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[Atari Lynx] Полная Коллекция. (Мануалы (DMC-v2015-05-15)+Игры (GoodLynx (2.01) + NonGoodLynx (2014-12-14) + No-Intro (2013-03-03) + TOSEC + NonSet Games+Сканы Обложек, Картриджей, Скриншоты))
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[Atari Lynx] Полная Коллекция.(Мануалы (DMC-v2015-05-15)+Игры (GoodLynx (2.01) + NonGoodLynx (2014-12-14) + No-Intro (2013-03-03) + TOSEC + NonSet Games)+Сканы Обложек, Картриджей, Скриншоты)
Года выпуска игр: 1989-2001 гг. Тип коллекции: DMC (Depressor's Manuals Collection) Полное название приставки: Atari Lynx Разработчик\Издатель: Atari, Beyond Games, Self Published (Homebrew), Shadowsoft, Songbird Productions, Telegames, Williams Язык: Английский\Испанский\Немецкий\Французский Описание: Самая, на мой взгляд, интересная деталь, что консоль, впоследствии названная Lynx, изначально разрабатывалась двумя инженерами (Дэйв Нидл (Dave Needle) и Ар Джей Майкл (R.J. Mical)) из Epyx ещё в 1987м году. Но у Epyx не хватило средств, чтобы самим заняться серийным производством консоли, называвшейся тогда, кстати, Handy. Партнёром Epyx стала Atari, причём фирмы договорились, что Atari займётся выпуском хэндхелда, а Epyx будет разрабатывать игры. Вобщем в 1989м году на Computer Entertainment Show (CES) миру был явлен рабочий вариант приставки, называвшийся тогда ещё просто Atari Color Portable Entertainment System. На той же самой выставке появляется и Nintendo Game Boy, с которой и будет связана трагическая история Lynx. Изначально Atari Lynx появляется на прилавках в конце 1989 года по цене 199$, в то время как Game Boy стоит 109$. И даже несмотря на то, что экран у Lynx цветной, а Game Boy чёрно-белый, Nintendo выигрывает старт. Во-первых, Nintendo изначально имеет в своём архиве кучу известных игр, в том числе и портов с домашних консолей. Во-вторых, Atari не справилась с количеством заказов, выбросив на рынок недостаточное количество приставок. В 90м году дела Atari немного выправляются за счёт разработки Lynx II. Эта модель имела чуть меньшие размеры, более яркий экран, дольше работала от батареек, выход наушников поддерживал стереозвук. Так же Atari даёт права на разработку игр третьим компаниям и количество игр для Lynx значительно вырастает. Но в 1991-м SEGA выпускает свою Game Gear с цветным экраном, что лишило Lynx статуса единственного "цветного" хэндхелда. В 1994-м году Atari полностью прекращает поддержку и развитие Lynx, а в 1996-м прекращается разработка игр. Вот так вот великая на тот момент Atari не смогла сопротивляться великой же и богатой Nintendo. Содержимое торрента: - Atari Lynx - Game Manuals (DMC-v2015-05-15); - Atari Lynx - Game Manuals Posters (DMC-v2015-05-15); - Atari Lynx - Handy Documents (DMC-v2015-05-15); - Atari Lynx - Hardware Manuals (DMC-v2015-05-15) - Atari Lynx - Software Manuals (DMC-v2015-05-15); - Atari Lynx - Applications (TOSEC-v2013-12-13), Atari Lynx - Demos (TOSEC-v2013-12-13), Atari Lynx - Firmware (TOSEC-v2013-12-13), Atari Lynx - Games (TOSEC-v2013-12-13) - папки последней на сегодня версии TOSEC. В папке Games валяется много неразобранных игр (ZZZ-UNK), среди которых попадаются истинные раритеты; - GoodLynx (2.01). ГудСэт. 89 архивов с различными версиями игр, плюс архив с Public Domain играми, которые я на этот раз решил оставить в одном архиве; - No-Intro (2013-03-03). Последний No-Intro сэт. 85 архивов, включающих в себя только рабочие версии игр, плюс БИОС; - NonGoodLYNX (2014-12-14) - всего понемногу, собранное на просторах интернета; - NonSet Games. Как обычно, включаю в раздачу мою попытку найти всё, что не выложено в вышеупомянутых сборках. Есть интересные вещи, хоть их и немного. - Boxes - сканы коробок от игр; - Cartridges - сканы самих картриджей; - Screenshots - скриншоты к большинству игр; A.P.B. (1991)(color) Awesome Golf (1991)(color) Baseball Heroes (1992) Basketbrawl (1992) Batman Returns (1992) Battle Wheels (1993) Battlezone 2000 (1995) Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1991)(color) Block Out (1991)(color) Blue Lightning (1989) Bubble Trouble (1994) California Games (1989) Championship Rally (2000)(color) Checkered Flag (1991)(color) Chip's Challenge (1989) Crystal Mines II (1992) Cyber Virus (2001)(color) Cyber Virus - CinciClassic Edition (2001)(color) Desert Strike - Return To The Gulf (1993) Dinolympics (1992) Dirty Larry - Renegade Cop (1992) Dracula - The Undead (1992) Electrocop (1989) European Soccer Challenge (1993) Fat Bobby (1997) Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge, The (1991) Gates Of Zendocon, The (1989)(color) Gauntlet - The Third Encounter (1990) Gordo 106 (1992) Hard Drivin' (1991)(color) Hockey (1992) Hydra (1992) Hyperdrome (1999) Ishido - The Way Of Stones (1991)(color) Jimmy Connors' Tennis (1993) Joust (1992) Klax (1990) Krazy Ace - Miniature Golf (1993) Kung Food (1992) Lemmings (1993) Lexis (1999) Lynx Casino (1992) Malibu Bikini Volleyball (1993) Ms. Pac-Man (1990) Ninja Gaiden (1991)(color) Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship Of Doom (1993) Pac-Land (1991) Paperboy (1990) Pinball Jam (1992) Pit Fighter (1992) Ponx (1999) Power Factor (1992) Qix (1991) Rampage (1990) Rampart (1992) Remnant (2000) RoadBlasters (1990) Robo-Squash (1990) Robotron - 2084 (1991) Rygar (1990) S.I.M.I.S. (1998) S.T.U.N. Runner (1991)(color) Scrapyard Dog (1991)(color) Shadow Of The Beast (1992) Shanghai (1990) SokoMania (1999)(color) Steel Talons (1992) Super Asteroids & Missile Command (1995) Super Off-Road (1993) Super Skweek (1991)(color) Switchblade II (1992) Todd's Adventure In Slime World (1990) Toki (1992) Tournament Cyberball (1991)(color) Turbo Sub (1991)(color) Viking Child (1991)(color) Warbirds (1991)(color) World Class Fussball-Soccer (1992) Xenophobe (1990) Xybots (1991)(color) Zarlor Mercenary (1990) A.P.B. (1991) Awesome Golf (1991) Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1991) Block Out (1991) Checkered Flag (1991) Hard Drivin' (1991) Ishido - The Way Of Stones (1991) Ninja Gaiden (1991) S.T.U.N. Runner (1991) Scrapyard Dog (1991) Super Skweek (1991) Tournament Cyberball (1991) Turbo Sub (1991) Viking Child (1991) Xybots (1991) Cartridge Boot (1990)(U) Handebug - Downloading A Game Cartridge (1989)(U) Handebug Info (1989)(U) Handebug Info (1990)(U) Handebug Specifications (1988)(U) Handebug Versions Changes (1989)(U) Handevelop Hardware & Programming Description (1989)(U) Handy Appendix 2 Hardware Addresses (1989)(U) Handy Appendix 5 System Bus Interplay (1989)(U) Handy Release Notes (1989)(U) Handy Releases (1990)(U) Handy Schematics (1989)(U) Handy Software Programmer's Guide & Notes (1989)(U) Handy Specifications (1989)(U) HandyASM (1990)(U) HandyROM Program Specifications (1989)(U) HKCS Update Notes (1989)(U) HSFX - Handy Sound Effects System (1989)(U) Lynx Sound Overview (1989)(U) Atari Lynx Owner's Manual (1991)(U) Schematic Diagram Handy Game - Full v1 (1992)(U) Schematic Diagram Handy Game - Full v2 (1992)(U) Schematic Diagram Handy Game - Parts (1992)(U) Schematic Diagram Lynx II - Hayto (1992)(U) SFX - The Ultimate Audio Tool (1999) Atari Lynx II Production Test v0.02 (1989)(Atari) Atari Lynx II Production Test v0.02 (1989)(Atari)[a] BRK Server Installer (1996)(Schick, Bastian)(PD) Chip-8 Emulator v0.1 (2004)(-)(PD) Chip-8 Emulator v0.2 (2004)(-)(PD) Chip-8 Emulator v0.3 (2004)(-)(PD) Chip-8 Emulator v0.4 (2004)(-)(PD) Chip-8 Emulator v0.5 (2004)(-)(PD) Chip-8 Emulator v0.6 (2004)(-)(PD) 256 Color Demo (1997)(Schick, Bastian)(PD) 256 Color Demo (1997)(Schick, Bastian)(PD)[a] 256 Color Mandelbrot Demo (1998)(Schick, Bastian)(PD) 256 Color Mandelbrot Demo (1998)(Schick, Bastian)(PD)[a] 3D Demo (19xx)(-)(PD) 3D Demo (19xx)(-)(PD)[a] Befok (19xx)(High, Jum)(PD) Boing Demo (19xx)(-)(PD) Boing Demo (19xx)(-)(PD)[a2] Boing Demo (19xx)(-)(PD)[a] Bouncing Balls & Input Test (199x)(-)(PD) Break Point Test (199x)(-)(PD) Bubble Bobble Demo v0.2 (199x)(-)[p] C65 - Demo0 (1998)(-)(PD) C65 - Demo0 (1998)(-)(PD)[a] C65 - Demo1 (1998)(-)(PD) C65 - Demo1 (1998)(-)(PD)[a] C65 - Demo2 (1998)(-)(PD) C65 - Demo2 (1998)(-)(PD)[a] C65 - Demo3 (1998)(-)(PD) C65 - Demo3 (1998)(-)(PD)[a] C65 - GFXTest (1998)(-)(PD) C65 - GFXTest (1998)(-)(PD)[a] C65 - Mandelbrot (1998)(-)(PD) C65 - Mandelbrot (1998)(-)(PD)[a] C65 - Mazedemo (1998)(-)(PD) C65 - Mazedemo (1998)(-)(PD)[a] C65 - Minimal (1998)(-)(PD) C65 - Minimal (1998)(-)(PD)[a] C65 - Sprite (1998)(-)(PD) C65 - Sprite (1998)(-)(PD)[a] Cartshow (1998)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Circle Draw Routine 1 (199x)(-)(PD) Circle Draw Routine 2 (199x)(-)(PD) Clicks Demo 6 (2001)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Conquest of Zow (1996)(Dodgson, Harry)(PD) Conquest of Zow (1996)(Dodgson, Harry)(PD)[a] Corridor Routine (1998)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Digidemo 1 (1994)(Schick, Bastian)(PD) Digidemo 2 (1994)(Schick, Bastian)(PD) Dragnet Music (1994)(Schick, Bastian)[p] Dragnet Music (1994)(Schick, Bastian)[p][a] Dungeon Routine 1 (1997)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Dungeon Routine 2 (1998)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Dungeon Routine 3 (1998)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) EEPROM Check (1996)(Schick, Bastian)(PD) EEPROM Routine 1 (199x)(-)(PD) EEPROM Routine 2 (199x)(-)(PD) Fighter Demo v0.2 (2000)(Vick)(PD) Font Routine (199x)(Schick, Bastian)(PD) Ghouls & Ghosts Demo v0.2 (199x)(-) Interrupt Query Test (199x)(-)(PD) Mandelbrot Demo (1993)(Schick, Bastian)(PD) Mario Plus Demo (199x)(-)[p] Mega Man Plus Demo (199x)(-)[p] Mini Demo 1 (1998)(-)(PD) Mini Demo 2 (1998)(-)(PD) Mini Demo 3 (1998)(-)(PD) Mini Demo 4 (1998)(-)(PD) Mini Demo 5 (1998)(-)(PD) Mini Demo 6 (1998)(-)(PD) Para Lemi! v001 (1997)(-)(PD) Para Lemi! v002 (1997)(-)(PD) Para Lemi! v003 (1997)(-)(PD) Para Lemi! v004 (1997)(-)(PD) Para Lemi! v005 (1997)(-)(PD) Puzzler 2000 - Air Music (1998)(Wuhl, Markus)(PD) Puzzler 2000 - Early Demo v0.2 (1998)(Wuhl, Markus)(PD) Puzzler 2000 - Entertainer Music (1998)(Wuhl, Markus)(PD) Puzzler 2000 - Invent 13 Music (1998)(Wuhl, Markus)(PD) Puzzler 2000 - Playable v0.43 (1998)(Wuhl, Markus)(PD) Puzzler 2000 - Playable v0.4x (1998)(Wuhl, Markus)(PD) Raw Draw Test (199x)(-)(PD) Remnant Planar Wars 3D (2000)(Songbird)(PD) Snakebyte (199x)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Sprite Demo 1 (2000)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Sprite Demo 2 (2000)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Sprite Demo 3 (2000)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Sprite Demo 4 (2000)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Sprite Demo 4b (2000)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Sprite Demo 5 (2000)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Stardreamer 2000 (2000)(-)(PD) Super Sprint Title Screen Demo (2000)(-)(PD) Text Output Test 1 (1997)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Text Output Test 2 (1998)(Domin, Matthias)(PD) Wuerfel 3 Demo (199x)(-)(PD) ZZZ-UNK-abc music creator ZZZ-UNK-bali2_pal_8_83 ZZZ-UNK-blob ZZZ-UNK-cape4_pal_8_83 ZZZ-UNK-CARDHEAD ZZZ-UNK-cf - Oooh, what is it going to be ZZZ-UNK-Charge Field 2 - charges animated ZZZ-UNK-Charge Field 2 - meters ZZZ-UNK-Circle Tunnel by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Clicks! by Domin, Matthias (2001) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Clicks! Version 6 ZZZ-UNK-Conquistador ZZZ-UNK-Demo 1 by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Demo 2 by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Demo 3 by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Demo 4 by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Demo 5 by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Demo 6 by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Demo 6 by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) [a] ZZZ-UNK-devoecosmostea_pal_8_83 ZZZ-UNK-diaporama ZZZ-UNK-disney_pal_8_83 ZZZ-UNK-dolphin_pal_8_83 ZZZ-UNK-Drawtest by Schick, Bastian (199x) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Dynalynx v0.4 ZZZ-UNK-fighter2 ZZZ-UNK-Fire (Fever) Demo by Schick, Bastian (1997) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Font Test 2 by Schick, Bastian (199x) (PD) [a] ZZZ-UNK-fruitbasket_pal_8_83 ZZZ-UNK-gnop 0.4SE ZZZ-UNK-gnop 0.6 ZZZ-UNK-GOTBALLS ZZZ-UNK-I2C EEPROM Test by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-insert ZZZ-UNK-Insert Game Screen by Schick, Bastian (199x) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-IRQ Test by Schick, Bastian (1998) (PD) [a] ZZZ-UNK-jellybeans (2005-08-24) ZZZ-UNK-JumTro #1 by Jum High '98 (PD) ZZZ-UNK-kimura_pal_8_83 ZZZ-UNK-Kistenschieben v0.2 ZZZ-UNK-Lite (Fever) by Schick, Bastian (1997) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Logon by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Logon by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) [a] ZZZ-UNK-Lynx Reloaded - Bjorn Spruck 2003 ZZZ-UNK-MandelBrot Demo by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Micro Font Data by Schick, Bastian (1999) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Micro Font Dumper by Schick, Bastian (199x) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Moon Runner by Jum High (PD) ZZZ-UNK-multcart ZZZ-UNK-Multi Pong 1k by Bjoern Spruck ZZZ-UNK-multipong1k_1player ZZZ-UNK-multipong1k_2player ZZZ-UNK-orgna012 ZZZ-UNK-othello ZZZ-UNK-othello [lyx] ZZZ-UNK-ottelo ZZZ-UNK-palette ZZZ-UNK-peugeot ZZZ-UNK-Play Sound Sample by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Poker Game ZZZ-UNK-Poker Game 256 (2005-06-20) ZZZ-UNK-Poker Game 512 (2005-06-20) ZZZ-UNK-Pong 4 Fun v0.20 ZZZ-UNK-PONR_II ZZZ-UNK-puyo ZZZ-UNK-rapide_racer ZZZ-UNK-rapide_racer [lyx] ZZZ-UNK-Raw by Schick, Bastian (1997) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Raw by Schick, Bastian (1997) (PD) [a2] ZZZ-UNK-seastars_pal_8_83 ZZZ-UNK-shore_pal_8_83 ZZZ-UNK-Show King Tut by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Show King Tut by Schick, Bastian (1996) (PD) [a] ZZZ-UNK-shuttle_pal_8_83 ZZZ-UNK-sinscrol ZZZ-UNK-Sound Demo by Schick, Bastian (1997) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Sound Demo by Schick, Bastian (1997) (PD) [a] ZZZ-UNK-Space Lock (Rev 20040529)(Beta) ZZZ-UNK-space lock [2005-04-25] ZZZ-UNK-space lock [2005-05-16] ZZZ-UNK-space lock Demo ![]() Atari Lynx BIOS (1989)(Atari) Atari Lynx BIOS (1989)(Atari)[a] Alien vs Predator (1994)(Images)(proto) All Points Bulletin (1990)(Tengen Inc) All Points Bulletin (1990)(Tengen Inc)[bad] Awesome Golf (1991)(Atari Corp) Awesome Golf (1991)(Atari Corp)[a] Awesome Golf (1991)(Atari Corp)[bad] Baseball Heroes (199x)(-)[b2] Baseball Heroes (199x)(-)[bad] Basketbrawl (1992)(Atari Corp) Basketbrawl (1992)(Atari Corp)[a2] Basketbrawl (1992)(Atari Corp)[a] Basketbrawl (1992)(Atari Corp)[bad] Batman Returns (1992)(DC Comics Inc) Batman Returns (1992)(DC Comics Inc)[bad] Battle Wheels (1993)(Beyond Games) Battle Wheels (1993)(Beyond Games)[a2] Battle Wheels (1993)(Beyond Games)[a] Battlezone 2000 (1993)(Atari Corp) Battlezone 2000 (1993)(Atari Corp)[a] Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1991)(Atari Corp) Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1991)(Atari Corp)[bad] Block Out (1990)(Atari Corp) Block Out (1990)(Atari Corp)[a] Blue Lightning (1989)(Epyx Inc) Blue Lightning (1989)(Epyx Inc)[a] Blue Lightning (demo) (1989)(Epyx Inc) Blue Lightning (demo) (1989)(Epyx Inc)[a] Bubble Trouble (1993)(Lore Design Ltd) Bubble Trouble (1993)(Lore Design Ltd)[a] California Games (1991)(Epyx Inc) California Games (1991)(Epyx Inc)[a2] California Games (1991)(Epyx Inc)[a] Centipede (198x)(Shadowsoft Inc) Centipede (198x)(Shadowsoft Inc)[a] Checkered Flag (1991)(Atari Corp) Checkered Flag (1991)(Atari Corp)[bad] Chip's Challenge (1989)(Epyx Inc) Chip's Challenge (1989)(Epyx Inc)[a] Crystal Mines II (1991)(Atari Corp) Crystal Mines II (1991)(Atari Corp)[a] Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (1993)(Telegames) Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (1993)(Telegames)[bad] Dinolympics (1992)(Atari Corp) Dinolympics (1992)(Atari Corp)[bad] Dirty Larry - Renegade Cop (1992)(Atari Corp) Dirty Larry - Renegade Cop (1992)(Atari Corp)[a2] Dirty Larry - Renegade Cop (1992)(Atari Corp)[a] Dirty Larry - Renegade Cop (1992)(Atari Corp)[bad] Double Dragon (1993)(Telegames) Double Dragon (1993)(Telegames)[bad] Dracula - The Undead (1991)(Atari Corp) Dracula - The Undead (1991)(Atari Corp)[bad] Electrocop (1989)(Atari Corp) Electrocop (1989)(Atari Corp)[a] European Soccer Challenge (1993)(Telegames) European Soccer Challenge (1993)(Telegames)[a] Eye of the Beholder (1990)(Atari Corp)(proto) Fat Bobby (1993)(Atari Corp) Fat Bobby (1993)(Atari Corp)[a] Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge (1991)(Telegames) Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge (1991)(Telegames)[a2] Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge (1991)(Telegames)[a] Gates of Zendocon, The (1989)(Epyx Inc) Gates of Zendocon, The (1989)(Epyx Inc)[a2] Gates of Zendocon, The (1989)(Epyx Inc)[a] Gauntlet - The Third Encounter (1989)(Tengen Inc) Gauntlet - The Third Encounter (1989)(Tengen Inc)[a] Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey (1992)(Tenth Planet) Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey (1992)(Tenth Planet)[b2] Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey (1992)(Tenth Planet)[bad] Hard Drivin' (1993)(Tengen Inc) Hard Drivin' (1993)(Tengen Inc)[a2] Hard Drivin' (1993)(Tengen Inc)[a] Hockey (1992)(Atari Corp) Hockey (1992)(Atari Corp)[bad] Hydra (1992)(Tengen Inc) Hydra (1992)(Tengen Inc)[bad] Ishido - The Way of the Stones (1991)(Atari Corp) Ishido - The Way of the Stones (1991)(Atari Corp)[a] Jimmy Connors Tennis (1993)(Atari Corp) Jimmy Connors Tennis (1993)(Atari Corp)[b2] Jimmy Connors Tennis (1993)(Atari Corp)[bad] Joust (1993)(Shadowsoft