parts can not take damage
Main Turret and Cannon – Main Gun, Turret Traverse, Loader
Destroyed – The parts can be damaged and fully destroyed and disabled
Damaged – The parts can be damaged and have reduced functionality, but not destroyed
No Damage – The parts can not take damage
Crew – Driver, Main Gunner, Hull Machine Gunner, Commander
Full Interior and Exterior Damage – The crew can be killed while exposed, and from penetrating rounds as well as the internal damage they cause (shrapnel)
Exterior Damage – The crew can only be killed while exposed
No Damage – The crew will not take any damage
General Tank Changes
Made damage and armor tweaks with the T34 to get it more in balance with the Panzer IV. A battle between the two tanks should now be a much more even fight, while still retaining their realistic strengths and weaknesses.
T34 – gun mantlet changed to account for the heavily curved shape, also improving its resistance
Fixed a bug with the Panzer for main cannon mantlet that essentially prevented rounds from penetrating it at any range
Changed the T34 ammo count to give it more AP rounds and less HE rounds for armor-heavy engagements
Added proper localized text messages for many events occurring inside the tank
Tweaked up tank movement voice commands to reduce voice command spam


A tooltip has been added to the team select menu to show what players are currently on that team.
Added North/South/East/West indicator to the minimap/compass.
Added a list of current squad members to the tactical view
The screen when returning to the main menu system will now reflect that you are going to the main menu
Added a Custom Map loading screen when the game does not know the map (.ini or .int entry for the map)
Ping is now displayed when in tanks
Removed most player color highlighting
Your player name is now always displayed on the list
Current game mode added in upper right
Added a credits button to the main menu
Server Browser
The server browser is now more responsive. This is especially true on routers that enforce a low number of connections.
Fixed a problem causing some servers (random each refresh) to be missing from the list.
Player list now shows how many bots are on the server, separate from human players
Added new server details for classic mode and whether the server is running a mutator, these were also added the the server browser key
Joining a game mode server for the first time (such as classic, realism, action or custom) triggers a confirmation message window
Added popup dialog boxes to the server browser the first time you connect to action or realism servers
Class/Weapon select menu
Double-clicking a class name will now quick select it with the default loadout
Added the ability to select a weapon upgrade in the class selection menu rather than always spawning with the highest unlocked version. This change only applies to servers running normal, realism, or custom with bClassicWeaponLoadout=FALSE
Added a tip that explains the above UI when you first select a weapon that has a selectable upgrade
Enemy weapon unlocks are now added to the bottom of the list instead of the top
Voting menus
Map/Role/Kick voting are easier to read and more intuitive
Added player name to all chat boxes
Settings menu
Modified the settings menu to display the proper aspect ratio adjusted values for the FOV setting. Before the menu only listed the FOV values for 4:3 aspect ratio. This incorrectly led people to believe that the FOV was lower than it actually was in game. For example, if the FOV value in the menu was set to 70 (using the 4:3 FOV values), at a standard widescreen aspect ratio of 16:9 the players in game FOV was being adjusted to 86 degrees.
Added menu options to disable HUD Tips and/or Menu tooltips
Added a DOF graphics setting to the video options menu. Disabling it no longer turns off other post process effects
Control options
Key held down options for crouch, prone, and iron sights have been added
Exclusive key bindings to split up the ‘Interaction’ key for ‘Use’, ‘Bandage’, and ‘Cover’. Holding the ‘Cover (Hold)’ key will automatically attach to the first available cover.
Replaced ‘Use’ text in the periscope tip with actual key binding
Overhead map
Artillery selection is now more reliable. Added flashing icon to overhead map when artillery is falling
Satchel objectives and obstacles are now shown on the minimap, tactical view, and overhead map.
Tank icons on the overhead map and minimap are shown instead of the generic icon for teammates
The ammo resupply icon is now greyed out during the resupply cooldown
Several visual tweaks (e.g. fonts, colors, and positioning)
Added current voice channel indicator when speaking
After being shot the damage indicator is now displayed on the HUD regardless of whether tactical view is on
Refinements to peripheral indicators making it more difficult to pinpoint enemy locations
Added new kill icons for Maxim, Tripod MG34, vehicle mg’s
Refined colors of player names above players heads
Hitzone damage indicators now scale from Yellow (0-33% damaged), Orange (33-66% damaged), Red (Greater than 66% damaged)
Added display for damaged turret ring icon if your turret rotation is damaged (but not destroyed)
In tanks hit indicators no longer display on the opposite side of the incoming hit. This happened when the shot penetrated and hit the tank on the other side.
Improved the outside of map boundaries post process effect
Added a short delay after death in which clicking primary fire will not take the player to third person view


