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Name.............: Hitman.The.Complete.First.Season.PS4-GCMR
PS4 ID...........: CUSA-06508
Date.............: 08.03.2018
Region...........: [X] EU / [] US
FW Needed........: 4.55
Version..........: 01.00
Audio............: English, German, Italian, French, Spanish
Subtitles........: English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Polish
Russian, Spanish (Latin America)
1. Unpack our release
2. Move .pkg root of exFat formated USB-stick
3. Use any PS4 payload out there to enable Package Installer
4. Go to Debug Settings-->Game-->Package installer
5. Install .pkg
6. Go and get a coffee or something while you wait game to install
7. Play the game
To all other PS4 groups out there.
NFO Fix: We fucked up CUSA last time around.