Inc) Joust (1993)(Shadowsoft Inc)[a2] Joust (1993)(Shadowsoft Inc)[a] Klax (1990)(Tengen Inc) Klax (1990)(Tengen Inc)[bad] Krazy Ace Minature Golf (1992)(Telegames) Krazy Ace Minature Golf (1992)(Telegames)[a] Krazy Ace Minature Golf (1992)(Telegames)[b2] Krazy Ace Minature Golf (1992)(Telegames)[b3] Krazy Ace Minature Golf (1992)(Telegames)[bad] Kung Food (1992)(Atari Corp) Kung Food (1992)(Atari Corp)[bad] Lemmings (1993)(Atari Corp) Lemmings (1993)(Atari Corp)[bad] Lexis (1994)(Shadowsoft Inc) Lexis (1994)(Shadowsoft Inc)[a] Lode Runner (1996)(Broderbund Software) Loopz v0.06 (1992)(Hand Made Software)(proto) Loopz v0.06 (1992)(Hand Made Software)(proto)[a] Lynx Casino (1992)(Atari Corp) Lynx Casino (1992)(Atari Corp)[bad] Malibu Bikini Volleyball (1993)(Atari Corp) Malibu Bikini Volleyball (1993)(Atari Corp)[bad] Marble Madness (1997)(Matthias Domin)(PD) Marble Madness (1999)(Matthias Domin)(PD) Marlboro Go! (1993)(Digital Image)(proto) Marlboro Go! (1993)(Digital Image)(proto)[a] Ms. Pac-Man (1990)(Atari Corp) Ms. Pac-Man (1990)(Atari Corp)[a] Ms. Pac-Man (1990)(Atari Corp)[bad] NFL Football (1990)(Atari Corp) NFL Football (1990)(Atari Corp)[bad] Ninja Gaiden (1990)(Atari Corp) Ninja Gaiden (1990)(Atari Corp)[bad] Ninja Gaiden III - Ancient Ship of Doom (1993)(Atari Corp) Ninja Gaiden III - Ancient Ship of Doom (1993)(Atari Corp)[b2] Ninja Gaiden III - Ancient Ship of Doom (1993)(Atari Corp)[bad] Pac-Land (1991)(Atari Corp) Pac-Land (1991)(Atari Corp)[a] Paperboy (1990)(Tengen Inc) Paperboy (1990)(Tengen Inc)[a2] Paperboy (1990)(Tengen Inc)[a] Pinball Jam (1992)(Atari Corp) Pinball Jam (1992)(Atari Corp)[bad] Pit Fighter (1992)(Tengen Inc) Pit Fighter (1992)(Tengen Inc)[bad] Pong 5 (1997)(Carl Forhan)(PD) Pong 5 (1997)(Carl Forhan)(PD)[a] Power Factor (1992)(Atari Corp) Power Factor (1992)(Atari Corp)[bad] Qix (1991)(Telegames) Qix (1991)(Telegames)[a] Raiden (1997)(Atari Corp) Raiden (1997)(Atari Corp)[a2] Raiden (1997)(Atari Corp)[a] Rampage (1991)(Atari Corp) Rampage (1991)(Atari Corp)[bad] Rampart (1991)(Tengen Inc) Rampart (1991)(Tengen Inc)[bad] Road Blasters (1990)(Tengen Inc) Road Blasters (1990)(Tengen Inc)[bad] Road Riot (1994)(Tengen Inc) Robo Squash (1990)(Atari Corp) Robo Squash (1990)(Atari Corp)[a] Robotron 2084 (1991)(Shadowsoft Inc) Robotron 2084 (1991)(Shadowsoft Inc)[a2] Robotron 2084 (1991)(Shadowsoft Inc)[a] Rygar - Legendary Warrior (1990)(Atari Corp) Rygar - Legendary Warrior (1990)(Atari Corp)[bad] S.T.U.N. Runner (1991)(Tengen Inc) S.T.U.N. Runner (1991)(Tengen Inc)[bad] Scrapyard Dog (1991)(Atari Corp) Scrapyard Dog (1991)(Atari Corp)[bad] Shadow of the Beast (1992)(Atari Corp) Shadow of the Beast (1992)(Atari Corp)[a] Shadow of the Beast (1992)(Atari Corp)[bad] Shanghai (1990)(Atari Corp) Shanghai (1990)(Atari Corp)[a] Steel Talons (1991)(Tengen Inc) Steel Talons (1991)(Tengen Inc)[bad] Super Asteroids & Missile Command (1994)(Atari Corp) Super Asteroids & Missile Command (1994)(Atari Corp)[a] Super Off Road (1993)(Telegames) Super Skweek (1991)(Atari Corp) Super Skweek (1991)(Atari Corp)[a] Super Skweek (1991)(Atari Corp)[bad] Switchblade II (1992)(Atari Corp) Switchblade II (1992)(Atari Corp)[bad] T-Tris (1993)(Bastian Schick)(PD) T-Tris (1993)(Bastian Schick)(PD)[a] Tetris (199x)(-)[b2] Tetris (199x)(-)[b3] Tetris (199x)(-)[bad] Todd's Adventures - Slime World (1990)(Epyx Inc) Todd's Adventures - Slime World (1990)(Epyx Inc)[a] Toki (1990)(Atari Corp) Toki (1990)(Atari Corp)[bad] Tournament Cyberball 2072 (1991)(Tengen Inc) Tournament Cyberball 2072 (1991)(Tengen Inc)[bad] Turbo Sub (1991)(Atari Corp) Turbo Sub (1991)(Atari Corp)[a] Viking Child (1991)(Atari Corp) Viking Child (1991)(Atari Corp)[bad] Warbirds (1990)(Atari Corp) Warbirds (1990)(Atari Corp)[a2] Warbirds (1990)(Atari Corp)[a] World Class Soccer (1992)(Atari Corp) World Class Soccer (1992)(Atari Corp)[b2] World Class Soccer (1992)(Atari Corp)[bad] Xenophobe (1990)(Atari Corp) Xenophobe (1990)(Atari Corp)[a2] Xenophobe (1990)(Atari Corp)[a3] Xenophobe (1990)(Atari Corp)[a4] Xenophobe (1990)(Atari Corp)[a] Xybots (1991)(Tengen Inc) Xybots (1991)(Tengen Inc)[bad] Zarlor Mercenary (1990)(Epyx Inc) Zarlor Mercenary (1990)(Epyx Inc)[a] Zarlor Mercenary (1990)(Epyx Inc)[bad] ZZZ-UNK-2001 ZZZ-UNK-2001_V2 ZZZ-UNK-A.P.B. - All Points Bulletin (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Alien vs Predator (U) (Beta) ZZZ-UNK-Anti A-Bomb Aircraft Artillery (2005) (Sampo) ZZZ-UNK-ATARI ZZZ-UNK-Awesome Golf (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Baseball Heroes (UE) [bad] ZZZ-UNK-Basketbrawl (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Batman Returns (1992) ZZZ-UNK-Batman Returns (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Battle Wheels (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Battlezone 2000 (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Befok (20021012) by Jum Hig (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Befok#Maze (20021012) by Jum Hig (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Befok#Packraw (20021012) by Jum Hig (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Block Out (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Blue Lightning (U) (Demo) ZZZ-UNK-Blue Lightning (UE) ZZZ-UNK-bombe ZZZ-UNK-Booster (2005) (jum) ZZZ-UNK-Booster (WIP 2005-12-28) ZZZ-UNK-booster_01 ZZZ-UNK-booster_03 ZZZ-UNK-Bubble Trouble (1997) (Telegames) ZZZ-UNK-Bubble Trouble (UE) ZZZ-UNK-building ZZZ-UNK-bullet ZZZ-UNK-California Games (UE) ZZZ-UNK-CARDHEAD- ZZZ-UNK-Centipede (Prototype) (1987) (Shadowsoft) ZZZ-UNK-Centipede (U) (Beta) ZZZ-UNK-Checkered Flag (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Chip's Challenge (1989) ZZZ-UNK-Chip's Challenge (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Choplifter (2000) by Jum Hig (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Choplifter by Jum High (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Chopper (2005)(Higgs, James) ZZZ-UNK-clock ZZZ-UNK-Crystal Mines II (1990) [o] ZZZ-UNK-Crystal Mines II (UE) ZZZ-UNK-dead ZZZ-UNK-Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (UE) ZZZ-UNK-dgate [prototype] ZZZ-UNK-Dinolympics (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Dirty Larry - Renegade Cop (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Double Dragon (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Dracula - The Undead (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Electrocop (UE) ZZZ-UNK-European Soccer Challenge (1993) (Telegames) ZZZ-UNK-European Soccer Challenge (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Eye of the Beholder (U) (Beta) ZZZ-UNK-fahne ZZZ-UNK-Fat Bobby (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge, The (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Gates of Zendocon, The (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Gauntlet - The Third Encounter (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey (1993) ZZZ-UNK-Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey (UE) ZZZ-UNK-GOTBALLS ZZZ-UNK-gras ZZZ-UNK-gravitar physics techdemo ZZZ-UNK-gwn_demo ZZZ-UNK-Hallo Welt! (1996) by Bjoern Spruck (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Hallo Welt! 2 (1996) by Bjoern Spruck (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Hard Drivin' (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Hockey (1992) [bad] ZZZ-UNK-Hockey (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Hydra (UE) ZZZ-UNK-INSERT [a] ZZZ-UNK-Ishido - The Way of Stones (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Ishido - The Way of the Stones (1991) ZZZ-UNK-Jimmy Conners' Tennis (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Joust (1993) (Williams) ZZZ-UNK-Joust (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Karateboy minidemo ZZZ-UNK-Klax (UE) ZZZ-UNK-knight ZZZ-UNK-knight moves ZZZ-UNK-Knightmare minidemo ZZZ-UNK-Krazy Ace - Miniature Golf (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Kung Food (UE) ZZZ-UNK-leer ZZZ-UNK-Lemmings (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Lexis (1999) (Songbird) ZZZ-UNK-Lexis (UE) ZZZ-UNK-loader ZZZ-UNK-Loopz (U) (Beta) (v0.06) ZZZ-UNK-Lunar (2004) by Fadest (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Lynx Cart Demo 1.1 ZZZ-UNK-Lynx Casino (1992) ZZZ-UNK-Lynx Casino (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Malibu Bikini Volleyball (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Marlboro Go! (E) (Beta) ZZZ-UNK-Mines 2 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) ZZZ-UNK-minimal ZZZ-UNK-Moon Patrol (20000821) by Jum Hig (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Ms. Pac-Man (UE) ZZZ-UNK-NFL Football (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Ninja Gaiden (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom (UE) ZZZ-UNK-othello ZZZ-UNK-Pac-Land (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Paperboy (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Paraply