Adjusted the sounds of bullets hitting players. In realism mode the sounds of bullets hitting players are toned down, and for classic mode the sounds of bullets hitting players are at realistic volume levels. This setting is also adjustable for custom mode in webadmin.
Adjusted the sound of the player breathing when in iron sights so that breathing out will more closely match the volume of breathing in (before breathing out was very quiet compared to breathing in). Also increased the volume of the iron sights breathing a little so that it is more obvious that the player is breathing. It should also now be more clear that the player is NOT holding their breath when controlled breathing is used, rather the player is breathing slowly and pausing between each breath.
Some voice chatter was repeating itself that shouldn’t be while other chatter was not repeating itself when it should be. Both issues have been fixed.
Fixed a bug where when using a fixed MG sometimes it would sound like your own voice was coming from behind you
Refined and improved vehicle MG sounds
Panzer IV now uses a looped MG shooting sound
Adding looping fire sounds for the T-34
Tank AI Crew members will now respond verbally to the tank commander’s orders
Native Voices added to the Audio Options menu. If selected you will now hear friendly chatter in the native language (note: you must restart the game or wait for a map change for this to take effect)
Fixed some voice commands that would not play sometimes including the commander speech and enemy spotted

Made changes to the sound system to prevent some sounds from cutting out
Optimized sound channel usage
Increased the volume of sprinting footstep sounds
Increased the volume of cloth/equipment rattle sounds
Slightly increased the sound of the recon plane
Slightly increased the footstep sound volume attenuation to be a bit more audible at a distance


Enhanced most particle emitters with more material based animation
Dynamic emitters such as explosions and smoke grenades now “lit” and match the level lighting
Enhanced all explosions to look more “explosive”
Optimized particles in Red October Factory to improve performance
Setting DepthOfField=False in the INI doesn’t turn off other post process effects

Performance and Stability

Major performance improvements for client and server
Optimizations to dynamic shadows
Fixed black skybox on older NVidia cards
Fixed the game being stuck on the splash screen or having very long initial load time
Fixed a texture size constraint that was causing some 32-bit machines to crash
Changed cache size and lifespan for custom content downloads


Added Classic and Action mode settings
Added tooltips to many webadmin settings to make them easier to understand
Added a setting to disable lockdown
Mutators now show up in the change map screen
Added more flexibility to a number server settings including: team death icons, allow killcam, kill message mode/delay, friendly player name mode.
Cleaned up many unused/unimplemented webadmin settings that were cluttering the system.

Bug Fixes, Weapons

Fixed a bug where Machine Gunners had a stuck camera when deployed in some areas.
Fixed weapons firing blanks after taking over a bot in Countdown
Can no longer use the quick grenade key during the round start countdown
Fixed dropped weapon pickups getting automatically picked up sometimes
Fixed the allied smoke grenade not properly blocking vision (effects AI vision, enemy spotted, and peripheral indicators)
Fixed stamina not recovering when using a fixed MG
Fixed a bug where using a fixed MG would sometimes cause your own voice to come from behind you
Fixed the AVT-40 kills being rewarded as SVT40 kills for kill stats
Fixed a bug preventing players from deploying MGs in some areas
Fixed a bug where you could get suppressed multiple times from the same penetrating shot
Fixed a bug with melee that was causing it to not hit the body part you were aiming at
Fixed a bug where the tank cannon would point off in random directions after the AI fired a round from it or moved it.
Fixed getting stuck in suppression
Fixed disappearing players when using or viewing someone on a tripod MGs
Fixed a bug where certain types of hits weren’t counting toward the accuracy stats, giving inaccurate weapon accuracy stats.
Fixed being able to shoot yourself on a mounted MG
Fixed an issue where players would sometimes pick up a weapon by running over it
Fixed an issue where players who ranked up the pzb784r would receive the ptrs41

Bug Fixes, General

Fixed camera floating above the player when killed from prone
Bots no longer affect auto team balancing
Fixed cover having priority over mountable machine guns when using the ‘Interaction’ key
Characters should no longer pop up/down when running along trenches
Fixed some instances of being able to ‘see through’ objects when viewing up close.
Fixed a bug where server damage scaling settings were not working
Fixed a bug where players could not take bleed damage under certain circumstances
Fixed achievements: Marksman (Bronze/Silver/Gold), Unhatched (Bronze/SilverGold), Tracked (Bronze/Silver/Gold), Sharpshooter (Bronze/Silver/Gold), Firing Blind, Stonewall

Fixed commander sometimes not respawning properly in Countdown
Fixed commander automatically selecting their own artillery location. It was shown in the menu as selected, but it would not work properly when trying to launch artillery.
Fixed squad leaders overriding each other’s marked artillery targets
Fixed a way to avoid spawn protection
In Countdown, the commander is no longer able to waste a reinforcement wave if nobody is dead
Fixed a rare situation where Countdown suddendeath would not end
Fixed a bug where damage scaling was breaking being able to damage tank crew members
Fixed a bug where the AI would just fire at anything they saw when ordered to suppress infantry rather than actually firing at the infantry the commander ordered them to fire at.
Spectator/DemoRec no longer get stuck on the round end menu
Servers no longer crash when misspelling a map name using servertravel

Fixed Custom maps not receiving the proper name or loading screen
Fixed an issue where debug text would show up when vote kicking players
Fixed automatically picking up weapons by running over them
Fixed an issue where firefight spawn delay was reading the territory information
Fixed some items that were not being properly localized in the Server Browser
Fixed a bug where AI could be broken when ordering them to attack an objective in singleplayer after that objective gets captured
Fixed artillery spotting with binoculars and enemy spotted functionality getting blocked by the simple collision on objects. This was causing both of them to be blocked by things that the player could see though, that bullets would not collide with, etc, such as windows, the corners of walls, etc.

Bug Fixes, Vehicles

Fixed bugs that were causing the vehicle AI to be 100% accurate with their aimed shots when a human player was in the tank. This was the root of most of the problems with tank AI being way too hardcore and good.
Fixed many issues with aiming tank cannons not going where they were aimed

Fixed tank firing being off on steep slopes
Fixed the spawn protection not working for tanks online
Fixed tank physics from rubber banding around online
Fixed a bug where the AI would take over control of the tank’s turret/hull MG even if you had ordered it not to fire.

Bug Fixes, UI

Getting a battlefield commission should no longer cause the player to miss the initial spawn. Also, players who get a battlefield commission in the second round should now have enough time to use it.
Fix for the respawn timer being 0 under certain conditions in the spawn menu
Fixed the spawn queue timer always being 0 for the Commander in the tactical view
Fixed 2 spawns being auto selected in the spawn menu after spawning on squad leader for the first time
Fixed an issue where players could refresh servers away in the server browser.
Fixed the player damage hud not displaying damage resulting from bleeding. Also, fixed several hit zones not displaying any damage (lower left leg, left foot, groin)
Fixed overhead map problem after changing roles from Commander
Fixed text showing that both teams are attacking on ready up screen for Countdown Gumrak
Fixed overhead player names wrapping at the edge of the screen
Fixed inactive objectives showing as active on the minimap
Fixed remaining salvo text misplaced in the commander menu
The territory spawn menu no longer displays if your team is out of reinforcements
Fixed the kill message icon for the allied AT grenade
Added notification message for team kills that tell both players involved
Added notification message for MG barrel overheating
Corrected battlefield commission text (Always said Axis team)

Fixed the tank command menu not always having selected your tank by default
Fixed the 3d command marker sometimes get stuck when used from a tank
Fixed vehicles not getting a spawn protection warning message
The honor range in the server browser is now correct

Bug Fixes, Audio

Fixed footstep sounds getting perpetually quieter until they were not able to be heard at all
Fixed an issue with looping weapon sounds (PPSH, and some others) getting perpetually quieter until they were not able to be heard at all
Fixed morale music not ducking while playing weapon, class, and honor rank up music
Fixed a bug where two songs could be playing over top of each other during the match victory screen
Fixed a bug where the level up music would play over the round or match wing screens
Fixed the round win music being the wrong teams song in certain instances
Fixed music cutting out at end of video (ChapterEndSoviet06.bik)
Fixed alert voice spam condition when entering a spawn protection area
Profile PM



Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 199


post 25-Май-2012 14:03 (спустя 4 часа) [-]0[+]


Играю пару дней в немецкую лицензию,все последние обновления стоят.Играю только в мультиплеер.Частые вылеты,особенно при попытке сесть в танк.Сервера глючат,много багов.Но в целом ,весьма интересно.
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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 242


post 26-Май-2012 12:50 (спустя 22 часа) [-]0[+]


Спасибо большое, как раз искал стим-рип Улыбаюсь

Game - it is just the beginning.
Profile PM



Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 36


post 10-Июл-2012 22:44 (спустя 1 месяц 15 дней) [-]0[+]


Благодарю за рип. Через стим качать полдня, если не больше. стим воспринял, как родную, после переноса в папку со стимом.