minidemo ZZZ-UNK-phobyx1 ZZZ-UNK-Pinball Jam (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Pit Fighter - The Ultimate Competition (UE) ZZZ-UNK-play_smp ZZZ-UNK-playsmp1 ZZZ-UNK-playsmp2 ZZZ-UNK-Poker Game (2005-04-10) ZZZ-UNK-Poker Game (2005-06-20) ZZZ-UNK-Power Factor (UE) ZZZ-UNK-projet ZZZ-UNK-Puyo Puyo 2 (PD) ZZZ-UNK-Qix (1991) (Telegames) [o] ZZZ-UNK-Qix (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Raiden (U) (CES Version) (v3.0) ZZZ-UNK-Rampage (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Rampart (UE) ZZZ-UNK-rapide_racer ZZZ-UNK-Road Riot 4WD (Beta) (1994) ZZZ-UNK-Road Riot 4WD (U) (Beta) ZZZ-UNK-RoadBlasters (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Robo-Squash (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Robotron 2084 (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Rygar - Legendary Warrior (UE) ZZZ-UNK-S.T.U.N. Runner (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Scrapyard Dog (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Shadow of the Beast (1992) [bad] ZZZ-UNK-Shadow of the Beast (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Shanghai (1990) ZZZ-UNK-Shanghai (UE) ZZZ-UNK-sintab_8 ZZZ-UNK-soltest6 ZZZ-UNK-Sound driver demo1 ZZZ-UNK-Sound driver demo2 ZZZ-UNK-Sound driver demo3 ZZZ-UNK-Sprite driver demo 4 ZZZ-UNK-stars ZZZ-UNK-Steel Talons (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Super Asteroids & Missile Command (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Super Off-Road (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Super Skweek (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Switchblade II (UE) ZZZ-UNK-tank ZZZ-UNK-tetris ZZZ-UNK-Tetris (1996) [bad] ZZZ-UNK-tetris 2005-04-11 ZZZ-UNK-tetris 2005-04-11a ZZZ-UNK-tetris 2006-01-03 ZZZ-UNK-tetris alt ZZZ-UNK-thedeep ZZZ-UNK-tipover ZZZ-UNK-Todd's Adventures in Slime World (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Toki (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Tournament Cyberball 2072 (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Turbo Sub (1991) ZZZ-UNK-Turbo Sub (UE) ZZZ-UNK-tutowav ZZZ-UNK-Unknown Game 'T-RES' (199x) [bad] ZZZ-UNK-Viking Child (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Warbirds (UE) ZZZ-UNK-wav ZZZ-UNK-World Class Soccer (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Xenophobe (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Xenophobe (UE) [a] ZZZ-UNK-Xybots (UE) ZZZ-UNK-Zaku Public Demo (2005-11-13) ZZZ-UNK-Zarlor Mercenary (UE) 256 Color Demo by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) [a1] 256 Color Demo by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) 256 Color Mandelbrot Demo by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) [a1] 256 Color Mandelbrot Demo by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Alien Vs Predator (Prototype) (1993) [!] APB - All Points Bulletin (1990) [b1] APB - All Points Bulletin (1990) Awesome Golf (1991) [b1] Awesome Golf (1991) Baseball Heroes (1991) [b1] Baseball Heroes (1991) Basketbrawl (1992) [a1] Basketbrawl (1992) [b1] Basketbrawl (1992) Batman Returns (1992) [b1] Batman Returns (1992) Battle Wheels (1993) (Beyond Games) [o1] Battle Wheels (1993) Battlezone 2000 (1996) Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1991) [b1] Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1991) Block Out (1990) [o1] Block Out (1990) Blue Lightning (1989) [a1] Blue Lightning (1989) Blue Lightning Demo (1989) [o1] Blue Lightning Demo (1989) Boing Demo (199x) (PD) [a1] Boing Demo (199x) (PD) [a2] Boing Demo (199x) (PD) [a3] Boing Demo (199x) (PD) BRK Server Installer by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] BRK Server Installer by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Bubble Bobble V.2 Demo (199x) (PD) Bubble Trouble (1997) (Telegames) C65 - Demo0 (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Demo0 (1998) (PD) C65 - Demo1 (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Demo1 (1998) (PD) C65 - Demo2 (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Demo2 (1998) (PD) C65 - Demo3 (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Demo3 (1998) (PD) C65 - Gfxtest (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - GFXTest (1998) (PD) C65 - Mandelbrot (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Mandelbrot (1998) (PD) C65 - Mazedemo (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Mazedemo (1998) (PD) C65 - Minimal (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Minimal (1998) (PD) C65 - Sprite (1998) (PD) [a1] C65 - Sprite (1998) (PD) California Games (1991) [o1] California Games (1991) Cartshow by Matthias Domin (1998) (PD) Centipede (Prototype) (1987) (Shadowsoft) Check EEPROM by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] Check EEPROM by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Checkered Flag (1991) [b1] Checkered Flag (1991) Chip's Challenge (1989) [o1] Chip's Challenge (1989) Chip8 Emulator Release 1 (2004) (PD) Chip8 Emulator Release 2 (2004) (PD) Chip8 Emulator Release 3 (2004) (PD) Chip8 Emulator Release 4 (2004) (PD) Chip8 Emulator Release 5 (2004) (PD) Chip8 Emulator Release 6 (2004) (PD) Circle and Tunnel Demo (199x) (PD) Circle Draw Test (199x) (PD) Circle Tunnel by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Clicks! by Matthias Domin (2001) (PD) Clicks! Demo V6 by Matthias Domin (2001) (PD) Conquest of Zow (1996) Crystal Mines II (1990) [o1] Crystal Mines II (1990) Demo 1 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Demo 2 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Demo 3 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Demo 4 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Demo 5 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Demo 6 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] Demo 6 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (1993) (Telegames) [b1] Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (1993) (Telegames) Digidemo (199x) (PD) Digidemo 2 (199x) (PD) Dinolympics (1992) [b1] Dinolympics (1992) Dirty Larry - Renegade Cop (1992) [b1] Dirty Larry - Renegade Cop (1992) Double Dragon (1993) (Telegames) [b1] Double Dragon (1993) (Telegames) Dracula - The Undead (1991) [b1] Dracula - The Undead (1991) Dragnet (1995) Drawtest by Bastian Schick (199x) (PD) Dungeon, The V.0x by Matthias Domin (1997) (PD) Dungeon, The V.11 by Matthias Domin (1998) (PD) Dungeon, The V.12 by Matthias Domin (1998) (PD) EEPROM Test I2C (199x) (PD) Electrocop (1989) [o1] Electrocop (1989) European Soccer Challenge (1993) (Telegames) [o1] European Soccer Challenge (1993) (Telegames) Eye of the Beholder (Prototype) (1990) (NuFX) Fat Bobby (1997) (Telegames) Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge (1991) (Telegames) [o1] Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge (1991) (Telegames) Fighter V.2 Demo (2000) (PD) Fire (Fever) Demo by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) Font Test 2 by Bastian Schick (199x) (PD) [a1] Font Test 2 by Bastian Schick (199x) (PD) Gates of Zendocon, The (1989) [o1] Gates of Zendocon, The (1989) Gauntlet - The Third Encounter (1990) [o1] Gauntlet - The Third Encounter (1990) Ghouls 'n' Ghosts Plus V.2 Demo (199x) (PD) Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey (1993) [b1] Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey (1993) [b2] Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey (1993) Hard Drivin' (1993) [o1] Hard Drivin' (1993) Hockey (1992) [b1] Hockey (1992) Hydra (1992) [b1] Hydra (1992) I2C EEPROM Test by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Insert Game Screen by Bastian Schick (199x) (PD) IRQ Test by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) [a1] IRQ Test by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Ishido - The Way of the Stones (1991) [o1] Ishido - The Way of the Stones (1991) Jimmy Conners Tennis (1991) [b1] Jimmy Conners Tennis (1991) [b2] Jimmy Conners Tennis (1991) Joust (1993) (Williams) [o1] Joust (1993) (Williams) Klax (1990) [b1] Klax (1990) Krazy Ace Minature Golf (1997) (Telegames) [b1] Krazy Ace Minature Golf (1997) (Telegames) [b2] Krazy Ace Minature Golf (1997) (Telegames) [b3] Krazy Ace Minature Golf (1997) (Telegames) Kung Food (1992) [b1] Kung Food (1992) Lemmings (1993) [b1] Lemmings (1993) Lexis (1999) (Songbird) Lite (Fever) by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) Lode Runner (1996) (Kurt Olsen) Logon by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] Logon by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Loopz (Prototype) (1992) (Handmade Software) Lynx Casino (1992) [b1] Lynx Casino (1992) Lynx Diagnostic Cart V0.02 (1989) Lynx Lib Test Program by Matthias Domin (1997) (PD) Malibu Bikini Volleyball (1993) [b1] Malibu Bikini Volleyball (1993) MandelBrot Demo by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] MandelBrot Demo by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Marble Madness by Matthias Domin (1997) (PD) Marble Madness by Matthias Domin (1999) (PD) Mario Plus Demo (199x) (PD) Marlboro Go! (Prototype) (1993) (Digital Image) Mega Man Plus Demo (199x) (PD) Micro Font Data by Bastian Schick (1999) (PD) Micro Font Dumper by Bastian Schick (199x) (PD) Mines 2 by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Mini Demo 01 by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Mini Demo 02 by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Mini Demo 03 by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Mini Demo 04 by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Mini Demo 05 by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Mini Demo 06 by Bastian Schick (1998) (PD) Ms. Pac-Man (1990) [a1] Ms. Pac-Man (1990) [b1] Ms. Pac-Man (1990) NFL Football (1990) [b1] NFL Football (1990) Ninja Gaiden (1990) [b1] Ninja Gaiden (1990) Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom (1993) [b1] Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom (1993) [b2] Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom (1993) Pac-Land (1991) [o1] Pac-Land (1991) Paperboy (1990) [o1] Paperboy (1990) Para Lemi! v001 (1997) (PD) Para Lemi! v002 (1997) (PD) Para Lemi! v003 (1997) (PD) Para Lemi! v004 (1997) (PD) Para Lemi! v005 (1997) (PD) Pinball Jam (1992) [b1] Pinball Jam (1992) Pit Fighter - The Ultimate Competition (1992) [b1] Pit Fighter - The Ultimate Competition (1992) Play Sound Sample by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Pong5 by Carl Forhan (1997) (PD) [a1] Pong5 by Carl Forhan (1997) (PD) Power Factor (1992) [b1] Power Factor (1992) Puzzler 2000 (Air BGM) (1998) (PD) Puzzler 2000 (Entertainer BGM) (1998) (PD) Puzzler 2000 (Invent13 BGM) (1998) (PD) Puzzler 2000 V.43 (Aug 26) (1998) (PD) Puzzler 2000 V.4x (Aug 15) (1998) (PD) Puzzler 2000 V0.2 Demo (1998) (PD) Qix (1991) (Telegames) [o1] Qix (1991) (Telegames) Raiden (1997) (Telegames) Rampage (1991) [b1] Rampage (1991) Rampart (1991) [b1] Rampart (1991) Raw by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) [a1] Raw by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) [a2] Raw by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) Raycast Corridor by Matthias Domin (1998) (PD) Remnant Planar Wars 3D Beta (2000) (PD) Road Riot 4WD (Beta) (1994) RoadBlasters (1990) [b1] RoadBlasters (1990) Robo-Squash (1990) [o1] Robo-Squash (1990) Robotron 2084 (1991) (Williams) Rygar - Legendary Warrior (1990) [b1] Rygar - Legendary Warrior (1990) S.T.U.N. Runner (1991) [b1] S.T.U.N. Runner (1991) Scrapyard Dog (1991) [b1] Scrapyard Dog (1991) Shadow of the Beast (1992) [b1] Shadow of the Beast (1992) Shanghai (1990) [o1] Shanghai (1990) Show King Tut by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] Show King Tut by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Snakebyte by Matthias Domin (1998) (PD) Sound Demo by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) [a1] Sound Demo by Bastian Schick (1997) (PD) Sprite Ed by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) [a1] Sprite Ed by Bastian Schick (1996) (PD) Sprite-Demo 1 by Matthias Domin (2000) (PD) Sprite-Demo 2 by Matthias Domin (2000) (PD) Sprite-Demo 3 by Matthias Domin (2000) (PD) Sprite-Demo 4 by Matthias Domin (2000) (PD) [a1] Sprite-Demo 4 by Matthias Domin (2000) (PD) Sprite-Demo 5 by Matthias Domin (2000) (PD) Stardreamer (2000) (PD) StarDreamer - Cutscene (2002) (PD) StarDreamer - Docked (2002) (PD) StarDreamer - Flying (2002) (PD) StarDreamer - Full Game (2002) (PD) StarDreamer - Intro (2002) (PD) Steel Talons (1991) [b1] Steel Talons (1991) Super Asteroids & Missile Command (1995) [o1] Super Asteroids & Missile Command (1995) Super Off-Road (1996) (Telegames) Super Skweek (1991) [b1] Super Skweek (1991) Super Sprint Title Screen Demo (2000) (PD) Switchblade II (1992) [b1] Switchblade II (1992) T-Tris (1996) by Bastian Schick [a1] T-Tris (1996) by Bastian Schick Tetris (1996) [b1] Tetris (1996) [b2] Tetris (1996) [b3] TextOut Test Program 2 by Matthias Domin (1998) (PD) Todd's Adventure in Slime World (1990) [o1] Todd's Adventure in Slime World (1990) Toki (1990) [b1] Toki (1990) Tournament Cyberball 2072 (1991) [b1] Tournament Cyberball 2072 (1991) Turbo Sub (1991) [a1] Turbo Sub (1991) Unknown Game 'T-RES' (199x) [b1] Viking Child (1991) [b1] Viking Child (1991) Warbirds (1990) [o1] Warbirds (1990) World Class Soccer (1992) [b1] World Class Soccer (1992) [b2] World Class Soccer (1992) Wuerfel 3 Demo (199x) (PD) Xenophobe (1990) [a1] Xenophobe (1990) [a2] Xenophobe (1990) [a3] Xenophobe (1990) Xybots (1991) [b1] Xybots (1991) Zarlor Mercenary (1990) [b1] Zarlor Mercenary (1990) [o1] Zarlor Mercenary (1990) [BIOS] Atari Lynx (USA, Europe) A.P.B. - All Points Bulletin (USA, Europe) Alien vs Predator (USA) (Proto) Awesome Golf (USA, Europe) Baseball Heroes (USA, Europe) Basketbrawl (USA, Europe) Batman Returns (USA, Europe) Battle Wheels (USA, Europe) Battlezone 2000 (USA, Europe) Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (USA, Europe) Block Out (USA, Europe) Blue Lightning (USA) (Demo) Blue Lightning (USA, Europe) Bubble Trouble (USA, Europe) California Games (USA, Europe) Centipede (USA) (Proto) Checkered Flag (USA, Europe) Chip's Challenge (USA, Europe) Crystal Mines II (USA, Europe) Daemonsgate (USA) (Proto) Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (USA, Europe) Dinolympics (USA, Europe) Dirty Larry - Renegade Cop (USA, Europe) Double Dragon (USA, Europe) Dracula the Undead (USA, Europe) Electrocop (USA, Europe) European Soccer Challenge (USA, Europe) Eye of the Beholder (USA) (Proto) Fat Bobby (USA, Europe) Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge, The (USA, Europe) Gates of Zendocon, The (USA, Europe) Gauntlet - The Third Encounter (USA, Europe) Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey (USA, Europe) Hard Drivin' (USA, Europe) Hockey (USA, Europe) Hydra (USA, Europe) Ishido - The Way of Stones (USA, Europe) Jimmy Connors' Tennis (USA, Europe) Joust (USA, Europe) Klax (USA, Europe) Krazy Ace - Miniature Golf (USA, Europe) Kung Food (USA, Europe) Lemmings (USA, Europe) Lexis (USA, Europe) Loopz (USA) (Proto) Lynx Casino (USA, Europe) Lynx II Production Test Program V0.02 (USA) (Proto) Malibu Bikini Volleyball (USA, Europe) Marlboro Go! (Europe) (Proto) Ms. Pac-Man (USA, Europe) NFL Football (USA, Europe) Ninja Gaiden (USA, Europe) Ninja Gaiden III - The Ancient Ship of Doom (USA, Europe) Pac-Land (USA, Europe) Paperboy (USA, Europe) Pinball Jam (USA, Europe) Pit Fighter - The Ultimate Competition (USA, Europe) Power Factor (USA, Europe) QIX (USA, Europe) Raiden (USA) (v3.0) Rampage (USA, Europe) Rampart (USA, Europe) Road Riot 4WD (USA) (Proto) RoadBlasters (USA, Europe) Robo-Squash (USA, Europe) Robotron 2084 (USA, Europe) Rygar - Legendary Warrior (USA, Europe) S.T.U.N. Runner (USA, Europe) Scrapyard Dog (USA, Europe) Shadow of the Beast (USA, Europe) Shanghai (USA, Europe) Steel Talons (USA, Europe) Super Asteroids, Missile Command (USA, Europe) Super Off-Road (USA, Europe) Super Skweek (USA, Europe) Switchblade II (USA, Europe) Todd's Adventures in Slime World (USA, Europe) Toki (USA, Europe) Tournament Cyberball (USA, Europe) Turbo Sub (USA, Europe) Viking Child (USA, Europe) Warbirds (USA, Europe) World Class Soccer (USA, Europe) Xenophobe (USA, Europe) Xybots (USA, Europe) Zarlor Mercenary (USA, Europe) 2001 2001_V2 3d Demo (PD) 3d Demo 06-2003 (PD) 80's Neon Nights by Sampo A Bug's Lynx (DoctorY, Rygar & Fadest)(2009-04-20 release date).lnx A Bug's Lynx (DoctorY, Rygar & Fadest)(2009-04-20 release date).lyx A Bug's Lynx (DoctorY, Rygar & Fadest)(2009-04-20 release date).o A Novel Program For The Lynx (Haiku) (2012.12.21 03.55) A Novel Program For The Lynx (Novel) (2012.12.21 01.55) a.p.b. - all points bulletin (euro, usa) abc music creator adventure Alien Vs Predator (1994)(Images)(proto) Anti A-Bomb Aircraft Artillery (2005)(Sampo) aqualynx test arkanoid alpha test Atari Lynx Programming Tutorial (Tutorials-13122012) (2012.12.13 15.28) (Tutorial-Colors- Atari Lynx Programming Tutorial (Tutorials-13122012) (2012.12.13 15.28) (Tutorial-Colors- Atari Lynx Programming Tutorial (Tutorials-13122012) (2012.12.13 15.28) (Tutorial-Pens) Atari LYNX Simpsons Music Generator Demo atomix (2006)(Cooper) ATTACK 02-2007 Attack awesome golf (euro, usa) bali2_pal_8_83 bars (2007)(Cooper) baseball heroes (euro, usa) Baseball Heroes (USA, Europe) basketbrawl (euro, usa) batman returns (euro, usa) battle wheels (euro, usa) BATTLEZONE 2000 Battling Chimera Taquin bbh Befok (20021012) by Jum Hig (PD) Befok by Jum High (PD) bill & ted's excellent adventure (euro, usa) Bitchy XXX demo Bll - My Broken Setup... Help! (Bll) (2009.08.07 18.14) (Cardhead) Bll - My Broken Setup... Help! (Bll) (2009.08.07 18.14) (Modtest) Bll - My Broken Setup... Help! (Bll) (2009.08.07 18.14) (Play Smp) Bll - My Broken Setup... Help! (Bll) (2009.08.07 18.14) (Playsmp1) Bll - My Broken