P.S. Выражу своё пустое и нахер никому не нужное мнение. Всем кто хает игру, надо играть по сети с ключом - баги исправили. хотя игра на любителя некоего реализма не слишком нудного как в АРМА , но и не попсового как в BF. Спорить не собираюсь, мне все равно, лично я покупкой доволен, удовольствие от игры присутствует.
BF - попсовое стрельбище для школоты, АРМА заморочена до жопы, понятно зачем конечно, но отнимает слишком много времени.
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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 13 лет

Сообщений: 1


post 28-Июл-2012 00:58 (спустя 17 дней) [-]0[+]


Могу ли я на сегодняшний день, скачав данный рип, нормально играть через стим, имея на аккаунте активированную игру?
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Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 2141

Западная Сахара

post 09-Авг-2012 14:36 (спустя 12 дней) [-]0[+]


 !    Раздача обновлена:
- Добавлена английская локализация
- Таблетка обновлена
- Игра обновлена до v1.1.0.6
There is a patch coming today for RO 2. It will be a large download, but that is because we're converting our files over into something that will work much more efficiently with Steam's new content system. Future downloads will much smaller allowing us to update the game more often. Other changes include:



Balanced reinforcement count in Allies favor

Added additional cover

Added ammo depot to Axis staging area


Improved cover between NCO barracks and Admin

Modified area that could be used to fire on a spawn

Pavlovs House

Moved ladder in Zabs house to a better location

Modified initial Allied spawn protection

Added new routers to help the Allies leave their spawns without getting killed as easily

Modified several spots in Zabs House that could be used by the Axis to overlook the Allied spawn exit

Modified Allied spawning location when the Axis are pushing the final Allied objective

Added additional cover to some areas of the map

Blocked off tank access to the yellow building area behind Zabs House

Red October Factory

Rebalanced reinforcement count

Added additional map time

Decreased artillery use timer

Removed 2nd Axis tank

Modified number of window firing points for Axis on the 1st obj

Modified initial Russian spawn protection

Added more cover to the 1st and 2nd objective areas


Added more cover to the initial Axis approach

Modified 1st Axis spawns


Modified capzones for Housing Block 1 & 2

Grain Elevator

Added several obstructions to break up line of sight

Increased capture time on last objective

Increased duration before allies lose all of their reinforcements

Fixed map boundary times being 1 second

Commissars House

Added new cover from first spawns

Added cover to road ahead of Commissars North Hall

Increased size of snow mounds around Commissars House

Modified map boundaries

Modified objective setup

Modified spawn locations and handling


Fixed ref pose bots in squad leader training

Fixed minor lighting issues across all maps


Fixed bullet impact effects not being visible when on a fixed MG

Fixed weapons getting lowered while aiming left from prone

Increased spawn protection time to 20 seconds if standing in the area when it’s activated

Correct initial ammo count for P38 and TT33 (added one)


Fixed the scroll bar on the server browser player list. It should no longer continue to snap to the top.

Fixed voted maps sometimes disappearing from the right-hand map voting box

Fixed flickering text on the loading screen when downloading a custom map

Fixed “FT1, FT2, FT3” etc text stuck on screen for squad leaders and commanders

Fixed Marskman roles missing from some maps in action mode. Squad view shifting down as roles open up eventually making roles un-selectable.


The 'Mutate' command can now be used from the management console

* Attention Modders *
We found that most custom maps will need to be republished if you haven't already done so using the opt-in beta. Mutators are generally still compatable, but we recommend all modders briefly test their content. Continue checking the modding forum for more info.
Profile PM



Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 341


post 09-Авг-2012 16:32 (спустя 1 час 56 минут) [-]0[+]


Подскажите там есть сингал ? ато вычитал несколько постов типо игра только онлайн.
Profile PM



Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 2523


post 09-Авг-2012 19:50 (спустя 3 часа) [-]0[+]



Карты с ботами только.
Profile PM



Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 15 лет

Сообщений: 35


post 02-Сен-2012 00:30 (спустя 23 дня) [-]0[+]


Как поменять разрешение экрана? У меня в настройках разрешение не меняется.
Profile PM



Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 200


post 12-Сен-2012 14:17 (спустя 10 дней) [-]0[+]


Подкиньте фффтопку!!! Скорости маловато
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Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 10


post 05-Ноя-2012 20:19 (спустя 1 месяц 23 дня) [-]0[+]


Что за хреновая раздача, скачал, установил и ни чего нет. Об окончании установки не сообщается. Ехе файлов нет. Нае***во. Раздаче по всем пунктам кол.
Profile PM



Пол: Пол:Муж

Стаж: 14 лет

Сообщений: 11


post 22-Ноя-2012 22:52 (спустя 17 дней) [-]0[+]


negative писал(а):

Можно я его расстреляю? Улыбаюсь
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