Setup... Help! (Bll) (2009.08.07 18.14) (Playsmp2) Bll - My Broken Setup... Help! (Bll) (2009.08.07 18.14) (Popcorn) Bll - My Broken Setup... Help! (Bll) (2009.08.07 18.14) Bll - My Broken Setup... Help! (Project) (2009.08.07 18.15) Bll - My Broken Setup... Help! (Win 32) (2009.08.07 18.13) (Modtest) Bll - My Broken Setup... Help! (Win 32) (2009.08.07 18.13) (Raiden) blob Block Out (USA, Europe) blue lightning (euro, usa) BLUE LIGHTNING DEALER DEMO bobo (2007)(Cooper) Booster (2005) (jum) Booster (WIP 2005-12-28) booster_01 booster_03 BRK btm.lnx btm.lyx btm.o BUBBLE TROUBLE building C-Gull california games (euro, usa) cape4_pal_8_83 CARDHEADER cardtest catkanoid Cc 65 C-Compiler Can Now Create Carts Directly (Hello) (2011.03.15 13.48) Centipede (USA) (Prototype) cf - Oooh, what is it going to be Charge Field 2 - charges animated Charge Field 2 - meters checkered flag (euro, usa) chip's challenge (euro, usa) chip8 Choplifter (2000) by Jum Hig (PD) Choplifter by Jum High (PD) chopper 4 lynx (2005) (James Higgs) Clicks! Version 6 Collision Detection (Collision) (2009.10.23 11.32) (Game) Collision Detection (Collision) (2009.10.23 11.32).lnx Collision Detection (Collision) (2009.10.23 11.32).lyx Collision Detection (Collision) (2012.11.21 07.15) Collision Detection (Collision) (2012.11.26 23.05) Collision logicielle test columns (2007)(Cooper) ComLynx parity (Comlynx) (2014.07.22 16.06) (tutorial-comlynx) Conquistador crystal mines ii (euro, usa) Daemonsgate (USA) (Proto) daemonsgate (usa) (prototype) decaration multiple 0.1 demonsgate [prototype] desert strike - return to the gulf (euro, usa) devoecosmostea_pal_8_83 diaporama dinolympics (euro, usa) dirty larry - renegade cop (euro, usa) disney_pal_8_83 dolphin_pal_8_83 doom demo double dragon (euro, usa) dracula the undead (euro, usa) DRAGNET (DIGIDEMO) Dynalynx v0.4 electrocop (euro, usa) elvira1 elvirot 0.2 Emulators Obvious Difference With Real Hardware (Cart) (2012.04.18 05.21) EUROPEAN SOCCER CHALLENGE Eye of the Beholder (USA) (Prototype) eyeofbeholderddemo256 FAT BOBBY (BETA) Fidelity Ultimate Chess Challenge, The (USA, Europe) fighter2 first fission_01 fission_02 fission_031 fission_05 fission_06 flashing chars demo fruitbasket_pal_8_83 Game Of Life (GameOfLife) (2010.01.18 15.02) garci (2007)(Cooper) gates of zendocon, the (euro, usa) gauntlet - the third encounter (euro, usa) Gauntlet 4-6-90 gif pour lynx - cercle de feu gif pour lynx - galaxie gif pour lynx - la marche de l'alien gif pour lynx - marche pas gif pour lynx - mickey gif pour lynx - perdu gif pour lynx - smurf gif pour lynx - spirale globshoot_0.0_test globshoot_0.2 globshoot_0.3 globshoot_0.3_romeo0.1 globshoot_0.3_romeo0.2 globshoot_0.4 globshoot_03.1 globshoot_05 globshoot_06 globshoot_061 globshoot_062 gnop 0.4SE gnop 0.6 Gomoku on the Lynx (Gomoku) (alpha) (2010.09.05 08.30) gordo 106 - the mutated lab monkey (euro, usa) GOTBALLS (LNX) GOTBALLS (O) gravitar physics techdemo Great Classics cart gwn_demo Hallo Welt! (1996) by Bjoern Spruck (PD) Hallo Welt! 2 (1996) by Bjoern Spruck (PD) handy devkit math samples (divide) handy devkit math samples (mult32) handy devkit math samples (multiply) handy devkit music samples (arabtile) handy devkit music samples (bass) handy devkit music samples (bmx) handy devkit music samples (buzybee) handy devkit music samples (connected) handy devkit music samples (endtile) handy devkit music samples (liberty) handy devkit music samples (points) handy devkit music samples (sfxcall) handy devkit music samples (sink2) handy devkit music samples (spaceone) handy devkit music samples (summer) handy devkit music samples (tester) handy devkit music samples (tokimain) handy devkit musics amples (roadrace) handy devkit samples (digidemo) handy devkit samples (mandel) handy devkit samples (song sfxall) handy devkit samples (testaudio) handy devkit samples (testcart) handy devkit samples (testcontrols) handy devkit samples (testhmusic) handy devkit samples (testhprint) handy devkit samples (testredeye2) handy devkit samples (testsprite2) hard drivin' (euro, usa) hockey (euro, usa) hydra (euro, usa) I need help with the BLL dev kit please! (testflash) (2007.10.30 07.29) Image Tools (Tutorials) (2012.12.09 14.31) (Pens) (Tutorial-Collisions) Image Tools (Tutorials) (2012.12.09 14.31) (Pens) (Tutorial-Sprites) Image Tools (Tutorials) (2012.12.09 14.31) (TGIDemo) (Tgidemo) Image Tools (Tutorials) (2012.12.09 14.31) (Tutorial-Collisions) Image Tools (Tutorials) (2012.12.09 14.31) (Tutorial-Colors) Image Tools (Tutorials) (2012.12.09 14.31) (Tutorial-Helloworld) Image Tools (Tutorials) (2012.12.09 14.31) (Tutorial-Interrupts) Image Tools (Tutorials) (2012.12.09 14.31) (Tutorial-Joystick) Image Tools (Tutorials) (2012.12.09 14.31) (Tutorial-Math) Image Tools (Tutorials) (2012.12.09 14.31) (Tutorial-Pens) Image Tools (Tutorials) (2012.12.09 14.31) (Tutorial-Sprites) Image Tools (Tutorials) (2012.12.09 14.31) (Tutorial-Tgi) IRQ_TEST ishido - the way of stones (euro, usa) Japan2012 jellybeans (2005-08-24) jimmy connors' tennis (euro, usa) joust (euro, usa) jp_roms_avion jp_roms_boule a facettes jp_roms_cameleon jp_roms_chaumiere jp_roms_cheval jp_roms_dauphin jp_roms_des jp_roms_diapo jp_roms_dino jp_roms_dragon jp_roms_fesse jp_roms_hamster jp_roms_homme qui court jp_roms_lac jp_roms_lion jp_roms_lune jp_roms_lunette jp_roms_manga jp_roms_matrix jp_roms_montagne jp_roms_mouton jp_roms_oie jp_roms_old mickey jp_roms_pere noel jp_roms_reussite jp_roms_san diego jp_roms_sexy jp_roms_soustif jp_roms_spirale jp_roms_test jp_roms_tunel jp_roms_walking jp_roms_zombie JumTro #1 by Jum High '98 (PD) Karateboy minidemo kimura_pal_8_83 Kistenschieben v0.2 klax (euro, usa) klondike 2008-11-11 klondike 2008-11-27 knight (2005)(Cooper) Knightmare minidemo KRAZY ACE MINIATUR GOLF kung food (euro, usa) La marche de l alien lemmings (euro, usa) levi the lynx LEXIS limny Lode Runner (LR) (2012.09.11 23.33) LODERUNNER (BETA) LOGON LOOPZ BETA V0.06 LR [a] Luchsenstein 3D (Luchs3d) (2013.05.01 07.56) Lunar (2004) by Fadest (PD) Lynx Cart Demo 1.1 lynx casino (euro, usa) Lynx coding contest (game) (2012.10.23 04.28) Lynx coding contest (palette) (2012.10.23 04.15) Lynx Game List (LynxContestGames) (2013.04.11 17.40) (lynxsketch) Lynx Game List (LynxContestGames) (2013.04.11 17.40) (patw) Lynx Game List (LynxContestGames) (2013.04.11 17.40) (rom20030915) Lynx HSC Solitaire - Atari Lynx 20 years anniversary game (solitaire-2009-08-27) (2009.08.26 23.08) Lynx HSC Solitaire - Atari Lynx 20 years anniversary game (solitaire-2009-08-28) (2009.08.28 10.51) Lynx II Production Test Program V0.02 (USA) (Prototype) Lynx Reloaded - Bjoern Spruck 2003 Lynx Snd Experimental Stuff (Pong) (2012.12.12 10.01) Lynxopoly beta test LynxOsaka (Gps) (2007.09.06 15.15).lnx LynxOsaka (Gps) (2007.09.06 15.15).lyx LynxOsaka (Gps) (2007.09.06 15.15).o LynxOsaka (LynxOsaka) (2007.09.05 00.45) LynxOsaka (LynxOsaka2) (2007.09.06 03.14) malibu bikini volleyball (euro, usa) Malibu-Debug Maria Brink Vertical Taquin Marlboro Go! (Europe) (Prototype) mascot1 MDTM Vol1 MDTM Vol2 Minigame Compo (Minigames2002) (2008.05.24 00.25) (Multi Pong 1k) (1 Player) Minigame Compo (Minigames2002) (2008.05.24 00.25) (Multi Pong 1k) (2 Player) Minigame Compo (Minigames2002) (2008.05.24 00.25) (Ottelo) minimal mk2 Moon Patrol (20000821) by Jum Hig (PD) Moon Runner by Jum High (PD) More programming help needed (scrollmap) (2004.05.10 11.18) Motivated pixel artist + game designer (game) (2012.03.24 04.33) Ms. Pac-Man (USA, Europe) multcart Multi Pong 1k by Bjoern Spruck New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (DScottWilliamsonLynxTechTests) (2013.05.12 19.44) (abtest0.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (DScottWilliamsonLynxTechTests) (2013.05.12 19.44) (fractest0.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (DScottWilliamsonLynxTechTests) (2013.05.12 19.44) (fractest2.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (DScottWilliamsonLynxTechTests) (2013.05.12 19.44) (fractest3.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (DScottWilliamsonLynxTechTests) (2013.05.12 19.44) (polytest.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (DScottWilliamsonLynxTechTests) (2013.05.12 19.44) (quartest.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (DScottWilliamsonLynxTechTests) (2013.05.12 19.44) (rottest0.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (DScottWilliamsonLynxTechTests) (2013.05.12 19.44) (showfroggy.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (DScottWilliamsonLynxTechTests) (2013.05.12 19.44) (testspri2.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (DScottWilliamsonLynxTechTests) (2013.05.12 19.44) (textdemo.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (Froggy) (2013.05.13 19.25) (testcolors.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (Froggy) (2013.05.13 19.25) (testcolors01.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (Froggy) (2013.05.13 19.25) (testcolors02.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (Froggy) (2013.05.13 19.25) (testcolors03.bin) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (Polygons) (2013.05.13 19.44) (polytest.bin Original) New old Lynx technology demos with source and tools (Polygons) (2013.05.13 19.44) (tpp.bin WithQuartet) nfl football (euro, usa) ninja gaiden (euro, usa) ninja gaiden iii - the ancient ship of doom (euro, usa) nyan orgna012 othello.lnx othello.lyx othello.o Ouragan.demo.lnx Ouragan.demo.plus pac-land (euro, usa) palette [a] pamela Paperboy (USA, Europe) Paraply minidemo partym Peg Solitaire (PegSolitaire) (2011.02.02 09.14) Peg Solitaire (PegSolitaireV1.1) (2012.01.26 02.10) Peg Solitaire Source (Peg Solitaire V 1.3) (2012.02.15 12.35) Peg Solitaire Source (Pegsolitaire 512) (2012.02.15 08.22) (Cart) Peg Solitaire Source (Pegsolitaire 512) (2012.02.15 08.22) peugeot pinball jam (euro, usa) pit fighter - the ultimate competition (euro, usa) Poker Game (2005-04-10) Poker Game (2005-06-20) Poker Game (2005-07-10) Poker Game 256 (2005-04-10) Poker Game 256 (2005-06-20) Poker Game 256 (2005-07-10) Poker Game 512 (2005-06-20) Poker Game 512 (2005-07-10) poker_ Pong (2013.12.11) Pong 4 Fun v0.20 Pong Tutorial (Pong) (2012.11.26 03.58) Pong Tutorial (Pong) (2012.11.26 22.57) power factor (euro, usa) projet promotion btm 2011 philippe haouli PUSH 02-2007 push Puyo Puyo 2 (PD) puyo qix (euro, usa) RAIDEN - RELEASE 3 - CES VERSION rampage (euro, usa) rampart (euro, usa) rapide_racer.lnx rapide_racer.lyx rapide_racer.o Red square_v1.0 Red square_v1.1 Return of the Space Coyote, The (20060624) (PD) rgc2010 promotion (philippe H) Road Riot (another different) ROAD RIOT 4WD Road riot(different) roadblasters (euro, usa) Robo-Squash (USA, Europe) robotron 2084 (euro, usa) rom for competition rygar - legendary warrior (euro, usa) s.t.u.n. runner (euro, usa) Safe Use Of Suzy's Math (Game) (2012.03.17 19.47) Safe Use Of Suzy's Math (Game) (2012.03.23 00.55) scrapyard dog (euro, usa) scrolldemo_01.lnx scrolldemo_01.o seastars_pal_8_83 second Sfx Test (Cart) (2012.10.09 07.22) shadow of the beast (euro, usa) Shaken Not Stirred (128kb) (2014.03.14) Shaken Not Stirred (128kb) (2014.03.15) Shaken Not Stirred (128kb) (2014.03.30) Shaken Not Stirred (2014.03.13) Shaken Not Stirred (2014.03.15) Shaken Not Stirred (256kb) (2014.03.12) Shaken Not Stirred (256kb) (2014.03.13) Shaken Not Stirred (256kb) (2014.03.14) Shaken Not Stirred (256kb) (2014.03.15) Shaken, not stirred (shaken) (2014.04.15 06.54) Shaken, not stirred (shaken128) (2014.04.15 23.32) Shaken, not stirred (shaken128) (2014.04.16 09.30) Shaken, not stirred (shaken256) (2014.04.15 23.32) Shaken, not stirred (shaken256) (2014.04.16 09.30) Shanghai (USA, Europe) shore_pal_8_83 shuttle_pal_8_83 Simpsons for the Lynx (simpsons) (2013.02.13 11.20) sinscrol snake (2007)(Cooper) solitaire 2009-07-12 solitaire 2009-07-19 solitaire 2009-07-24 fixed solitaire 2009-07-24 solitaire 2009-07-27 solitaire 2009-07-29 solitaire 2009-07-31 cheat mode solitaire 2009-07-31 solitaire 2009-08-01 solitaire 2009-08-03 solitaire 2009-08-09 solitaire 2009-08-11 solitaire 2009-08-12 solitaire 2009-08-13 solitaire 2009-08-14 solitaire 2009-08-17 solitaire 2009-08-31 solitaire 2009-09-28 Solitare card games for the Lynx (solitaire 2009 07 30) (2009.07.30 00.15) Solitare card games for the Lynx (solitaire) (2009.08.31 00.55) Solitare card games for the Lynx (solitare 2009 07 23) (2009.07.23 11.08) soltest6 Sound driver demo1 Sound driver demo2 Sound driver demo3 Sound In C With No Library (Pong) (2012.12.02 09.37) SOUND Space Domino revival space lock Demo (lnx) space lock Demo ![]() Adventure Alien 1.02 Alien Inbound 0.1 Alien Inbound 0.2 Alien Inbound 0.3 Alien Inbound 0.8 Alien Inbound 0.91 AlleIn Demo (2013)(De) Anti A-Bomb Aircraft Artillery (2005) Atomic by Cooper Autostereogram MDTM Vol1 Autostereogram MDTM Vol2 Bars by Cooper Battlespace2 Befok Bitchy (ROM For Competition) Bobo by Cooper Booster (WIP 2005-12-28) Bug's Lynx, A (2009) C-Gull (2010) Castle Of Khon-Gis, The Catkanoid Centipede 2000 Demo Chip 8 Emulator Choplifter Demo Clicks! (2001) Columns by Cooper Conquistador (2005) D.Scott Williamson Lynx Tech Tests Daemon's Gate Demo Dice Game Dungeon, The (v0.12)(1998) Dynalynx (v2001-08-17) Garci by Cooper Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Arabtile Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Bass Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - BMX Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Buzybee Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Buzyphase Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Connected Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Endtile Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Liberty Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Points Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Roadrace Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - SFXCall Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Sink2 Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Spaceone Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Summer Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Tester Handy Dev Kit Music Smples - Tokimain HiColor Slideshow (Japan2012) JellyBeans (2005-08-24) Karateboy Minidemo (2005) Kistenschieben (v2001-08-16) Knight Move! by Cooper Knightmare Minidemo (2005) Limny (2008) Luchsenstein 3D Lynx Music & SFX Lynx Sketch Lynx-Tris LynxOps 0.1 LynxOps 0.2 Marble Madness (1997) Marble Madness (1999) Marlboro Go! Demo Moon Patrol Alpha My Lynx Demo (1999) NyanCat Othello Ouragan Demo 2012 Paraply Minidemo (2005) PEG Solitaire Peugeot (Taxi Movie Demo) Poker (2005-04-10) Poker (2005-07-07) Poker 256 (2005-07-07) Poker 512 (2005-07-07) Pong (2012) Pong4Fun (v2001-08-23) Push Around The World Rapid Racer Road Riot [a1] Road Riot [a2] Rom (2003-09-15) Rom (2003-09-30) Shaken (2014-03-12) Shaken (2014-03-13) Snake by Cooper Sound Driver Demo (R-Type) Sound Driver Demo 1 (Nostalgia 1907) Sound Driver Demo 2 (Splatter House) Sound Driver Demo 3 (R-Type) Sprite Demo 1 (2000) Sprite Demo 2 (2000) Sprite Demo 3 (2000) Sprite Demo 4 (2000) Sprite Demo 5 (2000) Stardreamer Sudoku by Cooper Swaping Tiles by Cooper Teen Dance Tetris Raiden Demo Traffic Jam Demo (2012) Tron6fun (v2001-08-26) Yastuna Vol. 1 Yastuna Vol. 2 Zaku Demo APB (back) APB (front) Awesome Golf (back) Awesome Golf (front) Baseball Heroes (back) Baseball Heroes (front) Basketbrawl (back) Basketbrawl (front) Batman Returns (back) Batman Returns (front) Battle Wheels (back) Battle Wheels (front) Battlezone 2000 (back) Battlezone 2000 (front) Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (back) Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (front) Block Out (back) Block Out (front) Blue Lightning (back) Blue Lightning (front) Bubble Trouble (back) Bubble Trouble (front) Championship Rally (front) Checkered Flag (back) Checkered Flag (front) Chip's Challenge (back) ChipsChallenge (front) Crystal Mines II (back) Crystal Mines II (front) Crystal Mines II - BT (front) Cyber Virus (front) Cyber Virus - CinciClassic (front) Desert Strike (back) Desert Strike (front) Dinolympics (back) Dinolympics (front) Dirty Larry (back) Dirty Larry (front) Double Dragon (back) Double Dragon (front) Dracula (back) Dracula (front) European Soccer Challenge (back) European Soccer Challenge (front) Fat Bobby (back) Fat Bobby (front) Gates of Zendocon, The (back) Gates of Zendocon, The (front) Gauntlet (back) Gauntlet (front) Gordo 106 (back) Gordo 106 (front) Hard Drivin (back) Hard Drivin (front) Hockey (back) Hockey (front) Hydra (back) Hydra (front) Ishido (back) Ishido (front) Jimmy Conners Tennis (back) Jimmy Conners Tennis (front) Joust (back) Joust (front) Klax (back) Klax (front) Krazy Ace Minature Golf (front) Kung Food (back) Kung Food (front) Lemmings (back) Lemmings (front) Lexis (front) Loopz (front) Lynx Casino (back) Lynx Casino (front) Malibu Bikini Volleyball (back) Malibu Bikini Volleyball (front) MegaPak1 (front) Ninja Gaiden (back) Ninja Gaiden (front) Ninja Gaiden III (back) Ninja Gaiden III (front) Othello (back) Othello (front) Pac-Land (back) Pac-Land (front) Paperboy (back) Paperboy (front) Pinball Jam (back) Pinball Jam (front) Pit Fighter (back) Pit Fighter (front) PokerMania (back) PokerMania (front) Power Factor (back) Power Factor (front) Qix (back) Qix (front) Rampage (back) Rampage (front) Rampart (back) Rampart (front) Remnant (front) RoadBlasters (back) RoadBlasters (front) Robo-Squash (back) Robo-Squash (front) Robotron2084 (front) Rygar (back) Rygar (front) S.T.U.N. Runner (back) S.T.U.N. Runner (front) Scrapyard Dog (back) Scrapyard Dog (front) Shadow of the Beast (back) Shadow of the Beast (front) Shanghai (back) Shanghai (front) SokoMania (front) Steel Talons (back) Steel Talons (front) Super Asteroids & Missile Command (back) Super Asteroids & Missile Command (front) Super Off-Road (back) Super Off-Road (front) Super Skweek (back) Super Skweek (front) Switchblade2 (back) Switchblade2 (front) Todd's Adventure in Slime World (back) Todd's Adventure in Slime World (front) Toki (back) Toki (front) Tournament Cyberball (back) Tournament Cyberball (front) Turbo Sub (back) Turbo Sub (front) Viking Child (back) Viking Child (front) Warbirds (back) Warbirds (front) World Class Fussball-Soccer (back) World Class Fussball-Soccer (front) Xenophobe (back) Xenophobe (front) Xybots (back) Xybots (front) APB - All Points Bulletin (1990) Awesome Golf (1991) Baseball Heroes (1991) Basketbrawl (1992) Batman Returns (1992) Battle Wheels (1993) Battlezone 2000 (1996) Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1991) Block Out (1990) Blue Lightning (1989) Blue Lightning - Flat (1989) Blue Lightning - Ridged (1989) Blue Lightning Demo (1989) California Games (1991) California Games - Flat (1991) California Games - Ridged (1991) Championship Rally (2000) Checkered Flag (1991) Chip's Challenge (1989) Chip's Challenge - Flat (1989) Chip's Challenge - Ridged (1989) Crystal Mines II (1990) Crystal Mines II - Buried Treasure (1999) Cyber Virus (2002) Cyber Virus - CinciClassic Edition (2001) Desert Strike - Return To The Gulf (1993) Dinolympics (1992) Dirty Larry - Renegade Cop (1992) Double Dragon (1993) Dracula - The Undead (1991) Electrocop (1989) Electrocop - Ridged (1989) European Soccer Challenge (1993) Fat Bobby (1997) Gates of Zendocon, The (1989) Gates of Zendocon, The - Flat (1989) Gates of Zendocon, The - Ridged (1989) Gauntlet - Ridged (1990) Gauntlet - The Third Encounter (1990) Gordo 106 - The Mutated Lab Monkey (1993) Hard Drivin' (1993) Hockey (1992) Hydra (1992) Hyperdrome (1999) Ishido - The Way Of The Stones (1991) Jimmy Conners Tennis (1991) Joust (1993) Klax (1990) Kung Food (1992) Lemmings (1993) Lexis (1999) Lynx Casino (1992) Malibu Bikini Volleyball (1993) Ms. Pac-Man (1990) NFL Football (1990) Ninja Gaiden (1990) Ninja Gaiden III (1993) Pac-Land (1991) Paperboy (1990) Pinball Jam (1992) Pit Fighter - The Ultimate Competition (1992) Poker Mania (2003) Ponx (1999) Power Factor (1992) Qix (1991) Rampage (1991) Rampart (1991) Remnant (2000) RoadBlasters (1990) Robo-Squash (1990) Robotron 2084 (1991) Rygar - Legendary Warrior (1990) S.T.U.N. Runner (1991) Scrapyard Dog (1991) SFX (1998) Shadow Of The Beast (1992) Shanghai (1990) Steel Talons (1991) Super Asteroids & Missile Command (1995) Super Off-Road (1996) Super Skweek (1991) Switchblade II (1992) Todd's Adventure In Slime World (1990) Toki (1990) Tournament Cyberball (1991) Turbo Sub (1991) Viking Child (1991) Warbirds (1990) World Class Soccer (1992) Xenophobe (1990) Xybots (1991) Zarlor Mercenary (1990) Alien Inbound v0.91 02 Alien Inbound v0.91 03 Alien Inbound v0.91 AlienVsPredator_1 AlienVsPredator_3 AlienVsPredator_5 AlienVsPredator_9 AlleIn Demo 01 (2013)(De) AlleIn Demo 02 (2013)(De) AlleIn Demo 03 (2013)(De) AlpineGames_SP_1 AlpineGames_SP_10 AlpineGames_SP_4 AlpineGames_SP_8 Anti A-Bomb Aircraft Artillery 01 (2005) Anti A-Bomb Aircraft Artillery 02 (2005) APB_2 APB_4 APB_6 Atomic 01 Atomic 02 Autostereogram MDTM Vol1 Autostereogram MDTM Vol2 AwesomeGolf_1 AwesomeGolf_10 AwesomeGolf_4 AwesomeGolf_7 Bars by Cooper Basketbrawl_1 Basketbrawl_3 Basketbrawl_5 Basketbrawl_8 BatmanReturns_2 BatmanReturns_4 BatmanReturns_6 BatmanReturns_7 BattleWheels_12 BattleWheels_3 BattleWheels_6 BattleWheels_7 Battlezone2000_2 Battlezone2000_5 Battlezone2000_6 Battlezone2000_7 BeFok 01 BeFok 02 BillNTedsExcellentAdventure_1 BillNTedsExcellentAdventure_6 BillNTedsExcellentAdventure_7 BillNTedsExcellentAdventure_8 Bitchy BlockOut_1 BlockOut_4 BlockOut_5 BlockOut_6 BlueLightningDemo_1 BlueLightningDemo_5 BlueLightningDemo_6 BlueLightning_1 BlueLightning_3 BlueLightning_4 BlueLightning_5 Bobo Booster 01 Booster 02 BubbleTrouble_1 BubbleTrouble_5 BubbleTrouble_7 CaliforniaGames_10 CaliforniaGames_2 CaliforniaGames_4 CaliforniaGames_7 Castle Of Khon-Gis, The 01 Castle Of Khon-Gis, The 02 Centipede_2 Centipede_3 Centipede_5 ChampionshipRally_1 ChampionshipRally_3 ChampionshipRally_4 ChampionshipRally_5 CheckeredFlag_1 CheckeredFlag_3 CheckeredFlag_5 CheckeredFlag_8 ChipsChallenge_2 ChipsChallenge_4 ChipsChallenge_6 ChipsChallenge_8 Clicks! 01 Clicks! 02 Columns Conquistador 01 (2005) Conquistador 02 (2005) CrystalMines2BT_1 CrystalMines2BT_2 CrystalMines2BT_3 CrystalMines2BT_5 CrystalMines2_2 CrystalMines2_4 CrystalMines2_6 CrystalMines2_7 CyberVirusCinciClassic_1 CyberVirusCinciClassic_3 CyberVirusCinciClassic_5 CyberVirusCinciClassic_7 Demon's Gate Demo 01 Demon's Gate Demo 02 DesertStrike_2 DesertStrike_6 DesertStrike_8 DesertStrike_9 Dice Game Dinolympics_1 Dinolympics_10 Dinolympics_3 Dinolympics_7 Dinolympics_9 DirtyLarry_1 DirtyLarry_4 DirtyLarry_6 DirtyLarry_9 DoubleDragon_10 DoubleDragon_3 DoubleDragon_5 DoubleDragon_7 Dracula_2 Dracula_5 Dracula_6 Dracula_7 DungeonSlayers_2 DungeonSlayers_4 DungeonSlayers_5 DungeonSlayers_7 Dynalynx 01 Dynalynx 02 Electrocop_4 Electrocop_5 Electrocop_6 Electrocop_7 EuropeanSoccerChallenge_10 EuropeanSoccerChallenge_4 EuropeanSoccerChallenge_7 EuropeanSoccerChallenge_9 EyeOfTheBeholder_1 EyeOfTheBeholder_10 EyeOfTheBeholder_13 EyeOfTheBeholder_15 EyeOfTheBeholder_4 FatBobbyDemo_1 FatBobbyDemo_3 FatBobbyDemo_4 FatBobbyDemo_6 Garci by Cooper GatesOfZendocon_2 GatesOfZendocon_4 GatesOfZendocon_6 GatesOfZendocon_8 Gauntlet_4 Gauntlet_5 Gauntlet_6 Gauntlet_8 GeoDuel_1 GeoDuel_3 GeoDuel_5 GeoDuel_8 Gordo106_1 Gordo106_11 Gordo106_6 Gordo106_7 HardDrivin_2 HardDrivin_4 HardDrivin_6 HardDrivin_8 HiColor Slideshow 01 (Japan2012) HiColor Slideshow 02 (Japan2012) Hockey_2 Hockey_5 Hockey_7 Hockey_8 Hydra_1 Hydra_3 Hydra_5 Hydra_7 Ishido_1 Ishido_5 Ishido_7 Ishido_9 JellyBeans 01 JellyBeans 02 JimmyConnorsTennis_2 JimmyConnorsTennis_4 JimmyConnorsTennis_7 JimmyConnorsTennis_8 Klax_1 Klax_4 Klax_5 Klax_8 Knightmare Minidemo (2005) KrazyAceMiniatureGolf_1 KrazyAceMiniatureGolf_10 KrazyAceMiniatureGolf_6 KrazyAceMiniatureGolf_8 KungFood_1 KungFood_3 KungFood_7 KungFood_8 Lemmings_1 Lemmings_12 Lemmings_6 Lemmings_8 Lemmings_9 Lexis_1 Lexis_5 Lexis_6 Lexis_7 LodeRunner_1 LodeRunner_2 LodeRunner_3 LodeRunner_4 Loopz_3 Loopz_6 Loopz_7 Loopz_8 Loopz_Songbird_1 Loopz_Songbird_2 Loopz_Songbird_3 Loopz_Songbird_4 LynxCasino_1 LynxCasino_4 LynxCasino_5 LynxCasino_7 LynxDiagnosticCart_2 LynxDiagnosticCart_3 LynxDiagnosticCart_6 LynxDiagnosticCart_8 MalibuBikiniVolleyball_2 MalibuBikiniVolleyball_3 MalibuBikiniVolleyball_4 MalibuBikiniVolleyball_5 MarlboroGo_1 MarlboroGo_3 MarlboroGo_5 MarlboroGo_7 MegaPak1_1 MegaPak1_2 MegaPak1_3 MegaPak1_5 MsPacMan_2 MsPacMan_3 MsPacMan_5 MsPacMan_6 NFLFootball_1 NFLFootball_4 NFLFootball_5 NFLFootball_6 NinjaGaiden3_1 NinjaGaiden3_3 NinjaGaiden3_5 NinjaGaiden3_6 NinjaGaiden_1 NinjaGaiden_3 NinjaGaiden_4 NinjaGaiden_5 NyanCat Othello_1 Othello_7 Othello_8 Othello_9 PacLand_2 PacLand_4 PacLand_5 PacLand_6 Paperboy_1 Paperboy_3 Paperboy_5 Paperboy_6 PinballJam_1 PinballJam_3 PinballJam_4 PinballJam_5 PitFighter_1 PitFighter_2 PitFighter_3 PokerMania_1 PokerMania_3 PokerMania_4 Pounce_1 Pounce_10 Pounce_3 Pounce_7 PowerFactor_2 PowerFactor_5 PowerFactor_6 PowerFactor_8 Qix_1 Qix_5 Qix_6 Qix_7 Rampage_1 Rampage_3 Rampage_5 Rampage_6 Rampart_1 Rampart_5 Rampart_6 Rampart_9 ReliefPitcher_1 ReliefPitcher_10 ReliefPitcher_11 ReliefPitcher_5 Remnant_1 Remnant_2 Remnant_3 RoadBlasters_1 RoadBlasters_4 RoadBlasters_6 RoadBlasters_7 RoadRiot4WD_1 RoadRiot4WD_3 RoadRiot4WD_4 RoadRiot4WD_5 RoboSquash_1 RoboSquash_3 RoboSquash_6 RoboSquash_8 Robotron2084_1 Robotron2084_3 Robotron2084_5 Robotron2084_6 Rygar_1 Rygar_4 Rygar_5 Rygar_7 ScrapyardDog_1 ScrapyardDog_3 ScrapyardDog_6 ScrapyardDog_7 SFX_1 ShadowOfTheBeast_1 ShadowOfTheBeast_5 ShadowOfTheBeast_6 ShadowOfTheBeast_8 Shanghai_1 Shanghai_3 Shanghai_4 Shanghai_5 SteelTalons_1 SteelTalons_3 SteelTalons_5 SteelTalons_6 STUNRunner_1 STUNRunner_3 STUNRunner_4 STUNRunner_6 SuperAsteroidsMissileCommand_1 SuperAsteroidsMissileCommand_2 SuperAsteroidsMissileCommand_5 SuperAsteroidsMissileCommand_7 SuperSkweek_1 SuperSkweek_4 SuperSkweek_7 SuperSkweek_8 Switchblade2_1 Switchblade2_2 Switchblade2_3 Switchblade2_4 ToddsAdventuresInSlimeWorld_1 ToddsAdventuresInSlimeWorld_4 ToddsAdventuresInSlimeWorld_6 ToddsAdventuresInSlimeWorld_8 Toki_1 Toki_3 Toki_4 Toki_5 TournamentCyberball_1 TournamentCyberball_3 TournamentCyberball_5 TournamentCyberball_6 TTris_1 TTris_2 TTris_3 TTris_4 TurboSub_1 TurboSub_3 TurboSub_4 TurboSub_6 UltraVortex_1 UltraVortex_3 UltraVortex_5 UltraVortex_7 VikingChild_1 VikingChild_3 VikingChild_4 VikingChild_5 Vindicators_1 Vindicators_2 Vindicators_3 Warbirds_1 Warbirds_4 Warbirds_5 Warbirds_7 WorldClassFussballSoccer_1 WorldClassFussballSoccer_4 WorldClassFussballSoccer_5 WorldClassFussballSoccer_8 Xenophobe_1 Xenophobe_3 Xenophobe_5 Xenophobe_7 Xybots_1 Xybots_3 Xybots_4 Xybots_6 |
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